Part of the america west pilots update for March 9, 09, follows my opinion.
The west pilots were able to gain class action status regarding their most recent lawsuit. One week they were begging for the money, the next week they had it. Their claim of a "co founder" that "gambled" $30,000 does not pass the smell test. The money came from an organization that would be embarrassed by the knowledge of its participation.
Follow the money.
""We have come a long way since last September, but the battle is far from over. We see plenty of silly stickers on many West flight bags which register a pilots disdain for what USAPA is trying to do. We, the founders of Leonidas, understand the therapeutic value of displaying those stickers and wearing the lanyards (though personally, that is just not our style), but the fact is that stickers and lanyards do nothing to protect our legal rights. Litigation, however, does and that requires money“ lots of it. One of the Leonidas, LLC co-founders gambled over $30,000 of his own money because he was convinced that this campaign was what the West pilots really wanted and required. Soon after we got going many West pilots climbed on board and supported our legal cause. Now we can proudly state that the vast majority of West pilots have contributed financially. However, we are still left wondering where the few remaining pilots are, and why they have yet to chip in at this point, allowing others to carry their share of the load. To those of us whom have given not just our money, but also countless hours on this project, it is incomprehensible how there remains any West pilots who would possibly allow this trial to come and go without sacrificing anything to the cause. Stickers and lanyards may be nice, but it is money which fuels a legal campaign. If you have not contributed, for any reason, we strongly urge you to search your soul and ask yourself where your career would be without this case going to trial. The time is fast approaching when it will be too late, and the pilot who did nothing will have to live with that fact for the rest of their career.""
Leonidas LLC