It's a waste of time dealing with Jake, Snoop. He was an ardent supporter of the Give Away Gang. There is an old saying, "You can't fix Stupid."
Yeah, I know. Speaking of the old Gagger crowd and "let my daddy vote," I saw Garland the other day looking a bit subdued, no eye contact. He might hold onto the left seat for the rest of his career courtesy of USAPA, but his ego can't admit whos responsible.
Now, the "best" of Prechil (digging through all 18 of his posts this week):
Here is another question for you- why would the west even negotiate with you at this point after you angry fo's have shown your true colors? When are you going to play by the rules?
You see, bud, trust is something you lost a long time ago (not that you care) so the bridge to a happy ending in this mess has pretty much been blown up by the angry furloughed fo's driving the USAP fantasy. I really can't believe someone like you can even fail to recognize the consequences of your own actions these past three years.
So, here is what we have learned on the west: The only way to deal with your kind is in the courts. That is the setting all events will play out. There is no point in dealing directly with the east- you guys have proven that is a dead end.
Actions speak louder than words, my friend. See you in court...
Truth is, we don't have to negotiate with you at all and we don't need your trust. If you don't join, your irrelevant. Your still living in the past. USAPA never agreed to anything. USAPA has its own rules and theyll follow them or theyll be gone. You need to talk to ALPO about why they didn't force the list and a contract on both sides when they had the chance. BTW, no USAPA signatures on any document I saw. Quit confusing the new CBA, USAPA, with the old one, ALPO.
Actions "these three years?" 80% of our pilots didn't like ALPO's actions over the past 3 years or the past 6 years, so we got rid of them and it took at least 60% of our CAs to get the job done. The CAs took the biggest hit on the pension. Go ahead sue away.
So we have two advertised honor guard pilots from the east that won't answer the question: Why can the west trust you now?
Anyone else from the east care to field this question??? Thanks in advance.
See you in court...
In court or wherever, chill. But the truth is, your irrelevant unless you join and pay dues. We don't really care if you trust us or not and we don't have to answer your questions.
You see, we can't really do anything until USAPA does something.
Going on five months now and they have yet to approach the company about throwing out Nicolau. A reasonable person can conclude there may be some internal problems with their lofty promises they made to the hungry animals back from furlough.
10-4, good buddy. Doing nothing must be driving you up a wall. I thought you were going to "see us in court" to force NIC into the contract. We're not negotiating our own list right now, negotiations going nowhere, your source on that?
So how do you feel about USAPA doing absolutely nothing to further the plight of your hungry ex-furloughees? Is USAPA even serious about challenging Nicolau in court, or were you all just suckered again by your union?
(Nicolau represents the combined seniority list as per the transition agreement, it is legal and binding. Dual ratification of any contract is still in effect- there are two pilot groups represented by one union.)
Then why aren't you in court forcing it into negotations? Legal and binding? Your old merger attorney said it was negotiable. So which is it? Lastly, USAPA dosn't have to challenge NIC in court. Its dead as far as were concerned. Dual ratification? Maybe if ALPO is still on property, but theyre gone. snoop