What a Shame !

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
So you want to compare the government covering 50 percent of my school which I have already paid back plus more due to higher wages to someone sitting on welfare for years, or getting their check subsidized and pension subsidized for the rest of their life?
That is a stupid argument and anybody with brains could see the flaws in it. 
I have made it clear I do not have issues with helping someone when they are down, my issue is with making welfare and subsidies a way of life. I have already said this numerous times. You libtards have a real knack for hearing (or in this case seeing) what you want to hear.
Agree with you. There is a difference between getting help temporarily and sucking the governments teet for you entire life!
Dog Wonder said:
While making it clear you do.
While continually adding absolutely nothing to the topic, again and again and again................
Dog Wonder said:
70 years old, working OT when you could be sitting on the porch living off Social Security.  Who called you a parasite?
1. Don't think Days 8 motel's have porches!
2. Yep, hard to retire, when your only source of income is SS!
eolesen said:
Life is too short to be shoveling snow...
signals said:
Each individual must do their homework before they retire. The goal is to not outlive your money, or going back to work because the money ran out or doesn't have the same buying power.
Also true. Best advice I ever got was from my (gasp!) union co-workers who stressed to me the importance of planning early, and sticking to it.
Kev3188 said:
Also true. Best advice I ever got was from my (gasp!) union co-workers who stressed to me the importance of planning early, and sticking to it.
Hmmm. That was the same advice I got from my manager @ HDQ when I was still young and impressionable... He told me to get used to living on my current paycheck and put my future raises into my retirement. At the time, he also said he was just hanging on until the next buy-out. Last I heard, he's still there, but his 401K advice was golden.
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eolesen said:
Hmmm. That was the same advice I got from my manager @ HDQ when I was still young and impressionable... He told me to get used to living on my current paycheck and put my future raises into my retirement. At the time, he also said he was just hanging on until the next buy-out. Last I heard, he's still there, but his 401K advice was golden.
Yea, but Bush/Cheney made the guys 401K.........into a ......."101K".
Ahh. ........  You can't beat The...." SMELL of CAPITALISM....First thing in the Morning"  !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Yea, but Bush/Cheney made the guys 401K.........into a ......."101K".
Ahh. ........  You can't beat The...." SMELL of CAPITALISM....First thing in the Morning"  !
And Obama dropped it to 55K!!!---- Is that way you're still working at 70 years of age?
Yea, but Bush/Cheney made the guys 401K.........into a ......."101K".
Ahh. ........  You can't beat The...." SMELL of CAPITALISM....First thing in the Morning"  !
You do realize that in a foreign country no matter if you're a full blown communist in the USA in their eyes you're a CAPITALIST with a CAPITAL...IST!!!
"A number of factors help determine whether unions have a significant or negligible presence in a state, including industry composition, labor laws and political atmosphere."
"Unionstats founder Barry Hirsch wrote in an email. "Public sector members now account for half of all members despite being only [one-sixth] of the workforce," he added."
Whether Union or non union this latest question boils down to Individual Liberty. The decisions one makes in ones life are far more important in so many ways.
Libertarians often forget in their quest for maximum Liberty comes the bastard step child of Liberty known as Individual Responsibility. Liberals and conservatives are also not immune from this disease as they seek to force upon us their version of right and wrong. This would be fine if not for the crony capitalist element.
Definition of a "libertarian".
A perfect example of a libtard's self-justification. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I never said Republicans were innocent. Using farm subsidies to wash (taxpayer)money and using tax money to buy votes is two different things. 
I will not argue the point that farm subsidies are used as a form of money laundering. You have a very valid point.  That is exactly why the American people should put a stop to it.
That being said I will not stop with the are you okay with Democrats using taxpayer money to buy votes speech, because it's the truth. The fact you can't (or refuse to) see it shows just how indoctrinated you are.
No response?
Democrats buy votes.
Republicans funnel money to people who fund their campaigns. 
Both are dirty practices.
Union membership in the public sector is not compulsory. Also, right now, over 30% of Federal employees are veterans. The DOD and VA have close to a 50% make up of vets. That number is growing exponentially as all the Iraq and Afghanistan vets retire and leave the service. It is next to impossible to get hired off the street now in a Federal job if you are not a veteran.

Obama's executive order in 2009 and subsequent initiatives have made hiring veterans the top priority. Most veterans do not join the unions.

But hey, I know he hates the military and all...

"Section 1. Policy. Veterans have served and sacrificed in defense of our Nation. When they complete their service, we must do everything in our power to assist them in re-entering civilian life and finding employment. Government as well as private employers should play a prominent role in helping veterans who may be struggling to find jobs. As one of the Nation's leading employers, the Federal Government is in need of highly skilled individuals to meet agency staffing needs and to support mission objectives. Our veterans, who have benefited from training and development during their military service, possess a wide variety of skills and experiences, as well as the motivation for public service, that will help fulfill Federal agencies' staffing needs. It is therefore the policy of my Administration to enhance recruitment of and promote employment opportunities for veterans within the executive branch, consistent with merit system principles and veterans' preferences prescribed by law. The Federal Government will thereby help lead by example in promoting veterans' employment."

Glenn Quagmire said:
Union membership in the public sector is not compulsory.
No, but paying for unions in the public sector is compulsory. Working a government job used to be seen as a form of public service.

Now it's a way to make more than you can in the private sector, and never having to worry about accountability or sustainability.
eolesen said:
Now it's a way to make more than you can in the private sector, and never having to worry about accountability or sustainability.
That may be the case for administrative type jobs, but the technical and professional jobs pay less in the Federal service. Look no further than the VA and their trouble getting qualified nurses and Doctors. It is also very tough to get workers in the skilled trades to work for the federal government. Skilled trades wages are less than in the public sector in most areas of the country.

For instance: a journey level aircraft mechanic with the BOP, FAA, DOD, is a GS-11 which starts at $50,790 and top pays is $66,000 + locality (if applicable in some areas of the country).

Core compensation pay system has changed the game in federal employment.

"WASHINGTON, D.C. - Veterans Affairs hospitals and facilities across the country have almost 2,000 openings for health care professionals, but theyre struggling to fill the jobs because a lot of nurses and doctors arent interested."


There is accountability. You just never hear about the lowly people in the trenches who are weeded out and lose their jobs. Of course, you would have to be looking for it to find it...
