That's exactly the attitude that got you sued, convicted, and soon to be assessed for damages. I don't know what reality you live in, but this idea that you've been "wronged" holds no water. Sorry your career sucked, but let's be honest, there was no shortage of warning signs. USAPA has to represent ALL pilots fairly. Why? Because they demand payment from all pilots. It's hard to imagine at this late date that you don't know that. Nobody cares what the "East" wants and nobody cares that they're the majority. At one point, White people were the majority and voted that blacks should be slaves....does that still sound ok to you? I mean really, Whites were in the "majority'. Is that really the way you think things are going to be ALLOWED to work in 2010?
God knows when you missed it, but whatever train you thought you were on left decades ago. F. USAPA. They and there fake principles of democracy have done nothing but dig you a deeper grave. I don't know how many more obvious signs you need but apparently you still refuse to get it.
And to answer your I don't expect the east to "except" fairness....they've proven that ability long ago. I expect them to "Accept" reality and the fairness they pre-approved.