What a Shame !

777 fixer said:
Try unemployment insurance or the grant you received for school.  When you turn 65 and go on Medicare you will benefit from that government program. 
First off my employer pays 100 percent of the taxes that fund my unemployment, you need to learn how unemployment works before you shoot your mouth off. Medicare is something I will have paid into my whole working life, using a product I (was forced to) paid on for over 50 years is not getting a benefit, that is getting a return on my (forced) investment.
Grant, you mean that thing I have already paid the government back for in my first year due to higher income? That thing the government will probably profit on for the next 30 years? Throw that up in my face all you want but the fact is I have already paid for that service in full and will for the rest of my life. Calculate how much profit the government will make from my increased taxes then tell me that grant was a "gift".
Typical libtard can't do basic math.
700UW said:
Or Police, Fires, Driver's License, the roads you drive on, the planes you fly on, shall we keep going?
Just when I thought your argument could not get any dumber you impress me yet again.
On a side note
1. I pay for my drivers license.
2. I do not fly, never have, not one time in my history of working for American Airlines outside of business did I ever fly. Even if I did so what... that is a benefit of working for an airline. Feel free to share your opinion to all the employees of American Airlines that have to commute.
What a shame.

From those of us who gave while you took, you are welcome from the bottom of our wallet.
I laugh at those who never fell on hard times because they had the RIGHT connections. Yes, of course it's what you know, but most times it's who you...
You have me confused with someone else. I have known very hard times. I support the programs of assistance to those that have bad times. I even support the program he used.

I have just never felt the need to call anyone parasitic for using them, except in heaping the sarcasm on him for being a hypocrite.

Fa la Li lo ti da felt the need to use the term parasite for someone who is paid with government funds. He seems to have come up with his own justification to exempt himself.
Glenn Quagmire said:
 I support the programs of assistance to those that have bad times.
Do you support someone becoming a lifelong dependent on those programs?
I have said many, many, MANY times I do not fault someone for getting TEMPORARY assistance to get them through a rough time. TEMPORARY being the operative word. 
You hear what you want to hear. You have done everything you can to misrepresent me. You took one word I said and made that your focus while ignoring anything else I said. Typical libtard behavior.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
First off my employer pays 100 percent of the taxes that fund my unemployment, you need to learn how unemployment works before you shoot your mouth off. 
You need to turn off talk radio for five minutes and learn to use your brain.  Where the money comes from is irrelevant because in the end it's a government program.  If it did not exist do you think an employer would give you money if they laid you off?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Medicare is something I will have paid into my whole working life, using a product I (was forced to) paid on for over 50 years is not getting a benefit, that is getting a return on my (forced) investment.
When you retire are you going to get retire medical.  I'm going to guess no.  I wonder how much private insurance would cost.  Look up how much a various medical procedures cost.  Procedures you are more likely to require as you get older.  You will probably get a very good return on your investment.
777 fixer said:
You need to turn off talk radio for five minutes and learn to use your brain.  Where the money comes from is irrelevant because in the end it's a government program.  If it did not exist do you think an employer would give you money if they laid you off?
The fact is you thought that unemployment came from general taxes and made yourself look stupid, so now you are trying to backtrack. 
777 fixer said:
When you retire are you going to get retire medical.  I'm going to guess no.  I wonder how much private insurance would cost.  Look up how much a various medical procedures cost.  Procedures you are more likely to require as you get older.  You will probably get a very good return on your investment.
I doubt it. Obamacare will demolish that long before I ever get to it. 
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Hey..." F - Face ".
Just MAKE SURE you get UR ASSS into work Everyday so you can pay those SS taxes.
(I've got a SS check coming on 7/23....for $ 1,700.00, and I dont want any F'n DELAYS.  So 'just keep pluggin  $$$$$ along')
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha  !
Whew!...A whopping 17 whole hundred dollars sends you into delerious "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha  !" land?...You honestly live a life like that, and yet you've actually the ability to call anyone else a "SUCKA!"...? Seriously? That isn't even a particularly respectable blackjack bet. Your triumphant "message" is a bit twisted and entirely pathetic.  Perhaps most devout "liberals" just never accomplish much of anything in life, and somehow consider that to be "normal"...? ;)
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
The fact is you thought that unemployment came from general taxes and made yourself look stupid, so now you are trying to backtrack. 
The fact that you did not bother to see if your claim was true makes you look stupid.  From a previous post of mine 
Unemployment insurance is funded by employers.  There are only three states that require workers to pay into it, the amount being minimal.  Which means you got a pretty good return on SOMEONE ELSE'S  investment.  Or if you live in one of those three states a good return on you're and a companies investment.