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US Pilots Labor Discussion 3/19- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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I love the wolf pack of West pilots that attack with opinions, when you post facts on this message board.


I love the wolf pack of East pilots that attack with opinions, when you post facts on this message board.

Hey....wait a minute.......

Maybe they can use USAPA assets for the West pilot that beat up a social studies teacher lately or for the Rico defendants that committed vandalism against a fledgling union and threatened their own pilots for joining USAPA in the early stages. Now the West 'leaders" are recommending recently that their flock to join and have a voice, what a concept.

Marty Harper is a sham lawyer that has no integrity, an ambulance chaser. Yes he can go after a majority and pay the minority of regional pilots that so desperately want to be taken seriously by the majors. How about Andy Jacobs, the 28J professional, because he does not do his homework, maybe give him some of the money so he can take more legal classes.

Your West "leaders" have led you to believe that you will recoup damages and have super seniority. This will not happen. Start a new career where you have the basic requirements in that particular profession, you were hired by America West Airlines only because you did not qualify for the big show.

I don't know how to isolate quotes but your last statement is bogus and just plain wrong! I was hired by American West in 84' and left one month later to go to work for USAir. I made the move because I had already been burned by an upstart and thought that my chances at USAir were better. There was nothing wrong at AWA. In fact, if you've never had the chance to work for an upstart, it was a good feeling working with people that all had a common goal- to make the airline work. Their were/are a lot of good people at AWA. In fact, when i flew with some of the yahoos in the left seat at USair, I said the same thing you did. they couldn't get hired at the majors so they ended up at Lake Central or Mohawk or Allegeny. When everyone on these boards can suck up a little pride and realize we are ALL EQUALS, then we can move on. Until then, forget it. It's a pipe dream
Every time I visit this website I become more convinced we, east and west, will never be able to work together in the same cockpits. Perhaps we are wasting our time fighting the wrong battle, because whichever side wins still ends up sleeping with the enemy.

Tell me why I'm wrong.

I can do it. When the Nic gets implemented and East guys who have the seniority to bid PHX exercise that seniority, I'll happily throw the gear up and down for them. I'd like to think MOST of us are big boys and girls and can do our jobs. East Captain, West Captain...what the heck to I care? You do your job, I do my job, and if you're not a total tool we go down and have a beer together. I've sat on East jumpseats before and I've had them sit on ours. Without exception, everyone was civil. We talked about the company, our wives, our kids, the weather, and anything but politics, religion, and ALPA/USAPA because we probably won't find common ground and it makes for a miserable time in the cockpit. I've found guys that can't be civil are smart enough to just keep their mouths shut and that's just fine. Anybody who can't do that needs to be put into time out. Do your job or go do something else. Why would it be so hard to act like adults at work?
We use to attend my son's HIGH SCHOOL baseball game ! NOW were scared even go to that! MM! Working at HOME DEPOT might be safer!
The only thing DAL and United pilots did not like is the seniority of the USAirways pilot group, they rationalize their actions by this.

Since you brought me into this conversation...

I'm a Delta pilot (DOH 1987, flying as a 767ER capt.), and I was vehemently opposed to the USAirways buyout, but not for the reason you state. I saw the east guys as a group with unrealistic expectations, and an inability to honor their past agreements. You were unrealistic and unreasonable in your quest for date-of-hire integration, and when you didn't get your way, you chose to attempt an end run around the law.

At the time the USAirways/Delta attempt was announced, I was flying a trip with a SAN layover on Monday. Every Tuesday morning, I would ride to the airport with a US crew. Without fail, the F/O would ask me when I was hired, and if I could hold 777 captain (I could, and can, BTW). Their hunger and greed was palpable; they wanted what I had.

Just for a minute, though, lets ignore the personal aspect that makes any acquisition of USAirways assets so unappealing. What, exactly, would Delta (or United, or American, or Continental) need from your network to complete or enhance their own? Nothing, of course. All the above airlines have a comprehensive network already. None of these airlines need a new hub. We'd all like more restricted slots, but you know how the government is about those lately; they're more interested in giving them to jetBlue and Southwest.

For better or worse, you guys are stuck with each other. I hope you can make it work. I hope that the average east pilot doesn't share the attitude and viewpoint that I see on this board.
I expect that after my post, the usual suspects are going into my past posts, in search of inconsistencies in my statements. Have at it. Your usual method of attacking the poster may distract some people from the issue at hand, but not many.
Amen. Thanks for your post, by the way, I enjoyed it. Not for the obvious reasons, but because it's always refreshing to read competent thought out posts devoid of infantile attacks.

And as for this:
We use to attend my son's HIGH SCHOOL baseball game ! NOW were scared even go to that! MM! Working at HOME DEPOT might be safer!
You're seriously going to go there?
The periods (.) for quotation marks (') was bad but overlookable, but this just got you put on ignore. Egads man. See how easy it is to let your emotions stop you from taking questionable actions?
We use to attend my son's HIGH SCHOOL baseball game ! NOW were scared even go to that! MM! Working at HOME DEPOT might be safer!

I'm new on this forum and I attempted to use the multiple quote feature but was unsuccessful. there were about a half dozen posts regarding this subject in the last seven pages on this thread. Is this necessary? One guy out of , what, 1700, screws up and this keeps being thrown around? Do you have anything better and more productive to discuss?

Should the web board be cluttered with similar nonsense the next time an east pilot has a shootout with his neighbor, or better yet, his own airplane?
Geez! Grow up.
I'm just happy to have a job. We should be thankful for our management not breaking any loan covenants and not rock the boat. If we have to give up more we should because flying planes is all I know how to do. I love flying and am thankful for a job. We can't make what southwest makes because oru management doesn't operate that way. So I just am happy to have the job. I hope we don't have to give back more but if we do it will be so we can help the company not break the loan covenants and stay in business.

I can only fly airplanes with my college degree so I don't care if I make less than a car salesman for doing it. Because if we have to make less to keep this job then that is what we have to do. It doesn't matter to me because if the cost of tickets go up people will stop flying and then we will be in big trouble. And what if gas goes up? Man, then we will have to give up some more.

But we better not do anything to cause the company to break the loan covenants. Because then we would have to go out of business and I can't do anything other than fly airplanes.

I'm just happy to have a job. That's all that matters. I'll vote yes on anything that helps me keep this job. I really need it. I can't do anything other than fly airplanes.
Why don't you just Fly for Free!

Just be sure to look sharp when walking through the terminal. Don't want to give a bad impression to the traveling public.

Every time I visit this website I become more convinced we, east and west, will never be able to work together in the same cockpits. Perhaps we are wasting our time fighting the wrong battle, because whichever side wins still ends up sleeping with the enemy.

Tell me why I'm wrong.

The grown ups and professional pilots, both east and west, will work fine together in the same cockpits. I dare say that there are a lot more of them than there are of you.

That's why you're wrong.
I'll also go one step further and say, thankfully, BlackSwan, EastUS, VV and MM, while vocal and very visual, are not the whole sum of the East sampling of pilots. Just as the West posters are not the whole of the West. They're vocal and they're here but they're not even a full percentage point of the entire workforce they come from. Not even close.

So that is why you're wrong. I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of the pilots on both sides know how to do their jobs when their lives and the lives of their passengers are resting on their shoulders.
Since you brought me into this conversation...

I'm a Delta pilot (DOH 1987, flying as a 767ER capt.), and I was vehemently opposed to the USAirways buyout, but not for the reason you state. I saw the east guys as a group with unrealistic expectations, and an inability to honor their past agreements. You were unrealistic and unreasonable in your quest for date-of-hire integration, and when you didn't get your way, you chose to attempt an end run around the law.

At the time the USAirways/Delta attempt was announced, I was flying a trip with a SAN layover on Monday. Every Tuesday morning, I would ride to the airport with a US crew. Without fail, the F/O would ask me when I was hired, and if I could hold 777 captain (I could, and can, BTW). Their hunger and greed was palpable; they wanted what I had.

Just for a minute, though, lets ignore the personal aspect that makes any acquisition of USAirways assets so unappealing. What, exactly, would Delta (or United, or American, or Continental) need from your network to complete or enhance their own? Nothing, of course. All the above airlines have a comprehensive network already. None of these airlines need a new hub. We'd all like more restricted slots, but you know how the government is about those lately; they're more interested in giving them to jetBlue and Southwest.

For better or worse, you guys are stuck with each other. I hope you can make it work. I hope that the average east pilot doesn't share the attitude and viewpoint that I see on this board.

This is a very good perspective and one that we all should be aware of. I am very curious of how you view the west pilots and would there possibly have been pilot support for a merger between the west and DL at that time.
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