NYC, it's the same old song (SOS) with them. They repeat the same factually challenged premise, then try to make a case for it. If we don't reply, they say we're worried. If we do reply, they say we're worried. Just like clear's totally wrong premise. Then he tries to make the case for Kirby+NIC.
IF we were dealing with the best parts of both contracts. IF the TA's 322 range a/c floor remained, instead of the Kirby's 250. IF PBS could be revised to guarantee blocks to block holders. IF line max remained the same. A lot of "IFs."
NYC, no matter how many times we post, Clear and the Gang won't get it. They won't even debate it. They just repeat the SOS, then try to justify it. What do they think? We haven't been down the ALPA carrot/stick road before? Few of our our wide-boy COs will never desert those they fly with. The rest of us know that Kirby+NIC amounts to about 1,000 furloughs, equipment downgrades, seat downgrades, block to reserve downgrades, furloughs, all disproportionately falling on East pilots. The votes aren't there. What good is a $20K payraise for an FO who gets furloughed? What good is a $30K payraise for a CO who gets downgraded, forced to reserve. But I repeat myself. Sometimes I got to wonder why.
Since they refuse to address this, I'll just ask it rhetorically. With West having less than 1/4 of the voting members, where do they get the votes to pass a Kirby+NIC?
I wouldn't be so sure. Of the WB Capts and some NB Capts I talk to, they want more money now. Every one of them. Your results may vary!
The truth of it is, you know I'm right. It's always been that way over there.