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Webcast Thoughts?!?

sentrido said:
"Is that directed at me? If so, how do I know what? Please elaborate. "
not you, uza
Sorry, I missed his post entirely. I must have been ignoring him.

Come to think of it, I would love to know the answer to that one too.
Let me get this straight. You have been a lurker for several YEARS now and found this particular event, a staged webcast, enough of an event to finally post? I guess 911, a chapter 11 filing, the laying off of tens of thousands of employees, the parking of hundreds of jets, and finally the thousands of posts relating to said events was not enough to get your fingers typing? yeah. right.
The level of confusion is the reason everyone is ready to vote themselves into the streets, and the fact that emotion blinds.

There are people at the low end of seniority that can retire, but not old in age and can work elsewhere, understand?
tadjr said:
You can also train an agent to "pull" tickets in 2 days, but good luck getting them to be able to use Sabre. I believe a new hire usually takes about a 2 week class to get to know Sabre. This isnt to become proficient, just to learn the basics, not to mention all the other rules and regulations, pass the required FAA training, etc.

Given these two INCORRECT statements alone, I'll take the rest of what you said with the same idea that you are aware of what you speak. :shock:
I would love to elaborate on this one!

I was in training for a total of six weeks. We are continuously being trained on chnages in the industry from new FAA requirements on down to the Star Alliance and code sharing.
USFlyer said:
I see them rebranding it as basically a nicer version of E+ with a new brand name (ticketed as a business-class seat).
Maybe, if the repo man did not come for them in Chapter 11, they can drag out the Recaro seats and call it Business Select.

That's been tried before, and it sucked wind the first time.
uza said:
The level of confusion is the reason everyone is ready to vote themselves into the streets, and the fact that emotion blinds.

There are people at the low end of seniority that can retire, but not old in age and can work elsewhere, understand?
Gee where I work there are only a hand full in that position. Those that can retire are higher seniority not lower. Understand?
All You guys on here!!! This is really gut renching. I see so many posters on here tonight that I have never seen giving their opinions, thoughts and feelings. If I am not mistaken, the MAJORITY are not for this Dave thing at all. All of the FF's on here giving us "all the best to USairways employees.". "Our Hearts go out to all of you" "We wish you all the best". Doesn't this say Something?????? Even the majority of our PAX'S SEE, FEEL, AND HEAR THE PAIN THAT WE ARE FACED WITH.

Yes, I am emotional about all of this. I will admit. This just makes me sick. Am I afraid of losing my job, NOT REALLY. Do I have something else better to do? NO. I am probably all ready over the hill, but for all of us, who have worked our life time for this company, sacrificed, paid our dues, missed our children's ballgames, birthdays, anniversaries, Christmases, New Years, etc, etc. We have done this for the Company and for our Jobs as trustworthy, dedicated, hardworking employees.

Now we are told to give in or quit. Nice of the Management to say so. If it weren't for all of the U employees over the years doing their jobs, there would not be a U Today.

All I can say about Dave.....he is kinda cute, but as I said earlier, he's the kind that you meet in a bar....want's to buy you a drink and tell his BS to you.

He has no Vision to take us anywhere. He has an ego. That is why he is not resigning. He thinks He can make a difference. Well, I don't THINK SO. :down:
EyeInTheSky said:
Au contraire.. anyone who has spent 32 years at this airline HELPED BUILD IT.
And many of them are now helping to destroy it.

...a senior work force is an asset not a liability...
In and of itself, a senior workforce is neither. On the one hand, a longtime employee knows the company well, which is generally an asset insofar as it results in greater productivity. On the other hand, a longtime employee is typically higher paid, which is a liability. Therefore, the question is whether the increase in pay is at surpassed by an increase in productivity. If it is, then a senior workforce is an asset. If not, then a senior workforce is a liability.

Siegel needs to stop trying to model US Airways into other carriers and just get down to the business of making US Airways profitable.
OK, come up with something that no other carrier has done yet. Sheesh, what's wrong with emulating competitors that are succeeding?

I don't know what you do at US Airways but look around Pittsburgh, these are good people, hard working and loyal to a fault.
At the same time, many in the service industry in Pittsburgh have some of the worst attidudes I've ever seen. It's not universal, but it's more prevalent in Pittsburgh than I've seen in many other cities.

I would rather be around this "Pittsburgh Mentality" than in other areas of the country full of fake people.
My personal favorites are Seattlites. They're real and friendly. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
mweiss said:
At the same time, many in the service industry in Pittsburgh have some of the worst attidudes I've ever seen.
Funny you should mention that fact, that's where teddy xidas lives, how strange.
Ok...I have been reading the posts on an off all day and I finally sat down (with drink in one hand and cig. in another) and I know I am a lil'bit tipsy..BUT...what exactly is the plan????? HMMMMMMMMM..kinda confused... :blink:
Uza, what is your preoccupation with Teddy? What, she turn you down? Bruise your manly man ego?
Micheal: Please, get a life. You take everyone and quote them. What is wrong here? Some were talking about Pit. Who cares about Seattle???? Yes we fly into there, but they are not one of our Hubs, where 1000's of people are employed. We couldl shut down service tomorrow and very few would be affected. I am for one, a Pit person, I love Pit. they have great people in all areas there. I have been all over our system and none are better than they are at Pit. No, I am not a Pit native, but I see the dedication day in and day out. That speaks for something...at least in my book. 🙂
XOXO: I got a drink earlier and a cig. and still have no idea what the PLAN IS. :unsure:
No viable plan. No leadership. If he was able to prune 2 cents off the CASM, it should/would have been done a year ago. Taking 2 cents off with employee costs will put U employees below commuter compensation.

You could see it in his eyes. He didn't even believe what he was saying. Sounded like a weasel. Setting up to blame employees for the end failure.

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