Seniority is negotiable unless what you are trying to negotiate is illegal.
Did you really believe that because USAPA is a new union they don't have to follow existing law?
If you can't read and comprehend the English language I can't help you.
Thus far sir..all anyone's seen contained within your posting's essentially "attitude/I'm Right..just ask me", without the slightest shred of ANY substantive support for that fantasy...and in purest contradiction to facts offerred to the contrary.
"If you can't read and comprehend the English language I can't help you." Ummm...OK...If you say so

Amongst the myriad blessings of a fairly free society's the option for any/all to personally determine just who it is that needs "help"
Please forgive me any evident ignorance, and simply excuse my poor efforts at ever approaching your masterful grasp of all things literary......
For the benefit of my own education..I'd ask of the following sir:
1) What part of any ongoing proceedings are "illegal"?..and in specifically, what way are any/all supposedly such?
2) How/In whatever possible way, shape or form, that you can assign, is USAPA doing anything at ALL that's not following "existing law"?
In addressing either or both questions above; specifics would be greatly I've had my fill of the BS...and we could all just train a parrot to sqauwk Rakestraw! Caww! Caww!..and perhaps free up some of your valuable time sir. The Devil is always in the details..and you choose to avoid providing even so much as ONE such detail for discussion.