What a Shame !

And you can blame Boner and Cantor for that.
You claim to be a constitutionalists yet you dont even know how the Federal Government operates.
Congress authorizes the spending.
And what dont you understand, the phone program USES NO tax money.
700UW said:
And you can blame Boner and Cantor for that.
You claim to be a constitutionalists yet you dont even know how the Federal Government operates.
Congress authorizes the spending.
And what dont you understand, the phone program USES NO tax money.
I don't know a US Congressman "Boner"? We are not a Jewish nation, so why would a Cantor be involved?
What spending would have to be authorized to repeal the Patriot Act? Eliminate NDAA, TSA, DHS, FISA courts and warrants??? Riddle me that IAM man.
I studied "How a bill becomes law" I've also noticed that if the POTUS doesn't get his way he issues Executive Orders that circumvent the will of Congress. Many of the mid 20th centuries did exactly the same thing. Some killed as many as 20 to 50 Million of their own people.
700UW said:
Once again you prove you are clueless.
Sounds like name calling? No valid rebuttal to "you can keep your plan if you like it"? Inquiring minds want to know
700UW said:
So then why did your Demi-God Ronald Reagan want to take away real vegetables from kids school lunches and call Ketchup a vegetable?
Who was it that proposed Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980?
A Democrat.
Keep weaving your webs of deceit. 
777 fixer said:
Will you please stop with the are you okay with Democrats using taxpayer money to buy votes speech. You seem to be under the impression the Republicans don't do the same thing.  
The farm bill is a perfect example of this.  Most farmers and people in the agriculture business vote republican.  You can see this when you look at who represents rural areas used in agriculture.  Now the republicans could have ended agricultural subsidies as we know it when they controlled the house, senate and White House.  But they didn't.  I wonder why that is.
I never said Republicans were innocent. Using farm subsidies to wash (taxpayer)money and using tax money to buy votes is two different things. 
I will not argue the point that farm subsidies are used as a form of money laundering. You have a very valid point.  That is exactly why the American people should put a stop to it.
That being said I will not stop with the are you okay with Democrats using taxpayer money to buy votes speech, because it's the truth. The fact you can't (or refuse to) see it shows just how indoctrinated you are.
700UW said:
The USF is sustained by contributions from telecommunications companies such as "long distance companies, local telephone companies, wireless telephone companies, paging companies, and payphone providers." The companies often charge customers to fund their contributions in the form of a universal service fee you might see on your monthly phone bill. 
Fees are not contributions. 
Call it what you want but it is still the working man supporting the parasite.
Do these companies get tax breaks for their "contribution"?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Call it what you want but it is still the working man supporting the parasite.
Feel free to thank us, the "working man", for paying for your education and supporting you while you were part of the parasite class.