For those who have a direct line to the mind of all east pilots - Have any of them bothered to call/write their reps demanding a T/A upon which to vote? How can you predict how someone will vote if they show no interest in a vote anyhow?
Doesn't it seem at all strange that you think the senior pilots will suffer indefinitely under LOA 93 just to protect the unfounded fears of those junior to them? Is it rational to think that a pilot would choose to have their reps withhold a T/A just so that an errant vote for more money/better benefits might not accidently occur?
Once USAPA decides to stop chasing their tail and puts forward a T/A then the majority of west pilots will join and combined with those east pilots who see the futility in protecting their fellow pilots from the boogeyman that USAPA created, the contract will pass and things will move on.
As the Dems in Washington are finding out, incremental wins sure beat the loss of an overreaching agenda. The US pilots won't wait until the perfect contract comes along to pass it. They will see that a modified Kirby is a good win and sets the stage for more in the next round. Take 18% now and go for 10% more next time rather than wait until 28% is offered (because it won't and more will come at the expense of some other contract section).
There is nothing to call or write our Reps about. We are miles apart, and years away from any meaningful contract proposal, and given the company's negotiating schedule, progression is at a snails' pace. The only indefinite suffering occurs under an implemented NIC, and those fears are not unfounded......they are a LOCK under NIC (a LOCK-OUT for many East F/O's who will never upgrade or get back to the left seat).
USAPA is not chasing their tail. They are the CBA charged with putting two polarized groups together. Most likely an insurmountable task given the positions of the two groups (ok, maybe they are chasing their tail). We are the 'boogeymen', East and West, polarized and cemented in our positions. Admittedly, both sides with some valid arguments. Nonetheless, here we are....fighting like children on the playground. Thank you NIC!
You are correct to say 'that perfect contract' won't materialize. We know that. Especially in this economic environment! So, we will take our 'incremental wins' (3%/year going guess as to how the LOA93/84 grievence plays a minimum) to beat the loss of an 'overreaching agenda' (NIC). It is going to be a long, long, turbulent road. So buckle up! Until a serious proposal is put forth in a TA, one that is palatable and beneficial to all involved, all this talk of a 'vote' is premature.
Now if you truly wish to understand the situation facing the East pilots, if you
honestly want to get your finger on the pulse of the East pilots' minds, then ask yourself this question:
How may West pilots would vote 'yes' to a contract that contains a 10% pay raise, lowers the minimum fleet (to 250 aircraft?) AND implements a seniority list that virtually guarantees 85% of your (West) F/O's will NEVER upgrade?
Your answer will give you your own 'direct line to the mind of the East pilots'.