We on the west are for the most part polite individuals and we try to return favors whenever possible. So far, we owe you guys a couple of lawsuits, a burning of over 1 million in negotiation costs and of course, a couple more years without a contract. We look forward to reciprocating everything you guys out east have passed our way.
Despite the standard threats and rantings contained in your "polite" posting, many west folks that I've met or "talked" with via the net, are indeed very decent people, and it's just a completely sad business that the two groups find themselves in as toxic a situation as could ever be engineered within a labor group. For that; I place no blame on any specific individuals, but rather the "processes" within an utterly insane, and entirely worthless "merger policy", that essentially mandated whimsical arbitration as the end result. We are where we are now, and must move forward from here.
No one doubts that the west will sue. That changes nothing in the overall picture.