Now that is the smartest thing that I have read on here in a long while. I am thankful as well, regardless of what I felt at the time - they did do alright because it can always get worse.
One only needs to look around. HAS anyone actually looked up from their Blackberry or Computer Screen long enough to see the absolute joke of an operation we are running?
The people benefiting from ALL this EAST/WEST non sense, are the ONES that that have been playing both sides like a Stradivarius. "We" are just too stupid to realize it - we are too busy fighting one another. 5 years into this train wreck and both East and West have one thing in common: contempt for the bone heads running this operation. Who said "WE" couldn't agree.
This whole thing is almost like the Allegheny County debacle and pulling down PIT. Allegheny County and US Airways basically got themselves into the mess they find themselves because neither side was willing to compromise. So guess what both sides get screwed and someone else profited from the misfortune brought to thousands of employees, customers, and a region because of pig headed stubbornness ON BOTH SIDES. Instead of developing a solution - "they" created a problem that someone will eventually profit on, too bad it wasn't the ones that had a stake in it.
What if BOTH sides had yielded to a more common ground? Well put it this way - we would no longer need to pad the hell out of our flight times for OTP, we wouldn't have to.
What if, without the help of a geriatric arbitrator, a case of single malt scotch and a locked hotel meeting room were substituted? No one from EITHER SIDE leaves until the matter is SETTLED SATISFACTORILY TO BOTH SIDES.......not crammed down one side or another expeditiously. BUT SETTLED SATISFACTORILY TO BOTH SIDES.
Do you think that can be accomplished? I am betting a hell of a lot a lot faster than you think.
But "We" can't do that - That would be "too simple", "too Old School". Remember Acom's Razor? The simplest solution tends to be the correct one. NOW there is a concept - I call it K.I.S.S. That is also what "we" can all tell Parker,Glass, Hemenway, and Kirby and all their little Kool Aid droids in PHX to do to a certain anatomical region of all of "our" collective posteriors once we resolve this matter amicably.
But No "WE" all would much rather sit around and give our fellow colleagues the "skunk eye" as we pass by one another, and continue to spew the 24/7 hubris on the internet and in the courtroom... at great personal expense and the peril of our profession.
So who in the end is ultimately the winner? The guy with no tie- no clue and a Diet Dr. Pepper? Hope it was worth it guys. Doug sure thinks so.
BOTH side need to step up and resolve this matter NOW. And no matter the intensity of the rhetoric, both side are capable of compromise.
One thing is for sure, neither East nor West are never going to get to their desired destination on this current heading.
It doesn't matter what a judge in PHX says, the Union(s), the Attorneys, the 9th Circuit , SCOTUS, or the guys just like myself that waste ENTIRELY TOO MUCH of their life reading the BS on this board. "We" all could be out doing something else more enjoyable and enjoying our lives and possibly our job.
Sooner or later "we" are going to have to come to a common ground or that is where US Airways (not just pilots) will remain permanently. Maybe this time we can get it right, Let's hope so.
Happy Holidays to ALL