What a Shame !

Just like the one East posted. Don't assume all the people all who benefit from government programs are all liberals. That was the point. We could do this all day. Nobody has clean hands.
777 fixer said:
The fact that you did not bother to see if your claim was true makes you look stupid.  From a previous post of mine 
Unemployment insurance is funded by employers.  There are only three states that require workers to pay into it, the amount being minimal.  Which means you got a pretty good return on SOMEONE ELSE'S  investment.  Or if you live in one of those three states a good return on you're and a companies investment.
Alaska, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, in case you were wondering.
Then why would you add unemployment to the list if you know it is calculated into the cost of doing business and paid by the employer. If a business can't cover the cost of doing business then they don't need to be in business. They can't all be Amtrak. If a business thinks the investment they are making in me is not worth the cost they have the option to fire me (unless it is UNION).
The fact you would even bring that up makes YOU look stupid.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Just like the one East posted. Don't assume all the people all who benefit from government programs are all liberals. That was the point. We could do this all day. Nobody has clean hands.
Fair enough.
You have me confused with someone else. I have known very hard times. I support the programs of assistance to those that have bad times. I even support the program he used.

I have just never felt the need to call anyone parasitic for using them, except in heaping the sarcasm on him for being a hypocrite.

Fa la Li lo ti da felt the need to use the term parasite for someone who is paid with government funds. He seems to have come up with his own justification to exempt himself.
So when exactly do we draw the line on how long one receives assistance? Unemployment runs out after 6 months, then you're on your own as far as I know.
Dog Wonder said:
Those weren't real Conservatives?
Those were people specifically chosen with the intent of manipulating someones perception, again  a fine example of propaganda. 
signals said:
So when exactly do we draw the line on how long one receives assistance? Unemployment runs out after 6 months, then you're on your own as far as I know.
You can file for extensions, but honestly 6 months is plenty long enough. at least for my area. I might cut someone some slack that lived in say....... Detroit. That place imploded.
What do you think is reasonable?
Do you think someone that is able bodied and has had the government supporting them for 20 years is reasonable?
Reasonable really is the question isn't it. I mean isn't reasonable the whole reason we are having this conversation. 
I don't think anybody want's to see public assistance disappear, but we obviously have a problem with people gaming the system and a government that REFUSES to fix the problem. 
The government seems intent on keeping dependents. I will give you an example. When the government started putting limits on welfare what happened? Record numbers of people on disability. Same moochers, different government program.
The total number of disability beneficiaries in the United States rose from 10,981,423 in March to 10,996,447 in April, setting a new all-time record, according to newly released data from the Social Security Administration.
The number of Americans receiving disability benefits continues to exceed the populations of Greece, Tunisia and Portugal, and is approaching the population of Cuba, which according to the CIA World Factbook is 11,047,251.
Do you not see a problem here?
I have been misrepresented that I do not support assistance in any way. That simply is not true. What I don't support is a moocher taking advantage of people. If you support someone taking advantage of you then you are a fool.
The question really is what is reasonable. An able bodied 30 year old that lives on government handouts simply because he does not want to work or thinks society owes him something is not reasonable. A mother on welfare having one kid after another after another for the taxpayers to support for the next 18 years (and probably longer) is not reasonable. Forcing charity from people to support a mooch is not reasonable.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
The total number of disability beneficiaries in the United States rose from 10,981,423 in March to 10,996,447 in April, setting a new all-time record, according to newly released data from the Social Security Administration.
The number of Americans receiving disability benefits continues to exceed the populations of Greece, Tunisia and Portugal, and is approaching the population of Cuba, which according to the CIA World Factbook is 11,047,251.
You do realize that the population grew as well as the life expectancy. Our stellar health care in this country has many more people surviving and ending up "disabled" than ever before. 
Like you said before, stats are a funny thing, yet here you are using them to prove your point. However, those numbers need to be put into context. 
I do not support generational welfare dependency, yet the cycle is not easily broken in most cases. Many children are born into the poorest of areas with lousy schools, no grocery stores, high crime, poor health, and with parents who have also never had the fortune that many of us have had. They have a very narrow chance to get out of the cycle without assistance. There are no easy solutions. Taking away the money for their schools and giving it charter schools will not help, but that is another topic altogether. 
delldude said:
You realize one of the first things Obama did was undo the welfare reform Bill Clinton passed?
Repeating an old Mitt talking point i see:
In 1996 Clinton signed a landmark bill that transformed welfare from an indefinite entitlement to temporary assistance for poor Americans that required them to eventually join the workforce.

Mitt Romney, in a campaign ad, has claimed that Obama gutted the work requirement.

Clinton countered that in his Sept. 5 speech at the Democratic National Convention. Here’s what Clinton said really happened:

"When some Republican governors asked if they could have waivers to try new ways to put people on welfare back to work, the Obama administration listened because we all know it’s hard for even people with good work histories to get jobs today. So moving folks from welfare to work is a real challenge.

"And the administration agreed to give waivers to those governors and others only if they had a credible plan to increase employment by 20 percent, and they could keep the waivers only if they did increase employment. Now did I make myself clear? The requirement was for more work, not less."

At PolitiFact, we have examined this welfare controversy before. Here, we’ll review the issue in light of Clinton’s new statement.
Glenn Quagmire said:
You do realize that the population grew as well as the life expectancy. Our stellar health care in this country has many more people surviving and ending up "disabled" than ever before. 
The amount of people on disability has almost doubled since 1996, the year limits were put on welfare. That is some kind of coincidence.

Glenn Quagmire said:
Like you said before, stats are a funny thing, yet here you are using them to prove your point. However, those numbers need to be put into context. 
Estimates are a funny thing, this is not an estimate, It is a hard number that has been verified. It is not guessed at it is counted.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I do not support generational welfare dependency, yet the cycle is not easily broken in most cases. Many children are born into the poorest of areas with lousy schools, no grocery stores, high crime, poor health, and with parents who have also never had the fortune that many of us have had. They have a very narrow chance to get out of the cycle without assistance. There are no easy solutions. Taking away the money for their schools and giving it charter schools will not help, but that is another topic altogether. 
They don't have much motivation to help themselves whenever you give them unconditional handouts. 
Those were people specifically chosen with the intent of manipulating someones perception, again  a fine example of propaganda.
Did those people choose to be Republicans, or were they manipulated?