I apologize for having totally missed your post last night.
None required. Like moths to a "flame" I knew you'd respond!!!
As for the 53 page findings, of course that document would reflect how the judge saw it. As I said, I believe he got it right.
Maybe. So how does that affect the vote???
I don't remember using a poor choice of words. The 53 page document contained conclusions of law, as well as the facts that caused the judge to make those conclusions of law. A brief history of the case is also laid out in there.
Poor conclusions support poor words. As I said before, the appeals court NORMALLY search for things like procedural errors, and in SOME cases, such as this one, A-B-U-S-E of discretion. It still doesn't affect THE VOTE!!
Is the 53 page document all that is in the record on appeal? No. It, along with the submitted briefs of the parties, would however be natural starting points for the judges and clerks of the 9th to start reviewing what the judge saw and why he ruled certain ways. They would then backtrack into the appropriate areas of the record on appeal.
Starting point...certainly. That is where the HISTORY of the case comes into the opinion. But be advised that the judges must have to FOLLOW the PROCEDURAL LAW under RLA and that is what their job is. Regardless, as I said before, the sole purpose of the lawsuit, win or lose, is to destroy USAPA. Remember, the only win as I see it now is for the company (which company, BTW...US Airways, AOL or BOTH!!).
The last I knew I don't need to be employed by US Airways, have a qualifying pilot certificate or have a direct interest in the outcome of this issue in order to engage in comments on this public message board. The administrators of this public message board have made it clear that it is public and posting here is not restricted to only, in this case, pilots of US Airways.
And that IS my point. People on this forum. WHO ARE PILOTS CURRENT ON THE US AIRWAYS LIST, need NOT be remiss in believing those who are NOT CURRENT pilots to support THEIR positions just so they can feel better about themselves. Again...I H-A-V-E A V-O-T-E!! You don't. What you BELIEVE is really immaterial to the conversation because, oh, did I mention YOU HAVE NO VOTE??? The only MATERIAL players in this passion play is ME and 5,200 US Airways pilots. CAN YOU VOTE? Oh, I know, you may KNOW someone that can and you can convince THEM to vote. But they have to pull the lever...NOT YOU!
No. I've said that before. The court can, and has, ordered through its injunction that USAPA include in any contract put out for ratification the provisions of the Nicolau seniority list that was arrived at after agreed upon binding arbitration. The court has never tried to impose any requirement as to how individual pilots choose to vote in any matter submitted to them for ratification. I do note however that USAPA has not submitted a contract to its members for potential ratification. Why?
So remember, NO USAPA, NO CBA. NO LAWSUIT! NO CASE!! NO RICH WEST PILOTS! However, I'll TELL you why, since you havn't been nor are YOU allowed to be in ANY BPR meeting is this, and it has NOTHING to do with conspiracy theory. It has to do with ALL...repeat....ALL of the sections of the CBA being agreed to. The BPR is not holding anything back. There simply is nothing there because the majority of EAST pilots prefer NO UNION rather than a union that tosses union principles away. It's a big task and it won't be completed without the resolve of the OVERWHELMING support of ALL the pilots. It just so happens that the MAJORITY of the pilots won't be pattsies for the minority desires.
END OF STORY. You can pick on Cleary all you want, but he has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!! The pilot's don't want a CBA with Nicolau. And you can't make us vote for it!!
You see, YOU advocate the short term and want the pilots to "get the money". We advocate "no principle, no unity, no money"
Once again I apologize for having missed your post yesterday, thereby delaying this response.
Please don't patronize me, thank you very much. I know you for who you are!