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Vote no demonstration in Tulsa

Hopefully enough people will have the courage to take the blue pill and see what the company and international are trying to put forth as the LBO2

We gave back in 03, no one disputes this, the problem is what the company and Our union have done with that time since then. Remember all the slogans and improvements that were bought to pass by job flow improvments and working smarter and more efficently? Where did it get us? It was never quite enough as far as the company was concerned. Now they want your dignity and honor too. I am sure the international has promised ratification of our contract in order to secure economic relief from their "Fought like Well???" legal fees....Imagine the smirks on little jim and companys faces after they pull this off. Our international will forever be the lapdogs of the company because they are corrupt and bought off by their self annointed trampings of office.

During the last Run at changing representation with AMFA, little jim mumbled about bringing more democracy and freer elections to the union......people waited and once again the power of the old tricks was unleashed once again. We need a union that will represent the members that pay their dues and expect them to fight for them as opposed to the reality that they fight against us.

I think we should all call for a totally transparent democracy throughout the TWU? Is it possible? NO of course not, just more smoke, mirrors, and seasoned slight of hand.

Please vote no, a simple act that will start us on the road to true freedom.....it will not be an easy fight, but well worth the effort in the long run.

thanks for your time.

Cheers.....see below

Perhaps you need to go and take a long look at the companies March 22nd term sheets "they will impose" with a "no vote". What you are complaining about will be gone anyway also within the March 22nd term sheet is a statement reguarding concensual agreement must be met, and if not, anything with an (*) will not apply. That means there would be no raises, no profit sharing, no Early Out, Pension turned over to the PBGC etc,etc,etc...

What the TA offers is raises, gain sharing plan for Line and Base employees, 36 month wage average adjustment, 48 month early section 6 opener to re-negotiate (we would still get raises as they re-negotiate), profit sharing, a Frozen Pension, matching 401k, Early Out etc,etc,etc...

I will be voting for the TA and I suggest you do the same. If you decide you can't live with it after the fact you can take the Early Out or the Stand In Stead that offer's over $39,500.00, you as well would recieve your prefunding contribution plus interest and if there is a successful Section 1114 filing through the bankruptcy you would get the companies prefunding portion too. This would probably place you near $50,000.00 to sever your ties, and walk away.

Then you could take your skills elswhere to a company who you think would treat you better.....Just my thoughts
Gosh, a whole 50,00 dollars.

Do they take income tax out of that?
Cheers.....see below

Perhaps you need to go and take a long look at the companies March 22nd term sheets "they will impose" with a "no vote". What you are complaining about will be gone anyway also within the March 22nd term sheet is a statement reguarding concensual agreement must be met, and if not, anything with an (*) will not apply. That means there would be no raises, no profit sharing, no Early Out, Pension turned over to the PBGC etc,etc,etc...

What the TA offers is raises, gain sharing plan for Line and Base employees, 36 month wage average adjustment, 48 month early section 6 opener to re-negotiate (we would still get raises as they re-negotiate), profit sharing, a Frozen Pension, matching 401k, Early Out etc,etc,etc...

I will be voting for the TA and I suggest you do the same. If you decide you can't live with it after the fact you can take the Early Out or the Stand In Stead that offer's over $39,500.00, you as well would recieve your prefunding contribution plus interest and if there is a successful Section 1114 filing through the bankruptcy you would get the companies prefunding portion too. This would probably place you near $50,000.00 to sever your ties, and walk away.

Then you could take your skills elswhere to a company who you think would treat you better.....Just my thoughts
Gain share - That will be $50 every quarter. Early opener? We have had early openers on every contract. Aren't we on year 9 of a 5 year deal? How is that early opener working out for us?
I read it earlier and was very surprised that Stewart actually wrote an honest article for a change.

He is just like the TWU Members. Once the lies are exposed the path to the truth becomes much easier.
I think you will find that this T/A debate and the issues communications, along with the actions of the TWU, has forever changed his reporting.

Time will tell.
I read it earlier and was very surprised that Stewart actually wrote an honest article for a change.

Yes or No things are going to change especially in tule. AA is going to shrink its mechanic ranks less inhouse overhaul. That's what everybody else has done.
Yes or No things are going to change especially in tule. AA is going to shrink its mechanic ranks less inhouse overhaul. That's what everybody else has done.

Had things been allowed to change sooner, instead of the Institutional Politics of AA Management and the TWU being allowed to grow bigger, the outcome of the Tulsa Base might have been different. Now we need to save what will be left. AA Management will be changed, and we need to support that change with a change of our own. If the TWU is allowed to remain, the culture change attempts will fail. We must reorganize ourselves as management reorganizes their direction and leadership.

Supporting the Teamsters is nothing more than another TWU.
Accountable Union Leadership will lead to accountable Union Members and work force.
This is the ONLY shot we have to reverse the decimation of the Tulsa Maintenance Base.

We have allowed Industrial Unionism to have their chance at change and leadership.
It has failed us and we must move forward to save what is left.

Cheers.....see below

Perhaps you need to go and take a long look at the companies March 22nd term sheets "they will impose" with a "no vote". What you are complaining about will be gone anyway also within the March 22nd term sheet is a statement reguarding concensual agreement must be met, and if not, anything with an (*) will not apply. That means there would be no raises, no profit sharing, no Early Out, Pension turned over to the PBGC etc,etc,etc...

What the TA offers is raises, gain sharing plan for Line and Base employees, 36 month wage average adjustment, 48 month early section 6 opener to re-negotiate (we would still get raises as they re-negotiate), profit sharing, a Frozen Pension, matching 401k, Early Out etc,etc,etc...

I will be voting for the TA and I suggest you do the same. If you decide you can't live with it after the fact you can take the Early Out or the Stand In Stead that offer's over $39,500.00, you as well would recieve your prefunding contribution plus interest and if there is a successful Section 1114 filing through the bankruptcy you would get the companies
prefunding portion too. This would probably place you near $50,000.00 to sever your ties, and walk away.

Then you could take your skills elswhere to a company who you think would treat you
better.....Just my thoughts

Just wondering who you know? How do you know what the company will do or not do? What the Judge will do or not do? How do you know I will get the company prefunding?

Can you please tell me?

Just wondering who you know? How do you know what the company will do or not do? What the Judge will do or not do? How do you know I will get the company prefunding?

Can you please tell me?
You can bet that you won't ever see the company's prefunding. They will ask the judge to keep it and he will let them. But by then it will be too late and the TWU will tell you that is what happens in BK. I just like how they hid that AA will repay their expenses then when exposed they say AA is not going to pay for everything.......... More information that the TWU has seen fit to not tell us. Ask yourself how much more information that would damage their vote yes agenda is being withheld.
You can bet that you won't ever see the company's prefunding. They will ask the judge to keep it and he will let them. But by then it will be too late and the TWU will tell you that is what happens in BK.

And what stool did you get that information from? That's nonsense. It's in a VEBA Trust and American can't get their hands on that money. I understand that was the purpose of placing their contribution in the Trust - just in case of a bankruptcy.
And what stool did you get that information from? That's nonsense. It's in a VEBA Trust and American can't get their hands on that money. I understand that was the purpose of placing their contribution in the Trust - just in case of a bankruptcy.

From what I hear, the companies portion of our prefunding money, if the vote passes, will be placed in an international sponsored plan, where you will either pay monthly to the plan or lose your company match. Under abrogation, the money will be returned to the employees.
And what stool did you get that information from? That's nonsense. It's in a VEBA Trust and American can't get their hands on that money. I understand that was the purpose of placing their contribution in the Trust - just in case of a bankruptcy.
From what I hear, the companies portion of our prefunding money, if the vote passes, will be placed in an international sponsored plan, where you will either pay monthly to the plan or lose your company match. Under abrogation, the money will be returned to the employees.

This is why you demand FULL Contract Language and ALL issues to be resolved.

Why is there still TWO ANSWERS to one question?
You can bet that you won't ever see the company's prefunding. They will ask the judge to keep it and he will let them. But by then it will be too late and the TWU will tell you that is what happens in BK.

And what stool did you get that information from? That's nonsense. It's in a VEBA Trust and American can't get their hands on that money. I understand that was the purpose of placing their contribution in the Trust - just in case of a bankruptcy.

Wrong, they already got the money from those groups that gave it up. Read the trust agreement, if we volunteer to leave the plan, which is what a YES vote is, then they get to keep the money and use it to pay their Benefit obligations, so while technically they cant buy new airplanes with it they do get the benefit of it. Yes we will get back what came out of our paychecks, plus investment experience, but if we vote YES we are agreeing to opt out and turn the funds over to the 1114 process. I agree with OldTimer and Tex Mex. We wont see the money and AA will use it as a way to look good as far as how they treated retirees at our expense. The money will go into a VEBA run by the Union till it runs out. So people like Ed Koziatek, Tim Gillespie and others, some of whom retired over a decade ago, who paid very little into the plan and recieved many, many times what they did pay into it, will continue to get coverage while those of us who paid into it for decades will see our company matches used to continue to provide them a benefit we will never see.

By voting YES we are agreeing to terminate the plan so the Bankruptcy Protection clauses do not apply, we agreed to it. and in the new agreement we allow the company to have a say in how the matching funds are used, read the LBOII. They could give us the Match back, did the tech Services guys get both back? Did Fleet? I doubt they intend on giving it back to us if we vote YES. Why do you think they are holding back on that? If we vote NO and the company unilaterally terminates the plan through its BK filing we determine what we do with our monies.


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