What a Shame !

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
There is a big difference between being an employee of and being subsidized by.
Ok then. In your little mind, someone who has a job that is partially funded by the taxpayer is a parasite, but one who is fully funded by the taxpayer is not.

Like I said, you made the statement. Own it, or say you were mistaken.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Last time I checked a fireman did not watch my house burn down while his UNION fed him lunch.
Local cops, firefighters, water/sewer workers, and soldiers are government employees. Bears works for a private enterprise subsidized by taxpayer money.
That taxpayer money is being used to overcompensate unskilled, poorly performing labor like Bears in exchange for votes. So yeah, he is a parasite.
Now, feel free to say something else from the libtard playbook.
Are people who work in agriculture parasites?  The reason I ask is that the US government has spent billions subsidizing that segment of the economy.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Ok then. In your little mind, someone who has a job that is partially funded by the taxpayer is a parasite, but one who is fully funded by the taxpayer is not.

Like I said, you made the statement. Own it, or say you were mistaken.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Oh I will own it all right.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The fact is Amtrak pay's bears 30 dollars an hour to sit in a booth on his ass and do a job that you could literally train someone to do in less than a day. He does what D2 fliers do every day only it is probably even less complicated than Jetnet. To top it all off he bragged about leaving a long line of customers waiting while he stood in line to vote, complete with a UNION stooge provided lunch. These people not only bought a ticket they also give a portion of their earnings (taxes) to fund Bears inflated paycheck.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]If Amtrak were a private company that did not have its hand out I would not say anything about what Bears makes but, they do and I am. A private company should be able to pay their employees whatever they wish as long as they can afford it. The trouble is, Amtrak can't afford it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Amtrak is a private business, if they can't afford the cost of doing business they either need to a ) lower their wages, b ) raise their prices or c ) go out of business. What they should not be allowed to do is take never ending government handouts.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Spin it how you want Glenn but a scam is a scam.[/SIZE] 
[SIZE=10.5pt]People here are smart enough to know the difference between paying government employees to do essential jobs and a politician funneling taxpayer money into UNION employer wages to buy votes, or at least they should be. [/SIZE]
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
You're a Sanctimonious DOUCHE BAG...' LU - LI - LU '  !!!!!!
and you're a self righteous parasite. You actually believe you are entitled to take a portion of another working person's check to pad your own. 
So La TI ta da du: In your definition of a parasitic worker, all airline employees fall into that category. This especially true for those employed during the 9/11 tragedy. You see we, the taxpayers, gave $5B in aid and $10B in loans to the airlines. You were employed by AMR so you are a parasite (your term, not mine) whose wages were subsidized by us.

"The handouts will go...toward patching the industry. AMR will receive the most aid, an estimated $915 million, followed by UAL, at $804 million. No. 5 Continental gets $396 million, while American Trans Air Inc. (AMT), which ranks 10th, will get $51 million. All told, passenger airlines will get an estimated $4.5 billion, while cargo-only carriers will receive $500 million."


Be a little more careful when you paint. You tend to use a very broad brush with your hatred around here.
Glenn Quagmire said:
So La TI ta da du: In your definition of a parasitic worker, all airline employees fall into that category. This especially true for those employed during the 9/11 tragedy. You see we, the taxpayers, gave $5B in aid and $10B in loans to the airlines. You were employed by AMR so you are a parasite (your term, not mine) whose wages were subsidized by us.

"The handouts will go...toward patching the industry. AMR will receive the most aid, an estimated $915 million, followed by UAL, at $804 million. No. 5 Continental gets $396 million, while American Trans Air Inc. (AMT), which ranks 10th, will get $51 million. All told, passenger airlines will get an estimated $4.5 billion, while cargo-only carriers will receive $500 million."


Be a little more careful when you paint. You tend to use a very broad brush with your hatred around here.
Let me get this straight, you are comparing the government helping an industry through hard times, after ALL aircraft were grounded mind you, during a national emergency, to the scam going on at Amtrak? Your comparison is ridiculous. 
First off, that was a one time helping hand not an ongoing, never ending scam.
Second, the employees of American Airlines took massive concessions. 
I just derailed both your stupid arguments. Take time to come up with something else, I'll wait. 
On a side note I find you comparing assistance to a particularly impacted industry (due to lax security on the government's part) during a national emergency to politicians buying votes to push your stupid argument pretty offensive. You have set a new standard for low. 
You defined a parasitic employee as working for a company who gets taxpayer funds.

I am guessing you don't know how many employers receive government money either directly or indirectly.

Your tune changed and continues to change as you got called on it. You can claim all kinds of reasons for government subsidies and taxpayer funded employment to fit your moving definition.

You are for bailouts/subsidies when they worked for you or meet your definition of ok, but not for anyone else.

People who are employed by companies, departments, or agencies who are funded, partially or wholly, by taxpayer funds are not parasites.

So those NASA employees are parasites? Lockheed Martin? GE? Dow? I could go on, but it will go over your head. Corporate welfare is alive and well and your company may actually be the recipient of it without you knowing it.


You should have limited your hatred to just NHBB's, and not painted all workers with that brush.

I will be grilling with some family members who are part of your 'parasite' class today. They/we will have a good laugh at your expense.
It would be interesting to see the result of him going out to an amtrak maintenance yard and call the workers parasites.
Glenn Quagmire said:
You defined a parasitic employee as working for a company who gets taxpayer funds.
Call it what you want Glenn but at the end of the day it is the Democrats buying votes using other people's money.
If you could provide justification on how someone doing a no skill job makes as much as an AMT or machinist I am all ears but, we both know, you can't.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Your tune changed and continues to change as you got called on it. You can claim all kinds of reasons for government subsidies and taxpayer funded employment to fit your moving definition.
My tune is the same as it always was, the truth. When the airlines are impacted by a national emergency (which, and let's be honest here, was largely the governments fault) they deserve to be compensated. Comparing a one-time assist during a national emergency to an ongoing scam that has been going on for YEARS is nowhere NEAR the same and you damn well know it.
The truth is you have nothing so you are making up this ridiculous argument.
Glenn Quagmire said:
You are for bailouts/subsidies when they worked for you or meet your definition of ok, but not for anyone else.
I am fine with short term help to get a company to return to a state of profitability. I am not fine with years and years of Democrats scamming the taxpayers so they can pad the wallets of UNION voters. The truth is Amtrak has shown no plan or initiative to become self-sustaining. They are perfectly happy to pay outrages wages as long as taxpayers are receiving the burden of the cost.
Glenn Quagmire said:
So those NASA employees are parasites? Lockheed Martin? GE? Dow? I could go on, but it will go over your head. Corporate welfare is alive and well and your company may actually be the recipient of it without you knowing it.
Every one of those companies loses a lot of money doing R&D for the government every year. 
Glenn Quagmire said:
You should have limited your hatred to just NHBB's, and not painted all workers with that brush.
You know what that is a fair statement. The fact is the dirt is pretty spread around. The politicians buying votes with taxpayer money, the companies agreeing to (as long as they get kickbacks) ridiculous contracts funded by taxpayers that they in no way could sustain if they were truly private, the UNIONS that benefit from the increased UNION dues and "encourage" voters to support politicians, and workers that sale their vote to the liberal agenda to keep that over compensation coming in.
This is a long running scam and the American people need to put a stop to it. Democrats would never allow that though because it goes against their main tactic for staying in power, buying votes.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I will be grilling with some family members who are part of your 'parasite' class today. They/we will have a good laugh at your expense.
If that is all you have to talk to your family about you are pretty sad. 
Glenn Quagmire said:
It would be interesting to see the result of him going out to an amtrak maintenance yard and call the workers parasites.
It would be interesting to watch the government cut them off and the company pay them a sustainable wage.
777 fixer said:
No I'm not.  The federal government subsidies agriculture to the tune of almost $200 billion the past ten years.  So what's the difference between them and a worker at Amtrak?  Are they not parasites as well.
Look at all the farmer's that get paid to not grow food then answer your own question.
They get paid to literally do nothing.
If that is not a scam what is?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I am fine with short term help to get a company to return to a state of profitability. I am not fine with years and years of Democrats scamming the taxpayers so they can pad the wallets of UNION voters. The truth is Amtrak has shown no plan or initiative to become self-sustaining. They are perfectly happy to pay outrages wages as long as taxpayers are receiving the burden of the cost.
List of Federal subsidies.  The list is from 2005 but I have no reason to think it has gotten smaller.