You crack me up. What do you think was tried during a year of mediation and another of arbitration? (Aside from you guys wasting 1 million in west merger money.) Here is another question for you- why would the west even negotiate with you at this point after you angry fo's have shown your true colors? When are you going to play by the rules? At your convenience? Serious question. When are you going to start following your own rules? A handshake means nothing to you, let alone your collective signatures agreeing to a process which you just one day neglect to recognize. So, how can we know when you are suddenly interested in actually following through with your promises?
You see, bud, trust is something you lost a long time ago (not that you care) so the bridge to a happy ending in this mess has pretty much been blown up by the angry furloughed fo's driving the USAP fantasy. I really can't believe someone like you can even fail to recognize the consequences of your own actions these past three years.
So, here is what we have learned on the west: The only way to deal with your kind is in the courts. That is the setting all events will play out. There is no point in dealing directly with the east- you guys have proven that is a dead end.
Enjoy LOA93.