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US Pilot Labor Thread, Aug 25th-31th

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You would have to know me and those that know me to have any reason for placing any trust in me personally. That's how it works with any human beings.
Come on, East. You're a man with so many words and you probably have a few ounces of honesty in there somewhere to lecture us all about how the west can actually trust anything you easties have to say or promise. Tell us how things are different now. :lol:
As I said...I'm gone.

I tried.

And I don't really care....these are your people.
Tell us how things are different now. :lol:

That's easy..as can be seen from your very successful wooing to your noble cause, of the recently-arrived-to-the-boards, initially extremely reasonable and easy going Machtuck..you're winning ever-increasingly large numbers of east "supporters" for your selfish BS..can't you tell?
You crack me up. What do you think was tried during a year of mediation and another of arbitration? (Aside from you guys wasting 1 million in west merger money.) Here is another question for you- why would the west even negotiate with you at this point after you angry fo's have shown your true colors? When are you going to play by the rules? At your convenience? Serious question. When are you going to start following your own rules? A handshake means nothing to you, let alone your collective signatures agreeing to a process which you just one day neglect to recognize. So, how can we know when you are suddenly interested in actually following through with your promises?
You see, bud, trust is something you lost a long time ago (not that you care) so the bridge to a happy ending in this mess has pretty much been blown up by the angry furloughed fo's driving the USAP fantasy. I really can't believe someone like you can even fail to recognize the consequences of your own actions these past three years.
So, here is what we have learned on the west: The only way to deal with your kind is in the courts. That is the setting all events will play out. There is no point in dealing directly with the east- you guys have proven that is a dead end.
Enjoy LOA93.

"You crack me up" - I'm not sure women should be using that particular phrase, but if I have mistaken your gender then you have my apology.

As far as angry F/O's, you are behind on your current events. No angry F/O's east of the Mississippi since April 17th. That distinction now goes squarely to the dual gangs of AOL and AWAPPA.

As far as rules - all is fair in love and war. As far as final and binding - nothing is final and binding except death and taxes.

And by the way, the election in April - which was done under the auspices of the NMB, in full light of day, with the complete knowledge of both pilot groups and management and with several months notice - was also final and binding.
That's easy..as can be seen from your very successful wooing to your noble cause, of the recently-arrived-to-the-boards, initially extremely reasonable and easy going Machtuck..you're winning ever-increasingly large numbers of east "supporters" for your selfish BS..can't you tell?
Can you just answer the question?
that was not at you sir...a "server overlap" occurred..

many apologies....I hope you know where I stand.
Just extremely poor ones...

OK..I get it = You're living in the lap of luxury out there, everyone's thrilled out there,...but..still demand to have no furloughs/any/all east seats, upgrades and flying? Sweetie..you're right = you don't need any Union, I'd suggest a shrink instead..honestly.
seems the server is getting "warmr"

East, you know I support you and your cause....sorry if there was an overlap..
that was not at you sir...a "server overlap" occurred..

My mistake sir. It occurred to me that I've often run my mouth and included other's thoughts in the process, and that could be entirely innapropriate in some views. I think we're pretty much on the same page in any case.
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