What a Shame !

700UW said:
My point is you are a complete hypocrite.
That is pretty rich coming from you. Anybody remember that ridiculous national debt chart 700UW posted? 
I believe everyone should bring something to the conversation, from now on the thing you should bring is silence. 
SparrowHawk said:
Does said same boasting worker have a manager? does Amtrak have policies in place to prevent or identify theft, fraud etc?
Employees are usually only as good as those that lead them.
Oh please, if he was not UNION they would have fired him for pulling a stunt like that and he would have had it coming.
That is pretty rich coming from someone (la ti da) calling a worker a parasite for taking governemnt funds...

...all from a guy starting a thread here complaining about not getting governemnt aid fast enough when you needed it.
Exactly Glenn,
And  fa la la la la,when you own the message board then he can make the rules, so keep spewing your hypocrisy fa la la la la la la.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I also support how he chooses to justify it to the person in the mirror while complaining about others who receive support.
Only a libtard could justify supplementing to a total of 30 an hour for a no skill job as "support".
Receiving bribe money to vote Democrat is not support. Keep spinning it though.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Well now. Things that make you go hmmm.

You started an entire rant complaining that you didn't get your handout fast enough.

Glenn Quagmire said:
That is pretty rich coming from someone (la ti da) calling a worker a parasite for taking governemnt funds...

...all from a guy starting a thread here complaining about not getting governemnt aid fast enough when you needed it.
The difference is Glenn I did not become a long term dependent. Keep spinning it though. 
You really have a talent for turning a blind eye to what you don't want to see. Libtard conditioning at its finest.
2+2= 5 right Glenn?
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La Li Lu Le Lo said:
So you worked 16 hours overtime in two days at double time and a half, then did not bother to show up to work the next day.
Typical liberal work ethic. 
It looks like YOU are the one getting a helping hand to me. Courtesy of the taxpayer's you abuse.
Who the  " F " are you to castigate me for using a paid SICK DAY, thats made available to me, compliments of THE COMPANY, and agreed upon by my UNION.
In case you DON'T KNOW IT, every Union Contract has a place on the very last page, to 'endorse',.........if both party's agree to the negotiated terms.
Line # 1.........The TCU/IAM (the Union)
Line # 2.........The COMPANY (Amtrak)
( What's that you say. The TCU used GOON intimidation to force Amtrak to sign the contract )
( F'n Capitalistic TOOL .)
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Oh please, if he was not UNION they would have fired him for pulling a stunt like that and he would have had it coming.
You were there and you know this how?