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US Pilot Labor Thread, Aug 25th-31th

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:blink: Ummm...OK.....Whew!

Well..the bottom line is that Mr. Parker has again stated that any seniority issues will be determined within Union-Company negotiations...period. It's really that simple. People can seek to twist the facts of the situation around indefinately....and/or twist themselves around the axle indefinately....and not change any aspect of that reality in the slightest......

The Nic exists as an historical piece of Alpa paperwork...and nothing more. Show me/all where the nic's being used at any level, in any way, shape or form as "the list" within ANY aspect of actual reality? USAPA has no reason whatsoever to "challenge" anything, nor seek to "selectively reorder" a "list" that only exists as a paperwork fantasy. Furloughs/seat vacancies/domicile bids...NOTHING is being determined by ANY aspect of Nic. There are currently two lists..east-west..and there will be one resulting from contract negotiations and adoption....period. Is ANY of this even beginning to finally sink in?

OK..The company "accepted" the list...they've also accepted hundreds of Christmas cards over time..and any "Ho Ho Ho!" contained within means nothing, unless and until negotiated into actual existence within a contract. Again: Is ANY of this even beginning to finally sink in?

"Emotions" have nothing to do with any of it...save to render some wholly unable to reason it seems.

Wow, Captain A. That is pretty impressive post! You originally posted one line and then through repeated edits you grew it into one of your rolling manifestos which you are so known for on this board. That's the eastUs that we know!

Now, if you can only answer a few simple questions... But I imagine you were an expert at escape and evade tactics in flight school since you are pretty impressive at it around here dodging the direct questions, so I doubt any answers will be forthcoming.
Wow, Captain A. That is pretty impressive post! You originally posted one line and then through repeated edits you grew it into one of your rolling manifestos which you are so known for on this board. That's the eastUs that we know!

Now, if you can only answer a few simple questions... But I imagine you were an expert at escape and evade tactics in flight school since you are pretty impressive at it around here dodging the direct questions, so I doubt any answers will be forthcoming.

My My..all that instead of any even slightly coherent thought towards the idea of: "Well..the bottom line is that Mr. Parker has again stated that any seniority issues will be determined within Union-Company negotiations...period. It's really that simple. People can seek to twist the facts of the situation around indefinately....and/or twist themselves around the axle indefinately....and not change any aspect of that reality in the slightest......"

I suppose that I couldn't imagine a finer example of "and/or twist themselves around the axle indefinately...."

Take Care..I hope that your day improves as it goes along. seems that it's off to rough start = "Reality!?..Whatta' Concept!!" 🙄

PS: What "questions" have I supposedly "dodged" ?
from CLT base update letter Misguided Fuel Training

On Monday, August 25th, LAS weather caused several minimum fuel diversions into numerous airports on the West Coast. Flight 781, a 757, was dispatched into LAS with a scheduled landing fuel of 11,500 lbs. The Captain on this flight was one of the 8 Captains that were called in for fuel school.

This 30 year Captain, with approximately 10 years of experience on the 757, had personal policy based upon his experience that he would land with no less than 10,000 lbs for east coast destinations, and 14,000 lbs in LAS due to the lack of available nearby alternates.

The crew flew to ONT at long range cruise and eventually landed with 5000 lbs, well below the minimum landing fuel for the 757.
I still believe that discipline disguised as "training" is a precedent that must fought. However, I'd like to comment on the fuel issue described in the statement above.

10,000 lbs for East Coast and 14,000 for LAS arrivals????????? That seems like an awful lot of fuel to me. I remember at one point at UA we used numbers like 7000lbs for 757's and 9000-10000 for 767's. This was found to be about 2000 lbs HIGHER than most other operators of the 757 with our engines. I realize that US 757's may have different engines, but they can't be THAT less efficient.

Several years ago we switched, system wide, to an endurance based landing fuel instead of an arbitrary number of pounds, since endurance is the real concern. Let's face it... Your main concern is how long those engines will run until flame out. On a light airplane that number can vary significantly from a heavy one. So now our flight plans are based on arriving with 1 hour of fuel 🙂45 FAR fuel plus :15 contingency fuel) plus alternate fuel if applicable. In some destinations additional fuel is added based on historic ATC delays. Granted this was a bit of a culture shock for those who had been doing it the old way for decades. But the science of using actual endurance based on actual conditions is sound.

Now for the "minimum fuel" issue. Let's face it. Diverting to an alternate is not an unsuccessful outcome if it is done safely. And Minimum Fuel only means that the flight can not experience any further undue delay or a Fuel Emergency may develop. Minimum Fuel is NOT and emergency.

Again, I don't know what your 757's fuel burns are. But at UA, 5000 lbs of fuel is about 1:00 of endurance. Far from a dramatic event and beyond the FAA's required :45. 14,000 just sounds a bit excessive to me. And I have about 10 years of 757/767 experience as well.

And before anyone turns on the flame thrower, remember I said I don't condone disciplinary training. Just trying to add some perspective on 757 operation.
Several years ago we switched, system wide, to an endurance based landing fuel instead of an arbitrary number of pounds, since endurance is the real concern.
While "endurance" may be great should you decide to hang around, awaiting "improving" conditions, you might need to explain what you mean by "endurance based landing fuel" as, with a cursory inspection of the FAA website, I can find no mention of such.

Please let us know what you mean that is different, procedures, etc. If UAL has changed the way they accomplish diversions, how would that affect their ETOPs operations?
I still believe that discipline disguised as "training" is a precedent that must fought. However, I'd like to comment on the fuel issue described in the statement above.

Again, I don't know what your 757's fuel burns are. But at UA, 5000 lbs of fuel is about 1:00 of endurance. Far from a dramatic event and beyond the FAA's required :45. 14,000 just sounds a bit excessive to me. And I have about 10 years of 757/767 experience as well.

That would mean a fuel flow of 2500pph on each engine at an operating altitude of 10-20,000 ft. (post missed approach). Damn, you guys have some fuel efficient engines.
You're entitled to your beliefs, although they effect nothing...and I agree..just your last posting has provided much amusement.

Glad I could oblidge. I do admit that my brain isn't as big as yours so my ability to provide amusement will never come close to yours.

Mark my words, however, usapa will have to give up an awful lot to get their dream list. Even you guys won't be willing to stoop as low as you will need to.
The crew flew to ONT at long range cruise and eventually landed with 5000 lbs, well below the minimum landing fuel for the 757. Once on the ground they saw 8 other minimum fuel US Airways flights and took an extensive delay before returning to LAS.

And, God forbid, had any of these flights ended tragically, Parker, Kirby, Bular, Hogg, Skinner, Jones, et al would have stood in lockstep behind the FAA in pointing the finger at the captain's lack of judgment.
My apologies sir. It seems the amnesia's all mine, and I did assign you another's posting in error. Any thoughts on where we should go from this point in the mess we have though?

Nope. I have no input on your mess over there. I am just amused watching the same threads recycle over and over. Pontificating and grand standing on both sides. It will be interesting to see where you all end up over this although it seems like the byproduct will be years of discontent and animosity. Good luck with that.
And, God forbid, had any of these flights ended tragically, Parker, Kirby, Bular, Hogg, Skinner, Jones, et al would have stood in lockstep behind the FAA in pointing the finger at the captain's lack of judgment.
100 percent correct on that one!!!!!!!!
Nope. I have no input on your mess over there. I am just amused watching the same threads recycle over and over. Pontificating and grand standing on both sides. It will be interesting to see where you all end up over this although it seems like the byproduct will be years of discontent and animosity. Good luck with that.

We're happy you are amused.

Maybe we can induce some side-splitting guffaws on your part by finding a video of puppies being tortured.
We're happy you are amused.

Maybe we can induce some side-splitting guffaws on your part by finding a video of puppies being tortured.

Hey I think the situation you all are mired in is really just plain sad and unhealthy for yourselves and the company.

But like I said before, the repetitive posts with drama and accusations flying back and forth are pretty amusing. After all, you all are a fine group of professionals but put some in front of a keyboard with an anonymous login and watch the insanity begin. That is what is entertaining.
Please list any historical court action that "will not allow USAPA to 'negotiate' a DOH/LOS seniority list, keeping in mind that USAPA is, in this case, negotiating with itself.

It might clarify things if you would keep your "lists" straight define "negotiation" for us.


USAPA is negotiating with the company.

The only way the arbitrated list is replaced with a DOH/LOS list is for the company to agree to a contract containing it.

The moment USAPA puts that contract out for a vote they will be sued by the West pilots.

The overwhelming probability is that the courts, based on past cases, will rule in favor of the West.
Wrong. USAPA is negotiating with the company. The only way the arbitrated list is replaced with a DOH/LOS list is for the company to agree to a contract containing it.

The moment USAPA puts that contract out for a vote they will be sued by the West pilots.

The overwhelming probability is that the courts, based on past rulings, will rule in favor of the West.

🙄 Yep, you have an opinion, just like "Let my Daddy Vote". :blink:
USAPA is negotiating with the company.

The only way the arbitrated list is replaced with a DOH/LOS list is for the company to agree to a contract containing it.

The moment USAPA puts that contract out for a vote they will be sued by the West pilots.

The overwhelming probability is that the courts, based on past cases, will rule in favor of the West.

1) You've noticed? = Good.
2) "The arbitrated list" isn't being used for anything, and isn't in existence in any aspect of reality. Let's assume, for the pure sake of argument, that you're right though. What POSSIBLE reason would/does the company have for seeking the adoption of an insane list that would ,intentionally and fully insanely, open the floodgates on training/displacements/moves/etc in a way never before even imagined anywhere?....I'm listening..What possible reason does the company have to love even ever thinking of implementing nic?
3) Oh NO!!..They'll sue!!??...yawn..stretch..yawn yet again...honestly..Who should actually care about that in the least?..and why?
4) BS...purely unsubstantiated and entirely fantasized BS...period. There's nothing to be seen anywhere that actually supports your opinion therein. However..and again merely for the sake of argument..let's assume that you're right in that. Would you care to offer your best guess as to even what year it would be when that miraculous event is supposed to happen? You speak of "probablity" so feel free to just take your best guess there.

"based on past cases," Everyone's all ears here as to said "past cases"...bring 'em forward sir.
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