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US Pilots Labor Discussion 5/13- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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Yes we do.

And my bet is if they can get that A330 rate up a bit, you will cast your vote in favor of such a contract, even with the Nic.

Because after the 9th rules against USAPA, there is no reason not to do just that.

And if you can't do any better than your latest rounds of sophomoric posts, please do us all a favor, and go back on sabbatical.
We know you will take "a bit" The rest of us say 250/hr or nothing.
We know you will take "a bit" The rest of us say 250/hr or nothing.

That's a Joke, right? you think You'll get 50 bucks an hour more than deltas 747 capts? You'll be lucky to be offered 190 for the 330. So I'd say you're a hell of a lot closer to "nothing" than "250".

That's the East Legacy...nothing. Congratulations.
Must be an AFO club meeting today, this place is awfull quiet.

Actually, it's the last 600- 800 captains that upgraded that will be the hardest to convince for a vote if Wakes injunction is upheld and the raises dont come at the end of summer. Mainly because of the spectre of a phx base closure over the next economic downturn or merger. I do believe if there is enough money, it will still happen after a few votes. Kirby has said it (money)wasnt there though.
BPR member Crimi latest dispatch of revisionist history regarding his time at Union Busting Freedom is laughable. Another USAPA hallmark is shooting ones self in the foot. Crimi's latest letter is going to hang him...why do these people insist upon insulting their memberships intelligence? He'll learn...the hard way, but he'll learn none the less.
BPR member Crimi latest dispatch of revisionist history regarding his time at Union Busting Freedom is laughable. Another USAPA hallmark is shooting ones self in the foot. Crimi's latest letter is going to hang him...why do these people insist upon insulting their memberships intelligence? He'll learn...the hard way, but he'll learn none the less.
No! No he won't. This is the problem with the usapa leadership. They can justify in their minds bad behavior and then find someone else to blame.

In this case it was ALPA's fault. But the reasons he gave for doing what he did. Happened AFTER he went to Freedom. It was Niclau's fault that he did not give the east DOH. It was everyone else's fault that AAA was a poor career choice.

If someone will not even admit there is a problem and they are part of it there is no way they can learn from it.
Don't you guys ever get tired of this? Does it get you anywhere anyway besides shaving months if not years off your lives from the stress and elevated blood pressure from your fighting?

I come here once in awhile to see if progress has been made and it's always the same snide remarks, low blows, and rooster dances.

I'm sure management must love it.
Seeing the way this is going, I've got an idea. Lets everyone take a break from something that none of you can do anything about(at least on here) & just enjoy a happy & safe Memorial Day weekend.
Don't you guys ever get tired of this? Does it get you anywhere anyway besides shaving months if not years off your lives from the stress and elevated blood pressure from your fighting?

I come here once in awhile to see if progress has been made and it's always the same snide remarks, low blows, and rooster dances.

I'm sure management must love it.
45 pages of the same old est vs west bickering. Don't you ever get tired of it, indeed. And the Tempe frat boys must be laughing at pilots seeing each other as the enemy.
Yes the Tyranny and misguidance of the East and their inability to accept a mutually agreed to process of binding arbitration and its outcome is pathetic. Meanwhile the sheep on the East follow their 'leader' blindly, hoping to delay the inevitable or steal seniority from the west because of their failed careers.

The West didn't cause you problems. You shouldn't expect them to pay for them either. Read the NIC award and become familiar with the decision and all it entails. It's not a bad as your leaders and anti-union pilots would think. In the meantime, continue down your path of fruitless abandon and enjoy your misery.

The answer to your problem looks at you in the mirror daily. Just don't let your ego block your view.
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