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Ramp Rat Voting results second update

Wont know until the fifth when Canale reports the totals.

The combined totals for the citys reporting on this forum
2558 NO 1055 YES
71% is awesome

Is that the same total you have Tim?
Redeye, I have not added up the totals since the other day. We are working on getting a confirmation of the BOS numbers. And are working on verification of official numbers elsewhere.

MSY has just been verified as 16 NO, 4 Yes. Those are the official numbers.

any other stations to report: Appearances1@aol.com

For what it's worth. Tim I know often point out the leadership that for the
lack of the better word ''lacks''. But I would like people to know that out
of all the names that signed off on the TA (5 of which are from PHL) only 2
were down the hall. The Committee Chair (hayden) trying to get the YES Vote.
He was there all day and drove people down all day. In the end he drove down
more YES Votes then NO Votes and was not happy about it.He doesn't have any
pull in PHL, less 56 people, and Armedio, who was helpful, believe it or not to get
out the no's. But Bob Boland was extremely helpful in turning this away. He was never
asked by any of the leadership, his opinion.Because they knew he strongly disagreed
with this...He was there all day 0630-2230...talking to every prospective voter and was
just fantastic...that's the guy people in PHL respect and listen to. Like I said ALL DAY !!!

Good to hear about Boland. Me and him have had our share of disagreements but I think the respect has always been there between us. He's respected by more than just PHL and has to be a key player on any future path to secure a fair and equitable contract.

Freedom shows signs of a split personality, first he wants reasoning, then he reaches out for networking and then fizzles out.
I am sorry but this will be my last response to Freedom, there are too many more important fish to fry.

If your going to fry fish , first your going to need a fire :lol:
The following is now verified:

Of the total of 7700 workers, the above stations had a participation total of 3321 workers among 5850 workers or a 57% turnout. The total verified vote count of these 3321 votes was as follows:

No 2346
Yes 975

A NO vote of 71%

Of the remaining 1850 voters that we have no verification, we already know BOS and LGA were big No votes and over 70%, however their votes were not verified yet. But between both LGA and BOS you can throw on an additional 160 NO votes from the unofficial result. Perseverence put up some numbersWe also know that MCO was a big no vote today but we are working on getting verifications. We also have vote counts of MIA, BWI but our 'key' people there can not verify the totals. SAN reported in and was verified but I didn't write down the result so it's probably buried somewhere in this thread, nonetheless, it was something like 11 yes, 8 No if I remember correctly.

Still waiting on verifications from DFW, PBI, BDL, MHT, MKE, LAX, SFO


Freedom shows signs of a split personality, first he wants reasoning, then he reaches out for networking and then fizzles out.
I am sorry but this will be my last response to Freedom, there are too many more important fish to fry.

What is the last day of voting and what is the process after that?
Who reports the results to the company?
Can the company protest this vote?

It is already almost sept. 1, 2007. Alot more damage can happen in a short period of time with the IAM and the company that would put the members in a situation where there might not be enough time for another vote. Since I am not a member of your union and have no access to the bi-laws and constitution , could someone please give me an educated guess about what may or may not transpire?

philly rocks
I'm almost positive today was the last day of voting
I'm sure the company already knows :up: but the IAMAW will report on the fifth.
They most certainly will be protesting(Verbally), but they have no say in the way we conduct our vote

The misconception is that we have to make an agreement before the arbitration date. The truth is, the arbitration date
is only the start of arbitration. The length of duration of arbitration could be a year. During this time the company and
the IAMAW are welcome to negotiate up to the hour of the decision. The longer the company takes to make an
acceptable agreement depends on how much liability(back pay) they want to take on.

Here is a little education. If you want to find by-laws or Constitutions for almost any Union, the
Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA) is the ticket.
The Department of Labor Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) has resources on their website to find
By-laws, Constitutions, and yearly financial disclosures. http://www.dol.gov/esa/olms_org.htm

It is rich with information
The following is now verified:

Of the total of 7700 workers, the above stations had a participation total of 3321 workers among 5850 workers or a 57% turnout.

aww a 57% turnout makes me sad 🙁 we need higher levels , around 75% would make me feel better .
We should all stick together huh. Ha where were you guys when we got the shaft in the Class II cities when we voted for this piece of crap the first time?. Im even hearing now that the hubs could care less about the out cities and even dont care if they get contracted out. So for any of you who think we should care and stick together
screw you and all of you who shafted us with less pay the last time and are keeping us down a second.
We should all stick together huh. Ha where were you guys when we got the shaft in the Class II cities when we voted for this piece of crap the first time?. Im even hearing now that the hubs could care less about the out cities and even dont care if they get contracted out. So for any of you who think we should care and stick together
screw you and all of you who shafted us with less pay the last time and are keeping us down a second.


You are venting at the wrong people. The AGC's holding Q&A sessions at the BK agreement voting areas
repeated the same answer over and over. "We do not recommend an up or down vote, but if you dont
vote yes the company will close its doors and you wont have a job anyway". This was repeated in the hubs,
ClassII and ClassIII stations. Because of this, the majority of the collective group voted yes(even though you
cant find anyone who will say they voted yes).

Now we are at a similar crossroad EXCEPT the only ones who are compelled to vote because of fear of
losing their job are on the west coast. You may say that the language will actually save jobs, but the reality
is that it won't. The language only gives them the opportunity to go back to school to prepare for a new job.
The language gives the company a certain date to farm out those west coast cities on the bubble.
The collective majority now voted no not because they had nothing to personally gain, but because of
what they had to lose.
The COC grievance, Part time ratio grievance, and Profit Sharing have a valueof 300,000,000 plus.
The return package is worth is worth 21,000,000 as represented by our Negotiating Committee.
If you are in a Class II city and are topped out, you do know that under the COC language in our contract
you are personally due $23,254.40 in back wages Sep. 25 of this year. That is with a min. 40hrs/wk not
including overtime. If the agreement had been voted in, it would take about 7799.5 hours of work
or about 3years 9months for you to recoup what you are currently owed. Whats that? June 2011!
ClassII cities are again hit worst monetarily if the collective group votes it in.

Realizing this, the collective group did stick together and voted no.

As Tim and others have said, give us an fair and equitable agreement. NOTHING LESS
Vent on our leadership to bring this to us.

Keep us unified!
You might want to check your Miami numbers,they do not look right!!!! I doubt they can get 214 yes votes.......
Also PIT numbers were 316 NO and 24 YES with 65 no shows and 1 Voided Ballot----

And we all know that the poor 11 people who came back with close to 20 years at the starting pay (60 Day Rule) probably voted yes---can you blame them---that means that PIT only had about 13 yes votes from the rest of the group

Pretty solid if you ask me---

Two CLT rampers were supposed to have voted in PIT.
Did that happen and if so were they counted?

Members in good standing can arrange to vote in a different location, if they jump thru the paperwork hoops.

If the PIT guys did so, they cast a valid vote.

Two CLT rampers were supposed to have voted in PIT.
Did that happen and if so were they counted?
Although I did see at least one CLT ramp guy who used to live in PIT and makes frequent returns here at the union hall---I do not know if he actually voted in PIT---

I'll check into it and let you know.....