In the 1989 contract did the mechs vote down the TA and then get a worse contract voted in? I wasn't at AA then.
That was a different era. Back then the Tulsa membership voted however they were told to vote. So they voted NO the first time when a No recommendation came from their President then they voted Yes when he came back with pretty much the same deal.
I think the "worse part "was the Pre-funding. Koziatek loved it, said it was "better than having a fully company paid plan because this is guaranteed, even if the company went bankrupt that money would still be in there, under the company plan if they go BK you lose it". He told me that back in 2000 shortly after I took office as Treasurer because I was critical of the plan.
Now here we are , the company plan is gone and we are losing the prefunding as well, only thing is the company never went bankrupt!
I suspect that the plan was falling short and AA would have had to cough up some more cash, instead they confiscate the match($27 million) and will use it to pay for those still covered.
This is like if the company had told is in 1989 that they want to get rid of the pension but they will put 10% of our earnings in a 401k as a match, then 20 years later said "we dont want to participate or sponsor a 401K anymore, so what we are going to do is give you back what you put in, plus half the interst, which you can either roll into an IRA or we will let you use it to buy stock in AA (sick leave credits) but we are keeping the match."