March 4, 2003
Mr. William Freiberger
Assistant General Chairman District 141M IAMAW
Dear Mr. Freiberger:
The following will confirm our understanding regarding the company and union agreement regarding the allowance of back to back double shift swaps. This agreement is cancelable by either party subject to a thirty (30) day notification:
Employees may shift swap to work back to back double shifts, once per workweek.
2. The company may disapprove any back to back double shift swap for any employee where the company finds that there is evidence the employee's productivity, safety, or job performance is adversely affected, as described in item 6 below.
3. There must be a minimum of 7 hours of rest between each of the double shifts worked back to back.
4. Back to back double shift swaps will not be approved for any employee who is on a written warning or higher of the attendance control program.
5. In circumstances where shift trades have been approved (single shift or double shift) and where the employee who is scheduled to work for another employee is unable to do so (e.g., due to a leave of absence (paid or unpaid), transfer, termination, jury duty, schedule rebid, occupational injury), the Company reserves the right to cancel an approved shift trade provided seven (7) days notice is given to affected employees.
6. In the event that the company finds any evidence of an adverse impact to the employee’s performance, productivity or safety the employee’s supervisor shall discuss the concern s with the employee.
Following the discussion, should the company again find further indications of an adverse impact to the employee’s productivity, safety, or job performance then the employees back to back shift swaps will be suspended for six (6) months. Any grievance filed as a result of the suspension of back to back double shift swaps will be limited to the factual question of whether the employee was advised of the company concerns over the adverse impact to their performance, safety or productivity and such grievance will end at the Review Board step of the grievance process