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US Pilot Labor Thread, Aug 25th-31th

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Can you at least answer the question before you flame out?

How can you be trusted?

Your choice to make. There's no way of ever successfully answering such a twisted question in any case. Everyone has to make their personal judgements on who and what's trustworthy at any level in life. If it's your belief that you must never trust anyone out east = So be it. Don't await the sound of any tearful wailing out east from your decision therein.

You seem bent on what appears to be an unsupportable and self destructive path. That's again your choice to make.
I get to take the redeye to go to work..so I get some more time...

Can someone explain where they think this is going?

court? (obviously)

beyond that?

You know...the East has been accused of being bitter about a "bad career"

but here's what I see...lthe West is attacking anyone and everyone in their way to "Mecca"....

Big planes...bigger paychecks....."super seniority".....because "you bought USAirways"...and saved them from sure peril...and you were fine at HP.

I'll believe it when you get Parker and Lakefield to admit it....

Your choice to make. There's no way of ever successfully answering such a twisted question in any case. Everyone has to make their personal judgements on who and what's trustworthy at any level in life. If it's your belief that you must never trust anyone out east = So be it. Don't await the sound of any tearful wailing out east from your decision therein.

You seem bent on what appears to be an unsupportable and self destructive path. That's again your choice to make.
Actions speak louder than words, my friend. See you in court...
See you in court...

Sounds good....Yawn.....When?...or at the very least, even what year do you have in mind? I'd like to free up my calendar, as it should be downright hysterical to watch.

The mighty "Spartans" enter the courtroom in full Hellenic armour...two of them trip over themselves and need hospitalization..the remaining "heros" sally forth: "Your Honor!..These cheesey bastiges owe us our Nic!!" Court: "Which cheesey bastiges?"..."Alpa?..The Company?...USAPA?"...."Spartan Heros" "It's Final and Binding!!"..Court: "Hmmm..can't see that it was ever adopted into contract". "Spartans">."that's the whole point your Honor!..They didn't!!?...Ummm..we mean..ummm...errr..May we have a moment?" "Spartans": "Nevermind your Honor..there's other issues as well this Union, that was duly and legally elected by the majority off the pilots..well..we just don't like it!!"...Court: "I see. What's your point here?"
Sounds good....Yawn.....When?...or at the very least, even what year do you have in mind? I'd like to free up my calendar, as it should be downright hysterical to watch.
You see, we can't really do anything until USAPA does something.
Going on five months now and they have yet to approach the company about throwing out Nicolau. A reasonable person can conclude there may be some internal problems with their lofty promises they made to the hungry animals back from furlough. No contract, negotiations going nowhere, Nicolau not challenged, lawsuits can't even make it into a court and the sheep in the east are happy as clams. The story is funnier than Animal Farm.
You see, we can't really do anything until USAPA does something.
Going on five months now and they have yet to approach the company about throwing out Nicolau.

Why bother?. What's to supposedly approach the company about?

"You see, we can't really do anything until USAPA does" Awww..that's so very sad, and to think even after any contract's actually resolved, that'll it most likely take many years even from that point, just for any case (If even found to be of any merit in the first place) to see the light of day within the system....tsk, tsk dear...and you gleefully make sarcastic references to the seemingly, neverending MDA litigation....
Why bother?. What's to supposedly approach the company about?

"You see, we can't really do anything until USAPA does" Awww..that's so very sad, and to think even after any contract's actually resolved, that'll it most likely take many years even from that point, just for any case (If even found to be of any merit in the first place) to see the light of day within the system....tsk, tsk dear...and you gleefully make sarcastic references to the seemingly, neverending MDA litigation....
So how do you feel about USAPA doing absolutely nothing to further the plight of your hungry ex-furloughees? Is USAPA even serious about challenging Nicolau in court, or were you all just suckered again by your union?
Is USAPA even serious about challenging Nicolau in court, or were you all just suckered again by your union?

What's to "challenge"? Nic exists as an ...ummm...errrr....kindly refresh my memory here = in what form DOES Nic actually exist? Isn't it entirely incumbent on your "side" to do all the challenging?

"So how do you feel about USAPA doing absolutely nothing to further the plight of your hungry ex-furloughees? " WTF are you even talking about? Why would anyone want to "further" anyone's "plight"? Plight's aren't a good thing. Ok, OK... I'm not sure just what "hungry ex-furloughees" you're addressing herein. Do you mean the issue of 190 pay rates?...

As for furloughs..I'm concerned with those of both "sides"..as we're all of us just people, and it's a misrable circumstance for anyone...period.

Under the category of "Best Punchline for Tonight" ..the winner is "You see, we can't really do anything until USAPA does something." Over time..and without any west Union participation..I'd expect that to shorten to simply "You see, we can't really do anything..." Ladies and gentlemen of the west...it doesn't have to be this way..and it should NOT be this way....period.

For any out west not blinded by the Leo BS to date...I offer the observation that "You see, we can't really do anything until USAPA does something." contrasts rather sharply with: From Leo-La-La-land: "We would like to reiterate that we are commencing a legal campaign against those who have harmed the AWA pilots. We know that this generates much excitement among AWA pilots and their families, however please understand that we cannot divulge much of the legal strategy, or the substance of our complaints." Are you folks STILL buying this BS out there? Anyone still feeling any over-abundance of "much excitement" out there anymore?
And by the way, the election in April - which was done under the auspices of the NMB, in full light of day, with the complete knowledge of both pilot groups and management and with several months notice - was also final and binding.

So, since we don't like what happened on the 17th, it doesn't mean anything either? Ok, gotcha. Ho ho ho, date of hire isn't comin to town eh? Works for me.
So how do you feel about USAPA doing absolutely nothing to further the plight of your hungry ex-furloughees? Is USAPA even serious about challenging Nicolau in court, or were you all just suckered again by your union?

Your impotent association has had their torpedo tubes flooded, their finger on the trigger, but has nothing in the torpedo tube. They have had their finger on the trigger for four months now.

You are out of money, the desperation is evident in your posts. Your association legalitis obviously has no o2 in their vessel.

Leonidas Update May 7, 2008

Dear AWA Pilots,

We know from a public perspective that things have been quiet on Leonidas LLC front for the last week. Please be advised that does not indicate a lack of activity. Leonidas LLC is by design a legal campaign only- one designed to protect and advance AWA pilots. We have our first stage strategy in place and are ready to proceed, but we must also consider the ramifications of a possible new merger with United before we do.

To use a naval metaphor, we have torpedoes on target, tubes flooded and finger on the “fireâ€￾ button- but a new vessel just arrived in our unfriendly waters that we need to first identify as a friend, foe, or neither before we launch our attack.

On different note, your much needed contributions continue to arrive daily, for which we, and all AWA pilots can be grateful. Furthermore, we remain in regular contact with our friends at AWAPPA and continue to work together at this critical time.

Please continue to support our endeavor financially and remember to check in regularly for updated information as the situation evolves. Visit this link to contribute via PayPal, or fill out this form and send your contribution to:

Leonidas LLC

2650 FM 407, Ste. 145-147

Bartonville, TX 76226
Captain Ken
Chief Pilot
US Airways
4000 East Sky Harbor Blvd.
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Fax # 480-693-
Re: Displacement Bid 2008-01 Protest
Dear Captain :
This letter is to inform you that I, ,
P , US Airways employee # , officially protest the results of
the 2008-01 Displacement Bid. Under the terms of the Transition Agreement
and the acceptance of the Nicolau Seniority List by the company, ALL 300
furloughs and displacements should occur on the East.
I look forward to your official and legal response on this matter.
For any out west not blinded by the Leo BS to date...I offer the observation that "You see, we can't really do anything until USAPA does something." contrasts rather sharply with: From Leo-La-La-land: "We would like to reiterate that we are commencing a legal campaign against those who have harmed the AWA pilots. We know that this generates much excitement among AWA pilots and their families, however please understand that we cannot divulge much of the legal strategy, or the substance of our complaints." Are you folks STILL buying this BS out there? Anyone still feeling any over-abundance of "much excitement" out there anymore?

Captain America,
Can't you just answer the question: When is USAPA going to present the selectively reordered list to the company?
(Nicolau represents the combined seniority list as per the transition agreement, it is legal and binding. Dual ratification of any contract is still in effect- there are two pilot groups represented by one union.)
The more you and your honeymooner friend elixr, I mean machtuck, tap dance around these simple questions the sillier you guys look when preaching about unity, honor, character, etc.
Captain America,...
the sillier you guys look when preaching about unity, honor, character, etc.

"Captain America"? :blink: That's extremely kind of you, but; I think you must have momentarilly confused me with the self-proclaimed, and entirely fantasized, great westie "war hero", NiceLandingCaptain his-ownself. (Where is he hiding out of late?..I miss all those "INTEGRITY MATTERS!" banners)... For myself? = I'm hardly any heroic figure...and unlike any within your very own "Army of Leonidas" or your equally, completely phoney "hero" NLC..I don't have any fantasies that I am. Are we done with this "honor, character,etc"...or do you have any real human beings to offer as even the slightest indications that you even understand those words out west?....Just curious. 🙄 You know?..A less reasonable man than myself might begin to find your whiney-azzed, pathetic BS to be a bit offensive..considering your own, wholesale lack of any credentials whatsoever for mouthing off in the first place..but nevermind...I can merely consider the source...and charitably assume some lacking within your upbringing....

As for "When is USAPA going to present the selectively reordered list to the company?" For my thinking? = I see not the slightest reason for any hurry on that, until contract negotiations proceed almost to the very conclusion of the same. Don't hesitate to launch whatever litigation amuses you though..since any of that's going to take many years, and you might as well get started asap...

Addendum: Ya' know Prechilled?..I suggest a mutual understanding be achieved as per all this "honor, character,etc"...How about starting off by at least thinning the ranks of your most easilly certifiable whack-jobs..= a buncha' supposed "adults" pretending themselves to be Spartan Warriors in "The Army of Leonidas"..and whatever basket cases like NLC "war heros" you have running around..then..let's finally talk like actually rational human beings for a change.

Seriously..at least be fair to us out east. If we're going to have even the tiniest hope of fairly competing with you guys out there on "honor, character, etc"...it's going to take us a little time to set up. I think our first shot's necessarilly to pass out a lot of heavy psychotropics,...and start pretending that we're Roman Legionaires at least....you guys already have all the good spartan costumes I'd think.....then we can scour the bushes for someone who might offer up an adequate impersonation of Emperor Norton..and after that part of the scavenger hunt..we've gotta' find at least one totally fake "war hero"...so please give us a little time........The type of mass psychosis you've established out west can't be achieved overnight you know....and even just finding a phoney "war hero" out east might well require ordering one on ebay. True..we've had a few hundred called up for past conflict..but that won't help against even your NLC in any way...We're gonna' need some time here...and we're talking "honor and character" after all.......
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