I certainly will agree with you on the national seniority list. That doesn't address the DOH issue, however.
Really?..I'd think that had Alpo gotten off it's tail..that we'd not now even have reason for this discussion.
"Yet the shear mention of what real Date of Hire means, you start singing a different tune." Show me where, in any way shape or form..I've ever been or started "singing a different tune"? I'm all ears here.
" It is so easy to blame ALPA, isn't it? It's ALPA's fault, that's past history. The attorney has spoken,etc.,etc., etc.. Don't you get it, it was the pilots on the property not ALPA." Before you proceed further sir; understand that all of us here have recently endured the most intensely orchestrated, massive campaign of Alpo FUD, attempted fear mongering, batch lots of outright lies, and wholesale "justification" attempts for their utter incompetance... in all of history, and yet one more tiresome alpo shill's likely to have precious little effect at this time. Proceed forward at your pleasure now...and yes, yes..we all "know" that everything ever done by alpo's the complete fault of the line pilots, and not alpo in any way at all.....Next?
"If there is one reason to abhore the existence of USAPA it is because of the inconsistencies you and others display." Oh DO, please good sir, instruct me as to any "inconsistencies", within any position of personal principles, that I've shown here.
"Principles and morals define the character of true men and women." No kidding?...Really?..Gosh!!..I never even thought of that before!!...and,...ummm..err..I must naturally assume that you have some reasons for personally asserting that you've any surplus of such? Ok then; What are they?
Note that the "loudest" Champion of "INTEGRITY MATTERS" previously to post here...proved himself to be an utter fraud as a human being = a totally fraudulent "war hero"..and it's been my experience in life that those who most grandly assign themselves as paradigms for the "character of true men and women"..tend to have the least to personally offer up themselves....