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US Pilot Labor Thread, Aug 25th-31th

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I'm not sure where the "army" thinks they're heading...other than court. The problem is, for me, I watched the UTUBE videos for the first time...scary.

the only destination on the horizon for the "army' is a courtroom...either with the company... as they have threatened, or USAPA...who has the NMB behind them.

In any case, they are destined for a few years of seriously overfunded litigation going forward.


My take is this; and feel free to offer corrections with substantiations....

They want no fences, no furloughs on the west, and no DOH or LOS.....
(since they "bought US" )

I'm waiting to hear what gives to the East guys in this deal....

(holding my breath for a realistic answer)
I'm not sure where the "army" thinks they're heading...other than court. The problem is, for me, I watched the UTUBE videos for the first time...scary.

My take is this; and feel free to offer corrections with substantiations....

They want no fences, no furloughs on the west, and no DOH or LOS.....
(since they "bought US" )

I'm waiting to hear what gives to the East guys in this deal....

What came to the east was the removal of alpa, and those videos served to convince many to vote that way.

I agree with your take as being a reasonable one, from everything I've seen or heard over the last year+, and I'm honestly in the dark as to what any out west believe is actually being accomplished by the stances and actions out there.
Believe me, SIR, my question was rhetorical...I know what we have going forward...what we HAD going into this deal....what we will STILL HAVE on the other side..and what LEO is "bonding" his people to do...

( I'm trying to be nice here...so I'll stop here...)

PLEASE STOP...( and think)

we can work out a great deal for everyone....if NOBODY GETS GREEDY.
I get to take the redeye to go to work..so I get some more time...

Can someone explain where they think this is going?

court? (obviously)

beyond that?

You know...the East has been accused of being bitter about a "bad career"

but here's what I see...lthe West is attacking anyone and everyone in their way to "Mecca"....

Big planes...bigger paychecks....."super seniority".....because "you bought USAirways"...and saved them from sure peril...and you were fine at HP.

I'll believe it when you get Parker and Lakefield to admit it....

Believe me, SIR, my question was rhetorical...I know what we have going forward...what we HAD going into this deal....what we will STILL HAVE on the other side..and what LEO is "bonding" his people to do...

( I'm trying to be nice here...so I'll stop here...)

PLEASE STOP...( and think)

we can work out a great deal for everyone....if NOBODY GETS GREEDY.

You crack me up. What do you think was tried during a year of mediation and another of arbitration? (Aside from you guys wasting 1 million in west merger money.) Here is another question for you- why would the west even negotiate with you at this point after you angry fo's have shown your true colors? When are you going to play by the rules? At your convenience? Serious question. When are you going to start following your own rules? A handshake means nothing to you, let alone your collective signatures agreeing to a process which you just one day neglect to recognize. So, how can we know when you are suddenly interested in actually following through with your promises?
You see, bud, trust is something you lost a long time ago (not that you care) so the bridge to a happy ending in this mess has pretty much been blown up by the angry furloughed fo's driving the USAP fantasy. I really can't believe someone like you can even fail to recognize the consequences of your own actions these past three years.
So, here is what we have learned on the west: The only way to deal with your kind is in the courts. That is the setting all events will play out. There is no point in dealing directly with the east- you guys have proven that is a dead end.
Enjoy LOA93.
we can work out a great deal for everyone....if NOBODY GETS GREEDY.

How do you think it best to proceed from where things are in this mess?

Let's make the happy assumption that Prechilled's standard wisdom, as posted in the reply above, isn't truly universal out west...all videos and "we hate you guys" proclamations in evidence to the contrary. We all do know that everyone's not completely insane out west, and let's start from there.
How do you think it best to proceed from where things are in this mess?

Let's make the happy, if not necessarilly accurate assumption that Prechilled's standard wisdom, as posted in the reply above, isn't truly universal out west...all videos and "we hate you guys" proclamations in evidence to the contrary. We both know that everyone's not completely insane out there, and let's start from there.

Why do you think you can be trusted?
You crack me up. What do you think was tried during a year of mediation and another of arbitration? (Aside from you guys wasting 1 million in west merger money.) Here is another question for you- why would the west even negotiate with you at this point after you angry fo's have shown your true colors? When are you going to play by the rules? At your convenience? Serious question. When are you going to start following your own rules? A handshake means nothing to you, let alone your collective signatures agreeing to a process which you just one day neglect to recognize. So, how can we know when you are suddenly interested in actually following through with your promises?
You see, bud, trust is something you lost a long time ago (not that you care) so the bridge to a happy ending in this mess has pretty much been blown up by the angry furloughed fo's driving the USAP fantasy. I really can't believe someone like you can even fail to recognize the consequences of your own actions these past three years.
So, here is what we have learned on the west: The only way to deal with your kind is in the courts. That is the setting all events will play out. There is no point in dealing directly with the east- you guys have proven that is a dead end.
Enjoy LOA93.

I thought I was clear about this type of behavior...

clearly...your "electorate" can't help themselves...

I will give NO RESPONSE to this.

You make my case for me...again, and again.

See you in court, I guess...and be sure to keep sending your dues to the union...ON TOP OF AWAPPA....or you're going to go away anyway...
guess that's "double-duty" to you for about the next 10 years...

(sell the 'vette)
what chilli said is how we all feel! :angry:

Well..in that event, it seems that my happy assumption is incorrect = "We all do know that everyone's not completely insane out west, and let's start from there." I guess that you're not the least bit interested in ever gaining any group cohesion at any level, and you can wallow in self-righteous anger until, if ever, it suits you to wake up a bit.
I thought I was clear about this type of behavior...

clearly...your "electorate" can't help themselves...

I will give NO RESPONSE to this.

You make my case for me...again, and again.

Can't you answer a question?
Didn't think so. Enjoy your insular world (and your commute).
I'm trying to give everyone a fair shot here...but...prechillililliliili has her own agenda...

I hope you all live with her...'cause she's gonna cost you your house.

I've said my peace...you all know where I stand.

And you westies can just send her emails....I guess she owns you all...

really sad.
I'm trying to give everyone a fair shot here...but...prechillililliliili has her own agenda...

I hope you all live with her...'cause she's gonna cost you your house.

I've said my peace...you all know where I stand.

And you westies can just send her emails....I guess she owns you all...

really sad.

Another derogatory post, and another honest question remains unanswered. Crooked politicians do the same thing. LOL
Can't you answer a question?
Didn't think so. Enjoy your insular world (and your commute).
I will NOT enjoy my commute...and YOU will not enjoy explaining to the masses why they have taken a bullet for their cause while you sit in a hot-tub dreaming about what could have been...

You think you can hurt me...how stupid of you....

thanks for the laugh...as I said

I'll not do this with you.
You crack me up. What do you think was tried during a year of mediation and another of arbitration? (Aside from you guys wasting 1 million in west merger money.) Here is another question for you- why would the west even negotiate with you at this point after you angry fo's have shown your true colors? When are you going to play by the rules? At your convenience? Serious question. When are you going to start following your own rules? A handshake means nothing to you, let alone your collective signatures agreeing to a process which you just one day neglect to recognize. So, how can we know when you are suddenly interested in actually following through with your promises?
You see, bud, trust is something you lost a long time ago (not that you care) so the bridge to a happy ending in this mess has pretty much been blown up by the angry furloughed fo's driving the USAP fantasy. I really can't believe someone like you can even fail to recognize the consequences There is no point in dealing directly with the east- you guys have proven that is a dead end.
Enjoy LOA93.

Any questions?

Live by the sword...die by the sword.

see ya in court...and to all the "normal' guys out there...sorry.
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