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Doesn't history show that the company hands us the "best" contract, then we vote it down. The next one is a little bit worse and we vote it down. Then the last is is way worse and we vote it in?

Before I vote on this one, I do wish I could see into the future and see how worse the next offer is going to be.
Informer, then please tell us how this TA will NOT have a negative impact on mechanics?
Do you not believe the "divide and conquer" strategy of this TA?
I truly hope you are looking at more than merely the paltry monetary increase...

Again, please tell us how this will NOT have a negative impact on mechanics.

Keeps Overhaul Base going in Tulsa - Thats a Positive
Gives 2 Personal Vacation Days - Thats a Positive
Gives 3 Holidays- Thats a Positive
Gives 6% signing bonus or $2.55 per hour line premium -Thats a Positive
Has Wage Opener to assure compensation standing in the industry -Thats a Positive
Has new profit sharing plan that could payout nicely -Thats a Positive
Keeps us employed when unemployment is at 10%+ in the country - Thats a Positive
Keeps us from finding out if you still have 1000+ A&P Scabs ready to take our jobs - Thats a Positive

Divide and Conquer is not new to the TWU this contract, that has taken place since 1983 - 27 years

For me personally - This T/A gives $3.41 per hour raise retro to 5/5/10 - That is NOT paltry when calculated to a $580 per month gross per month. Compared to what we lost in 2003 not everthing back. Compared to where we are today this does move in a positive direction.

If it passes and you know where a better paying job is out there you are not required to stay employed at AA. You can go along with those Bob Owens talks about that has left with much better outcomes than hanging around AA. Although he has not left to follow then, I do not doubt that some have left and improved their lot. You too can do that if $35+ per hour is not adequate for you.

Everything you mentioned falls short of what we gave back in 2003.

Raise?.... not quite where we were before concessions..
Signing bonus of 6%....When you work OT and Holidays, you're not making what the line guy makes.
Keep TULSA OH going?...Sure at what costs? By opening the door to a new classification which will eventually replace AMTs on the floor.
Holidays? Remember when we used to have 10? And remember when we used to get paid double time and a half?
Personal days? Ok, a positive!

The bottom line is this company has a better vision of the future than the TWU...This TA opens the door and defines clearly what will happen in the future..
Since you referred to the 1983 debacle of a contract, everything the company got in that deal has been the precursor to where we are now.
And this TA will seal the fate of all of us. Next contract they will freeze the pension and no retiree medical for anyone as your beloved TWU will control it via a VEBA plan...Just ask GM UAW workers how they are doing with that.
Everything you mentioned falls short of what we gave back in 2003.

Raise?.... not quite where we were before concessions..
Signing bonus of 6%....When you work OT and Holidays, you're not making what the line guy makes.
Keep TULSA OH going?...Sure at what costs? By opening the door to a new classification which will eventually replace AMTs on the floor.
Holidays? Remember when we used to have 10? And remember when we used to get paid double time and a half?
Personal days? Ok, a positive!

The bottom line is this company has a better vision of the future than the TWU...This TA opens the door and defines clearly what will happen in the future..
Since you referred to the 1983 debacle of a contract, everything the company got in that deal has been the precursor to where we are now.
And this TA will seal the fate of all of us. Next contract they will freeze the pension and no retiree medical for anyone as your beloved TWU will control it via a VEBA plan...Just ask GM UAW workers how they are doing with that.

FEAR - And all possibility based at that
Keeps Overhaul Base going in Tulsa - Thats a Positive
Gives 2 Personal Vacation Days - Thats a Positive
Gives 3 Holidays- Thats a Positive
Gives 6% signing bonus or $2.55 per hour line premium -Thats a Positive
Has Wage Opener to assure compensation standing in the industry -Thats a Positive
Has new profit sharing plan that could payout nicely -Thats a Positive
Keeps us employed when unemployment is at 10%+ in the country - Thats a Positive
Keeps us from finding out if you still have 1000+ A&P Scabs ready to take our jobs - Thats a Positive

Divide and Conquer is not new to the TWU this contract, that has taken place since 1983 - 27 years

For me personally - This T/A gives $3.41 per hour raise retro to 5/5/10 - That is NOT paltry when calculated to a $580 per month gross per month. Compared to what we lost in 2003 not everthing back. Compared to where we are today this does move in a positive direction.

If it passes and you know where a better paying job is out there you are not required to stay employed at AA. You can go along with those Bob Owens talks about that has left with much better outcomes than hanging around AA. Although he has not left to follow then, I do not doubt that some have left and improved their lot. You too can do that if $35+ per hour is not adequate for you.

So if you vote NO they are going to close Tulsa / ? :blink:
Two personal days a year OK I want one on XMAS and the other on Easter :lol:
Three holidays which still makes us two short :unsure:
After seven years under reduced pay that isnt enough :angry:
Wage opener language :lol: :lol: I have heard that before
Profit sharing :lol: when was the last time AMR recorded a profit and how much did you get :lol:
90 percent employment in the US 😱 what is your point
There will allways be scabs just got to soul search to see if you are one 😉
So if you vote NO they are going to close Tulsa / ? :blink:
Two personal days a year OK I want one on XMAS and the other on Easter :lol:
Three holidays which still makes us two short :unsure:
After seven years under reduced pay that isnt enough :angry:
Wage opener language :lol: :lol: I have heard that before
Profit sharing :lol: when was the last time AMR recorded a profit and how much did you get :lol:
90 percent employment in the US 😱 what is your point
There will allways be scabs just got to soul search to see if you are one 😉

Your glass is half empty and mine is half full. So we disagree. Thank God for those that lie in Arlington Cemetary and their sacrifice so that I might have my opinion without a tyrant dictator beheading me.
Vote for what is best for you! Union members many, many moon ago, vote on what was good to advance their profession.
I can still remember My dad walking the line for the lady's that take care of us in the sky for 6 weeks. Because it was the right thing to do. I was only a little boy but still remember no more ice cream, turning the elec off, and oh my no A/C either, LOL, all to save money. But the big boys in the union let us down with the Air Traffic Controllers.

It doesn't matter how you vote! Worst of all, how many time have you seen the union let a few go and then say, We Lived to fight another day. What a joke. I hope you never hear those word as they cut you loose. The steam roller is head down hill.
Just make sure YOU VOTE......no matter which way you are leaning. no matter what your reasons, opinions or circumstances, VOTE. yes or no, VOTE,
Reality is the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or may be thought to be.

I know it's a different title but all you have to do is look at the state the FSC's are in. The company is trying to do the same thing to you guys with this TA. That is the reality of the situation.

And that raise everyone is looking forward too...You might get see some cash at first, but i'm crap sure the raise will be offset by increased health care cost. We, the TWU work groups, are helping AA with the other work groups health care cost.

I give Bob and Chuck credit for making those videos. They are informative and how a union should be run. Every union guy here should be asking their local presidents why they aren't putting out a video themselves.
Im pretty much resigned to the fact that its never going to be what it was pre 2003 contract. Life must go on. We will never get it back, we wont see 35% raises to bring us up to what we would be without concessions and taking into account inflation. Its not going to happen with us or anyone else in any industry that's not a VP executive. Its happening in the medical field, in I.T., even at McDonalds. Example-my uncle was a store manager for McDonald's back in the 90's, he made good money about 50K a year. McDonald's store managers and the comparable..STILL make 45-50K a year.

The rich getting richer and the middle class really is "lower middle class" No one can survive on 35K-45K a year and have A 3/2 or 4/2 house, 2 kids, 2 cars, a nice TV, cable, cell phones etc.

Thus the idea that the contract is driven by "wives". Mechanics make what..75K-80K a year? you did then and you do now. I'd say that was pretty good.
I know it's a different title but all you have to do is look at the state the FSC's are in. The company is trying to do the same thing to you guys with this TA. That is the reality of the situation.

And that raise everyone is looking forward too...You might get see some cash at first, but i'm crap sure the raise will be offset by increased health care cost. We, the TWU work groups, are helping AA with the other work groups health care cost.

I give Bob and Chuck credit for making those videos. They are informative and how a union should be run. Every union guy here should be asking their local presidents why they aren't putting out a video themselves.
Thanks, Your President has one out as well.

My cost for Medical coverage has increased 500% since 2003 on a paycut. When you factor in the 1.5% increases the increased benifit costs took $1.20hr out of the $1.90hr we saw over a seven year period.
It's interesting reading through some of these threads and seeing how some are gonna vote no and why, and how some will vote yes and the reasoning behind their vote.

I have been with American for 30 years and I have voted no on some contracts and I have voted yes on others. One thing I have come to realize is that it is no ones business how I vote other than my family. I pay my dues, that in itself gives me the right to vote without the intimidation and harassment from those who walk around trying to tell me where to put my check mark.
If you want to tell me what you are going to check, that's your prerogative, but don't tell me where to put mine, that's my right.
There are those here on this board that have already started the name calling and the vote hasn't even taken place yet.
Those "you are a $@*% if you vote yes", or "you're a ^&$#* if you vote no". Give me a break. :angry:

Why do you think voting is done in private. I don't need you no voters to come up to me and start calling me ant-union or pro company because I voted the way I did. And same for the yes voters, I don't need to hear how I cost someone a career or a nice raise.

Again, as a long time employee and union member, I reserve the right to keep the way I vote to myself. And for those of you who don't want to listen to the loud mouths on both sides of the aisle, at the shop and here on this board, I would suggest to you that you do the same.

It's no ones business but yours!

In the 1989 contract did the mechs vote down the TA and then get a worse contract voted in? I wasn't at AA then.

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