What a Shame !

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I never said Republicans were innocent. Using farm subsidies to wash (taxpayer)money and using tax money to buy votes is two different things. 
What?!  It's the same exact thing.  You're fooling yourself to think otherwise.  
It's the same thing.  As defined by the treasury money laundering are financial transactions in which criminals, including terrorist organizations, attempt to disguise the proceeds, sources or nature of their illicit activities.  
So it's not money laundering, it's simply buying votes.
777 fixer said:
It's the same thing.  As defined by the treasury money laundering are financial transactions in which criminals, including terrorist organizations, attempt to disguise the proceeds, sources or nature of their illicit activities.  
So it's not money laundering, it's simply buying votes.
Like the Fed not allowing an audit?
What is Money?
Bernanke has trouble with the question.
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  • #217
" The Smell of Private Sector UNIONS First thing in the Morning "     $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
RR workers..........(an aside)..Long Island RR (LIRR), days away from going on  STRIKE  !!  (watch what they GET)  $$$$
Transit workers
Iron Workers
Marine workers
How is that? You're in bed with that "darkie" when it comes to wages, yet you slur anyone else of a different race except the ones who advance your agenda.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
" The Smell of Private Sector UNIONS First thing in the Morning "     $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
RR workers..........(an aside)..Long Island RR (LIRR), days away from going on  STRIKE  !!  (watch what they GET)  $$$$
Uh, you do realize that the LIRR isn't in the private sector, right?

They're 100% owned by the MTA. Same with Metro-North. No different than Amtrak, Metra, or any other state agency operating a railroad.

I say let them strike. It won't affect too many conservatives.
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  • #221
eolesen said:
Uh, you do realize that the LIRR isn't in the private sector, right?

They're 100% owned by the MTA. Same with Metro-North. No different than Amtrak, Metra, or any other state agency operating a railroad.

I say let them strike. It won't affect too many conservatives.
With Amtrak in 46 states Eric, I'm not so sure that they are a State Agency.
Wrong about Conservatives on Long Island too.  There a Shiite load of the Bas-tards that have forgotten where they've come from.
Typical Capitalists !
I didn't say Amtrak was a state agency, Bears. I broke them out separately.

Metra's not a state agency, either. It's a six-county agency which has both its own operations and also contracts with private sector railroads who operate services on Metra's behalf.

There are state agencies who operate their own railroads with their own employees in both AS & SC. In AS, they're not considered state employees, in SC they are.

There are also those who own the actual ROW and lease it or issue operating licenses to private operators. That's the case in MI, WI, and SD.

So... my point still stands. LIRR isn't a private sector employer. When unions negotiate with any of the above (with the exception perhaps of the ARR), they're essentially negotiating with the local government. There's shareholder accountability, and no incentive to try and keep costs in line.

Sure, there are still a few conservatives on Long Island. I lived there when Al D'Amato was still representing NY in the Senate. Most of the smart ones moved away to places with lower taxes and a better quality of life. The ones who are left own cars and can drive themselves to work, but I suspect most of them will wind up telecommuting if there's a strike.
777 fixer said:
Money laundering is a crime.  Are you accusing Republicans of a crime?
I am not accusing anybody, I am flat out saying Republicans are doing it.
If you want to compare a list of wrongs Democrats will win that contest hands down. The Republican party could not begin to compete with the trash the Democrat's have unloaded on the American people in the last 30 years.
You can thank a Democrat for your handout.

You remember it. The one you were whining about on this board when it was not coming fast enough for you.

The one you benefitted from must not make your list, huh.
Glenn Quagmire said:
You can thank a Democrat for your handout.

You remember it. The one you were whining about on this board when it was not coming fast enough for you.

The one you benefitted from must not make your list, huh.
No, you got that backwards, the Democrats can thank me for funding their B.S. welfare programs for lifelong members. I have paid taxes for 21 years.  I have never been out of a job for more than a week except when I was going to school.
I never got TAA. I find it funny that American Airlines saw fit to sign temporaries up for it but left their own employees out (except their chosen few). I guess that was one last slap in the face courtesy of American Airlines. The day I started American Airlines one of the older hands told me I worked for an employer that hated my f'ing guts. I laughed at the time. I am not laughing anymore.
You can kiss my ass Glenn. Taking a one time assist to go to school so I can make more money (and pay more taxes) is not the same thing as being a welfare parasite for 20 years. You can try to spin your stupid all you want but but anybody with any brains can see it for what it really is, desperation and stupidity.