What a Shame !

700UW said:
Hey Fa la la la la la,
Didnt you take the layoff from AA?
Didnt you or do you still collect unemployment?
And did you take the tuition payment or assistance from the Federal Retraining fund?
He is a different kind of parasite I am sure.
southwind said:
When a fellow, ahem, worker, boast's about how he's stickin' it to paying customers, while taking his "Union" lunch, has his hand out for whatever someone puts in it and his paycheck is federally subsidized by taxpayers, I say, by all means, replace his ass with someone else or a machine!
Kev3188 said:
You ever think he might just be f**king with all of you?

It sure seems to work...
You ever think Barry-O might be a union extremist? Didn't think so!
700UW said:
Didnt you take the layoff from AA?
Yes I did.
700UW said:
Didnt you or do you still collect unemployment?
Yes. What is your point? 
700UW said:
And did you take the tuition payment or assistance from the Federal Retraining fund?
I took a grant that covered about 50 percent of my school cost. I got a job in the field I went to school for. The government has made their money back in the first year from their "investment" and will continue to  profit throughout my career. 
The difference is the government is making money off of the money they "invested" in my education. Can you say the government is making money from subsidizing Bears check?
I didn't think so.
Only a stupid libtard would try to draw a correlation between a program that has a return on investment and a program that loses taxpayer money by design, and never ends, solely for the benefit of the Democratic Party.
Also the comparison in general is idiotic. There is a difference between helping someone to become a productive member of society (education) or helping someone who has fallen on hard times and giving someone a handout with no end in sight. 
I have another reason for feeling this way 700UW. 
Paying employees that kind of wage when they have no real job skill is dangerous to the employee as well. They tend to settle and live a 20-30 dollar an hour lifestyle (or whatever they make). The trap is when/if they lose that job they come to the realization that what they learned is not really marketable. Then they find they have trouble even making 60 percent of what they did before (or less).
You want to see something sad, watch a 30 dollar an hour UNION employee lose his job then find out in the real world his "skills" are worth about 8-12 dollars an hour. Watch his life fall apart because he has 20-30 dollar an hour bills and only an 8-12 dollar income.
I almost fell into that trap myself and that is why I have such strong feelings about it. I have seen the fallout from this scenario before and it is not pretty.I made sure this time my skill was decent paying and transferable. 
Glenn Quagmire said:
Well now. Things that make you go hmmm.

You started an entire rant complaining that you didn't get your handout fast enough.

Again, retraining would net laid off employees higher paying jobs. The government would see a return on that investment. Again, can you say the same thing about the scam going on at Amtrak?
I know what I said Glenn and I stand by it.
If you can't see a difference it is because you are making a decision not to. You have your libtard blinders on.
I support the fa la la ti ta di retraining program.

I also support how he chooses to justify it to the person in the mirror while complaining about others who receive support.

Carry on.
southwind said:
When a fellow, ahem, worker, boast's about how he's stickin' it to paying customers, while taking his "Union" lunch, has his hand out for whatever someone puts in it and his paycheck is federally subsidized by taxpayers, I say, by all means, replace his ass with someone else or a machine!
Does said same boasting worker have a manager? does Amtrak have policies in place to prevent or identify theft, fraud etc?
Employees are usually only as good as those that lead them.