What a Shame !

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
When did the taxpayers support me?
La Li Lu Le Lo, on 13 Dec 2012 - 5:38 PM, said:
I have been trying to get TAA (federal funds to retrain laid off American workers) benefits
Glenn Quagmire said:
Feel free to thank us, the "working man", for paying for your education and supporting you while you were part of the parasite class.
You said taxpayers supported me. When did they support me?
You admitted to being on unemployment, and you arent even smart enough to figure out how it works.
The employee and employer pay the unemployment tax, and that is how it is funded.
Glenn Quagmire said:
La Li Lu Le Lo, on 13 Dec 2012 - 5:38 PM, said:
I have been trying to get TAA (federal funds to retrain laid off American workers) benefits
You already said that and I told you the government made their money back in the first year from my education. I also told you they would get many times their money back over my career from increased wages. Big difference from being on welfare for years or expecting people to supplement my income until I retire.
When you can show me the government makes money from supplementing Amtrak employees for years and funding their pensions then your argument might have some validity, until then you have nothing.
700UW said:
You admitted to being on unemployment, and you arent even smart enough to figure out how it works.
The employee and employer pay the unemployment tax, and that is how it is funded.
I know exactly how unemployment works.
Unemployment is an insurance program funded by taxes that employers pay on behalf of their employees. American Airlines taxes paid my unemployment, not individual taxpayers.
I guess you were not even smart enough to figure out how it works.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You already said that and I told you the government made their money back in the first year from my education. I also told you they would get many times their money back over my career from increased wages. Big difference from being on welfare for years or expecting people to supplement my income until I retire.
Unless it doesnt.

You are a good socialist.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
The fact you can't (or refuse to) see it shows just how indoctrinated you are.
The fact that you use terms like libtard tells everyone you're the one who is indoctrinated. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You already said that and I told you the government made their money back in the first year from my education. I also told you they would get many times their money back over my career from increased wages. Big difference from being on welfare for years or expecting people to supplement my income until I retire.
When you can show me the government makes money from supplementing Amtrak employees for years and funding their pensions then your argument might have some validity, until then you have nothing.
Wait a minute?  You received money from the government for school?  If that's the case then where do you get off calling other people parasites?
I started using "Libtard" the very day I heard  "Teabagger". Don't like the insult when you're called a "Libtard"? Try practicing the Golden Rule.
Notice I don't use "libtard much anymore? WHY? Because Gammy was correct when she told me "Two wrongs don't make a right"