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US IAM Fleet Service topic 2/17-

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I'd be willing to make you a small friendly wager that our good friend Jester not only does not know where the local meetings are held,he has yet to grace one with his presence.

Honestly? What's the point? I have held a suspicious the IAM was from the top down is Amateur Hour, except true "amateurs" do not earn that type of money being in the top positions. I say this due to the lack of intellectual prowness and curiosity exhibited by those who claim to represent me in the organization.

So today, I received my fish wrapper from the IAM Journal and it was a "special addition" too. As I peruse through its four-color, glossy paged finish (now I know where my union dues are going), I take notice of our Presidential and Vice-Presidential "leadership" and their respective curriculum vitaes. Now I would have assumed out of the 9 top leadership positions to the IAM nearly all of them would have earned a bachelors degree, and a many of them having earned post-graduate degrees. Well, according to their own literature, only ONE has earned anything close to a bachelors degree from a college that I never heard about, but after further research discovered it allows credits to be earned through life and work experiences (if this is the case, then there might be hope for some of you to earn a degree in pharmaceutical research). Nary a Masters degree, a law degree or a Phd to be found; in fact, there was not even mention of an Associates degree which would be an admission of a complete lack of academic qualifications if that is the highest educational level obtained given these "leaders" respective positions. Education would be one of those important items people would typically include within their C.V.s, especially if trying to build confidence in new employers or subordinates. These Vice-Presidents and President are nothing more than the Peter Principle on steroids, as they continued to get promoted even when they were well over their collective heads.

So this "leadership" will provide guidance against corporate giants of greater intellectual and business savvy? We are just so screwed! But hot damn! If an issue gets down to welding, rebuilding jet engines, repairing electric meters, mashing bags, brewing beer, assembling aircraft or running a lathe we a going to kick ass over Parker and the Tempe Boys in a contractual or grievance smack down!

So to respond to your question, Mr. CLTRAT, I will not be attending local meetings as I have discovered the local leaders to be just as inept as the national leaders. Now get off my bag room couch before pull it outside and burn it, so I can get some sleep after this rant!

So Mutters Jester.
Once again Jester your condescending holier-than-thou attitude adds nothing to the discussion.
You appear to be the type of individual who constantly must belittle and degrade others to make yourself feel superior. Most people like that are trying to compensate for other issues. I bet you had your butt kicked quite often in school. Maybe even everyday.

So Proclaims Hadenough
Once again Jester your condescending holier-than-thou attitude adds nothing to the discussion.
You appear to be the type of individual who constantly must belittle and degrade others to make yourself feel superior. Most people like that are trying to compensate for other issues. I bet you had your butt kicked quite often in school. Maybe even everyday.

So Proclaims Hadenough

How about addressing the issue? Would you want a dentist little formal education in dentistry? Okay, bad example in your case... but would you want a surgeon who experience with a knife was as a butcher in a meat market? Call me "crazy" but I demand trained and educated people to managed professional positions, and that includes the union "leadership".

As for any ass-whooping you assume I took in school... not at my physical size... by the way, were the kid re-taking 7th grade trying to peek over my shoulder during exams?

So Inquires Jester.
How about addressing the issue? Would you want a dentist little formal education in dentistry? Okay, bad example in your case... but would you want a surgeon who experience with a knife was as a butcher in a meat market? Call me "crazy" but I demand trained and educated people to managed professional positions, and that includes the union "leadership".

As for any ass-whooping you assume I took in school... not at my physical size... by the way, were the kid re-taking 7th grade trying to peek over my shoulder during exams?

So Inquires Jester.

Just like I implied. You are trying to make up for your inadequacies with your "large" brain.

Certain posters on here... apparently place a significant preponderance of “Educational Aptitude†onto anyone whom may be in a position of... “Union Leaderâ€.

Let’s see... I once read... that the IQ of the typical CEO in this country was not stellar. As a matter of fact, the research indicated only an AVERAGE Intelligence Quotient for most Corporate Leaders... when compared with a cross section of the general population.

Now... let’s address education...

The current economic quagmire that we are experiencing today... was spawned by... and cultivated by... the elite, and utmost educated individuals in this country! All for the sake of GREED!

No amount of “spin†can rectify what has been done to the American Worker. If you are truly an American worker... you know exactly what I’m talkin’ ‘bout!

I’m sure tha O-Man ‘n Dirt can testify to this elucidation....

So audaciously submits into this forum...


Having an education and being intelligent are not synonymous and should not be thought of as such. One is a choice and one is a gift. It is the intelligent person who knows the difference.

So states JoeDirt

Having an education and being intelligent are not synonymous and should not be thought of as such. One is a choice and one is a gift. It is the intelligent person who knows the difference.

So states JoeDirt


I agree... I have ahh whole family full ahh degrees! Every single one of um will tell yahh they ain’t nuthin’ but ahh chit on tha wall! We discuss this every Thanksgivin’ ‘n Christmas!
Jester, Let me be the first one to congradulate you on your college degree, it looks like your really putting it to good use, posting on us aviation and working for us airways. The truth is, I would consideer guys that have years of experience in the industry and with the working men and woman, over whether or not they have a degree. After all, look at all of our degree boys running this airline in Phx without to much airline experience, those degrees arent helping us very much in my opinion.
DISTURBED1................Talk about an understatement :lol:

You forgot to put "VERY" in front of that.......
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