Manners are for civilized people.
They are a way of conducting day to day living in a civil manner.
You, I would guess are from the "Burgh" where manners are viewed as a sign of weakness.
You're definition of courtesy , I would very much like to know.
HP-FA has been nothing but polite.
You may disagree with his conclusions but you should not complain about his style. He has taken the high road far more often than you have and your compatriots.
You are a cretin.
If you are so obtuse to think that he is sucking up to some non-existent entity on this board to influence a court decision - then I am incredulous.
You need to see a shrink.
Actually, I'm from SD.
I don't expect to be patronized by anyone on the forum, friendly or otherwise. That is not the point.
The "issue" with him is NOT his's his MOTIVE! If you are a pilot for US Airways, and I presume you are, I value your "opinion" on a scale of 1 to 10 as a 10. That is because you have a potential 1/5200 vote. So it matters to me only in that regard. His advice, "truth", legal analysis, whatever, leads me to believe otherwise. Of course, if the union goes away (and I believe that is HIS ultimate objective), then he is the same as you and I and we compete on the open market. I know that HP doesn't have the capabilities to compete with you and I so I therefore don't care about him in that respect. He's a "legal" analyst here because he either has nothing better to do, he's trying to learn the law on-line or he is a management/corporate/law firm plant.
It's that simple.
I have been let back on the forum because I refrain from flaming people. I am not flaming HP. Thanks for flaming ME!!
If the moderator is reading this PLEASE don't remove it. I would like it to remain a PROOF that I am trying to be reasonable and not trying to "name call" and violate the rules of the board.
Of course if you think I am a cretin you may wish to let the chief pilot in CLT and advise him, the FAA and the media of my "questionable" mental state.
Does he work for AOL, LLC??? Where does HE fit in in the grand scheme of things?? It's one thing to involve yourself here because YOU are a pilot and have a vote. Why does HE care??? Shouldn't you be questionable of the Trojan horse?? Who does HE work for. Leonidas?? US Airways? Litigation law firms mean't to destroy labor unions??? WHO? Divide and conquer. What a better place than here!
Did you ever hear of "divide and conquer"???
If all you "pilots" (and this INCLUDES ME) want to place blame at the alter of greed, let me tell you how this works:
Walk into the bathroom, don't forget to turn on the lights, and point the finger at the only person YOU see in that mirror.
You're correct about the shrink. As you guys so aptly put, "insanity is posting the same thing over and over here and expecting a different result"!
Here at US Airways, we are finding out that it's money over principle.
I'll tell you pilots me here and I'll be glad to give you my phone number. HP needn't apply.