What a Shame !

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Fine SparrowHawk, I will listen to your counterpoint. Justify how someone with a no skill job makes as much as an airline mechanic or a machinist.  Now take into consideration the no skill job is tax subsidized and has been for years with no end in sight..
Easy! You have a crappy union in an industry where the work can and is outsourced..
Someone who works in a job regardless of skill that cannot easily be outsourced with a good union can earn above average wages. No where is it written that life is fair. You get what you negotiate. Not my fault that the IAM would rather pay Buffenbarger 300K per year and you barely $50K that sounds like a union issue to me. That and government meddling in the free market.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
On a seperate note,...the last two days I worked "16"  hours OVERTIME, (the last eight at Double Time and a half) , forcing the ..'ol TIRED Bear to 'bang - off ' Today, on a paid Sick day !
So you worked 16 hours overtime in two days at double time and a half, then did not bother to show up to work the next day.
Typical liberal work ethic. 
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
HEY Dog.
It's a Tough Job, but someone's Got to Do It, and I'm Always ready to lend a helping ($$$$$) hand  !! 
It looks like YOU are the one getting a helping hand to me. Courtesy of the taxpayer's you abuse.
SparrowHawk said:
Someone who works in a job regardless of skill that cannot easily be outsourced with a good union can earn above average wages.
That is the best counterpoint you can come up with? What no skill job can't easily be outsourced? You don't think Amtrak could contract ticket sales out for way less money? Wake up.

A machine could do Bears job. It does not cost 30 dollars an hour (and 75 after 40), does not call in sick, and does not leave a long line of customers waiting while it's UNION feeds it.  This is just one of MANY options but, then again, a kiosk can't vote can it?
SparrowHawk said:
 That and government meddling in the free market.
Democrats using taxpayer money to buy UNION voter's is government meddling in the free market.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
There is no "mercy of the market" when government is covering part of your payroll. 
Your opinion sure changed.
SparrowHawk said:
Ah Wal-Mart!

Where to start. I'm opposed to any kind of welfare be it corporate or personal. The success or failure of a entity such as Wal-Mart should be determined by the free market.

We got a Wal-Mart in the town I lived in when there weren't that many on the East Coast and what a difference 15 years makes. Wal-Mart had taken an option on a nice site. Only problem is it was zoned light industrial and they needed a variance. So they're trying to bully the zoning board as they always do. Threatening lawsuits and all of that. Our "Town Fathers" knew that other local communities would reject them through public protest and all manner of resistance as they were typical liberal NIMBY types. Wal-Mart was stuck with us as the only viable site for 20 miles.

So the Zoning folks, the school board and township commisioners sat down with Wal-Mart and told them point blank, "You will pay for the improvements to the intersection, You will supply the school district with new computers for EVERY High School student for 5 years and we will grant you a variance & you can have your store. Otherwise we'll just drag the fight out 10 years in court and approve someone else". Wal-Mart caved and as soon as Target wanted in they got set up very close by.

The folks who actually do their homework on Wal-Mart actually are Wal-Marts worst nightmare. They can be beaten and forced to be good local corporate citizens you just need "Big Picture" politicians and not Crony Capitalists.
delldude said:
SparrowHawk said:
Wal-Mart in many ways is the single most valid argument for government managing the economy. As long as the Sheeple keep buying, they'll keep selling and their business practices will continue unabated.

The article I linked is from PolicyMic, not exactly a beacon of liberal/progressive thought. If PolicyMic comes down on your business practices I'd say you're doing something wrong.

Wal-Mart has made itself a target for Organized Labor and frankly despite their ability to resist to date this is just bad business in my mind

SparrowHawk said:
Wal-Mart is the poster child for great success from an ultimately flawed business model.
YES they are a low price provider of goods.
Much of what is sold there is of poor quality and must be purchased repeatedly. After all why buy a bathing suit for $25 at another store when Wal-Mart sells one for $7.50? Simple really, if the  $25 suit last 5 years and the $7.50 Wal-Mart special last one year the the Wal-mart suit is the most expensive as you've bought five versus one. (AuthorNote: This is a real world example I experienced personally) This is what I refer to as the high cost of cheap.
Wal-Mart used to make a lot of their money via having a more efficient supply chain. That gap has shrunk considerably placing pressure on profits.
WaL-Mart has admitted that they knew that by keeping wages low they dumped a bunch of cost onto the tax payers. I was essentially Corporate policy
Wal-Mart has been sued in something like 44 states for FLSA violations. They (by all account) continue the practices and quietly settle the suits that have totaled close to half a billion dollars
Wal-Mart has what amounts to non existent customer service, try to return something or get help while shopping.
Even their core market of lower middle and lower income customers are getting tired of being beat up by poor service. Profits are shrinking and they've painted themselves into a corner.
This IMO is a classic example of how the high cost of cheap kicks your ass every time. Maybe not right away but soon enough.
Why the change?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
That is the best counterpoint you can come up with? What no skill job can't easily be outsourced? You don't think Amtrak could contract ticket sales out for way less money? Wake up.

A machine could do Bears job. It does not cost 30 dollars an hour (and 2.5X after 40), does not call in sick, and does not leave a long line of customers waiting while it's UNION feeds it.  This is just one of MANY options but, then again, a kiosk can't vote can it?
Democrats using taxpayer money to buy UNION voter's is government meddling in the free market.
Your opinion sure changed.
Why the change?
Not Changed, it's just a reality. As many jobs that were outsourced overseas have been outsourced by automation. since 1980.
ANYONE who punches a time clock is at the mercy of the Bankster, Crony Capitalist Cabal that runs this country. Bush? Romney? Clinto? Obama? ALL funded and ergo OWNED by Wall Street.
When you denigrate a fellow worker you become a tool for and of the Government. The Unions are owned too. Think a guy like Buffenbarger is going to rock the boat and risk hs $300K job for you? Think Harder.
SparrowHawk said:
Not Changed, it's just a reality. As many jobs that were outsourced overseas have been outsourced by automation. since 1980.
ANYONE who punches a time clock is at the mercy of the Bankster, Crony Capitalist Cabal that runs this country. Bush? Romney? Clinto? Obama? ALL funded and ergo OWNED by Wall Street.
When you denigrate a fellow worker you become a tool for and of the Government. The Unions are owned too. Think a guy like Buffenbarger is going to rock the boat and risk hs $300K job for you? Think Harder.
So it is wrong for Wal-Mart payroll to be subsidized by the taxpayer but you are OK with Amtrak's bloated payscales? I am not following your logic. I think you have been hanging around these liberals too long. 
Of course Buffenbarger is not going to risk his 300k job. I never said he would. I don't even know where that came from.
I would hardly call someone that leaves his post during a peak time (long lines, his words) a "worker". 
You call me a tool? I am not the one selling votes. You are the one that is a tool, you are a tool for defending this scam.
Hey Fa la la la la la,
Didnt you take the layoff from AA?
Didnt you or do you still collect unemployment?
And did you take the tuition payment or assistance from the Federal Retraining fund?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
So it is wrong for Wal-Mart payroll to be subsidized by the taxpayer but you are OK with Amtrak's bloated payscales? I am not following your logic. I think you have been hanging around these liberals too long. 
Of course Buffenbarger is not going to risk his 300k job. I never said he would. I don't even know where that came from.
I would hardly call someone that leaves his post during a peak time (long lines, his words) a "worker". 
You call me a tool? I am not the one selling votes. You are the one that is a tool, you are a tool for defending this scam.
I'm NOT "OK" with ANY government subsidy of business.for any reason. Ponder how long Wal-Mart would last if there were no social safety net? Or how long Amtrak would exist if we didn't throw a few billion at them each year.
A FREE MARKET gives everyone a level playing field. Guys like Buffenbarger sell BS by the hundredweight and you bumb dastards keep sucking it up like so much Kool-Aide.
700UW said:
NOTHING is free. The feds through confiscation of wages FORCED us to PAY  for this person's Medical Care. 
Don't you know any bikers? Ass, Gas or Grass nobody rides free. 
SparrowHawk said:
Not Changed, it's just a reality. As many jobs that were outsourced overseas have been outsourced by automation. since 1980.
ANYONE who punches a time clock is at the mercy of the Bankster, Crony Capitalist Cabal that runs this country. Bush? Romney? Clinto? Obama? ALL funded and ergo OWNED by Wall Street.
When you denigrate a fellow worker you become a tool for and of the Government. The Unions are owned too. Think a guy like Buffenbarger is going to rock the boat and risk hs $300K job for you? Think Harder.
When a fellow, ahem, worker, boast's about how he's stickin' it to paying customers, while taking his "Union" lunch, has his hand out for whatever someone puts in it and his paycheck is federally subsidized by taxpayers, I say, by all means, replace his ass with someone else or a machine!