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US Pilots Labor Discussion 3/11- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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How can you do any lifting with that blood on your own hands?
With your vast command of your "facts", how many of those would have been furloughed under the East proposal at Wye? How many would have their blood on your hands?

How can you do any lifting with that blood on your own hands?

Ever notice that new logo the company uses where it has the US symbol in an oval, with the PSA, Piedmont, Allegeny and AWA logos around the oval at 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock positions? Ever wonder why the AWA logo is at the 6 o'clock position, at the bottom of the symbol? That symbolizes AWA carrying the weight of the merger. Sort of an Atlas, forced to burden the weight of the LCC world.

The West is doing the heavy lifting.

Your deflecting the cause of why the hardships are brought upon the furloughs, and claiming it is the former West ALPA reps fault for not capitulating at Wye River, is nothing more than a denial of the actions of usapa, and the unfortunate position we are all in as a result of the east's inability to negotiate in good faith.
I've got a better story to tell, if we are spinning yarns. How about if one of your buddies knows an Judge on the local level, and he tells you this judge can deliver you the verdict you want, that is as long as you keep a lot of good evidence out, and you know he will. So tons of fact is kept out. Then that judge doesn't get INTERNAL UNION AFFAIRS. He doesn't sleep at night, because he knows he has no grounding in labor law. He is in deep in this Internal Union Matter. Then you get conned into paying this, because this imaginary Army, lets say army of Leotards for the kids sake, gets all its' conscripts to ante up millions. Meanwhile, a bunch of those army guys get thrown out of their jobs as a result of this army being so misguided, and feeding the troops UNRIPE fruit. Your army leader screws it up so bad, it gets appealed. Now the leader of the army is talking problems with TECHNICALITY, not merit. Rest of the story coming real soon.

WOW! That was some mushroom you must have eaten, eh Alice??

I think it's official. You have to be the USAPA version of Baghdad Bob. The story that you have spun is so full of hyperbole & puffery, that I simply can't stop laughing to respond point on point. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Two questions only:
1) Where does he sit on your current list, and....
2) Where would he be with the nic in place?
Typical. Insults from the so called adults.

Implying that there are special needs children working out west. Ha ha real funny, just goes to show the lack of class back east.
WOW! That was some mushroom you must have eaten, eh Alice??

I think it's official. You have to be the USAPA version of Baghdad Bob. The story that you have spun is so full of hyperbole & puffery, that I simply can't stop laughing to respond point on point. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Glad you liked it Cactusboy53. Calloway and the flying eggo has got it beat though.
Ever notice that new logo the company uses where it has the US symbol in an oval, with the PSA, Piedmont, Allegeny and AWA logos around the oval at 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock positions? Ever wonder why the AWA logo is at the 6 o'clock position, at the bottom of the symbol? That symbolizes AWA carrying the weight of the merger. Sort of an Atlas, forced to burden the weight of the LCC world.

The West is doing the heavy lifting.

Your deflecting the cause of why the hardships are brought upon the furloughs, and claiming it is the former West ALPA reps fault for not capitulating at Wye River, is nothing more than a denial of the actions of usapa, and the unfortunate position we are all in as a result of the east's inability to negotiate in good faith.
I like the Atlas story. The one I heard has a different ending. The one where a certain item flows downhill.
I'd say that's money very well spent...and...ummm..just who really wants to see this mess "merged" anyway?...I certainly don't, not now, not ever....

You mean besides the 25000 employee's who are either ALREADY merged or in the process?

You mean besides the rest of us?

I'd say just about everyone but you and a few of your friends.

Pony up already.
Key word, Judge in PHOENIX. The Desert Judge carried your foul water as far as he could. Until the bucket sprang so many leaks its' judicial merit, what little there was, dried up in the desert sand.....

Wow, typical character assassination of the judge. boo hoo, mean judge ruled against me.

I'll take the desert sand over the rusted out hell hole that is PHL.

What part of "binding" do you guys not understand?
Ever notice that new logo the company uses where it has the US symbol in an oval, with the PSA, Piedmont, Allegeny and AWA logos around the oval at 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock positions? Ever wonder why the AWA logo is at the 6 o'clock position, at the bottom of the symbol? That symbolizes AWA carrying the weight of the merger. Sort of an Atlas, forced to burden the weight of the LCC world.

The West is doing the heavy lifting.

By that interesting "logic", it necessarilly follows that whale "droppings" hold up the ocean?
Typical. Insults from the so called adults.

Implying that there are special needs children working out west. Ha ha real funny, just goes to show the lack of class back east.

Your point's well taken. I assure you that in no way did I mean to be "Implying" anything of the sort....
I'll take the desert sand over the rusted out hell hole that is PHL.

What part of "binding" do you guys not understand?

1) No accounting for taste I guess. Personally; I've never been able to get overly excited about essentially lifeless hell holes myself, and one would have to pay me something just short of more-money-than-I-can-imagine to willingly live in a (insert expletives aplenty) desert..but..heck, whatever floats anyone's boat...

2) The part where you can ever actually make it happen and see the west's fantasies fulfilled perhaps? Even absurdly assuming the best possible results for the west regarding all courtroom and LOA resolutions...What part of: If the east doesn't vote into existence any nic-inclusive contract....well...you do the math...if possible.
The reason is that the court of appeals is the only appeal by right. Lose there and that's it. SCOTUS will grant injunctions when needed, ie death penalty cases, but the chances of USAPA getting the SCOTUS to enjoin the 9th would be zero.

Misinformation that you would like the West pilots to believe.
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