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Dear bag over your head for a reason:

Oh, you want to talk all the way back to 91'? I'm thinking a more recent realistic comparison like say within the last decade, nay, the last few years, so please, you go first.

Dear Cacti person,

Please go ahead, your company filed first, so that means you go first.

Dear prickly one,
Do you mean Project Zanzibar? Come on now, with out US you'd be telling us all about it, wouldn't you?


Dear bag over your head for a reason:

Oh, you want to talk all the way back to 91'? I'm thinking a more recent realistic comparison like say within the last decade, nay, the last few years, so please, you go first.
Dear looking for the right eye:

Ok, you got me there. But if we're going to talk about project Zanzawhoever, we must first talk about Project Goneforever - you go first.

Thanks for the entertainment this evening - my bedtime, cacti out.

Dear prickly one,
Do you mean Project Zanzibar? Come on now, with out US you'd be telling us all about it, wouldn't you?

Oh wow. How refreshing. Another thread that becomes a project whatever vs a chapter 7 argument. What about paper vs plastic or chicken vs the egg. I wonder if these discussions will ever subside or if I will be hearing them all the way up until retirement. If I were a betting man, then I choose the latter.
And how do you think the BK judge that had you by the balls would rule after the pilots "voted" to keep the DP?? You cannot be that naive...I take that back.

Who cares what we speculate the judge would do. The Reps lied about the pilots getting to vote. The Reps gave a $3 billion concesion without membership ratification. And some how I am not surprised that you find no problem with that. 🙄