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Us Airways Pay Scale

700UW said:
See once again you have no idea of what you are talking about.

Everyone's vote counts. But in the end majority rules, that is democracy.
it sure as hell did count that is why the 30 cities and the 600 or so employees lost their jobs and two cities were added to the class 1 cities just to get the so called t/a thru. once again look at these facts.
It was not at T/A, it was the company's final offer, have you forgoten it could have been worse as Judge Mitchell abrogated both IAM contracts on 1/6/05 and both groups were at the company's mercy.
barbeetantrums said:
Well, if this is what eases your concience over screwing over your field station counterparts, then by all means, go with it.
you have some issues with a sanctioned vote and the outcome not i.
the hubs vote en masse ,have the clout and the vote goes the way it did.....what the heck did you expect?
just as i voted to reject the mechanics term sheet and wanted to see a strike...i did not get what i counted on...but i lived with it and moved on.
maybe you people should have bid the hub's??
delldude said:
you have some issues with a sanctioned vote and the outcome not i.
the hubs vote en masse ,have the clout and the vote goes the way it did.....what the heck did you expect?
just as i voted to reject the mechanics term sheet and wanted to see a strike...i did not get what i counted on...but i lived with it and moved on.
maybe you people should have bid the hub's??
may be some folks cant work in the hubs due to family situations. as for me, i am enjoying collecting my severance and unemployment. i cant work in the hub because of my situation.
700UW said:
It was not at T/A, it was the company's final offer, have you forgoten it could have been worse as Judge Mitchell abrogated both IAM contracts on 1/6/05 and both groups were at the company's mercy.
it may not of been a T/A but the union and the company could have done better thant the shaft that the 600 employees in the 30 cities got. now usair has the shortage of people in most of these cities if not all the cities they contracted out. oh well it is usair and the subcontractors problems not mine
delldude said:
you have some issues with a sanctioned vote and the outcome not i.
the hubs vote en masse ,have the clout and the vote goes the way it did.....what the heck did you expect?
just as i voted to reject the mechanics term sheet and wanted to see a strike...i did not get what i counted on...but i lived with it and moved on.
maybe you people should have bid the hub's??

Here's my issue: The membership should have voted NO on that contract. The company would have really screwed everyone every whichaway but at least YOU WOULD HAVE DONE THE RIGHT THING!!! PROTECTING YOUR COWORKERS IS THE RIGHT THING AND YOU FAILED TO DO THAT!!! YOU SOLD THEM OUT!!!

I am under the belief that all of our actions are accountable to a Higher Power after our death. There will be alot of explaining to do from IAM members.
Let me explain this to you and take the time to let it sink in.

The company wanted what they wanted and how they wanted it.

I can't speak for fleet, but I was involved with the M&R negotiations and the IAM gave the company a complete and total offer that met the company's ask and preserved the majority of the jobs, including keeping utility at the eight largerst stations. The IAM economists and the negotiating committee went over this offer with a fine tooth comb and priced it out.

The company rejected it, why? Because it protected the majority of the jobs and kept the mtc dept together, the company wanted what they wanted and how they wanted and they knew Judge Mitchell would abrogate the agreements, so they threw a final offer at both groups and got what they wanted because the membership did not have a backbone to do what is right.

And barbee, apparently you cant read, delldude was a mechanic, not fleet service, he voted no and left the company.

I too voted no, but majority rules and I am not fleet service either. And I would not talk, what do you do for HP? Your contracts are worse then what the concessions are at US. Nothing to be proud of.
As a former member of FSA, I can say that the big boys at the top of the IAM came to our city and HAD NOTHING TO TELL US! All they did was just waste their time. I voted no to the contract and the strike but I took it right down to the end and used three of my 5 vac days and left
the airline. I wish everyone on the property all the good luck because they will need it.
robbedagain said:
yeah thats right our brothers and sisters of the wonderful iam did vote for it--in the class 1 cities. in my city, no votes were about the only thing flying and asking the good old boys of the iam when they came, they had no, repeat NO answers.

I know of no one in my city that voted for it either, and no one from the CWA
came to our station to explain why they sold Express down the river, why they
agreed to filling EO vacancys at new hire rates, why they allowed mgmt to
knock down employees to day one seniority when returning from disability.
I don't know how true this is, but I was told the company wanted to do away with Express and put all stations under Mainline and that the CWA refused to go along
Has anyone else heard this? If it is true, it's the biggest sellout since Neville
Chamberlain returned from MUC in 1938.
Why don't you try and posting some first?
barbeetantrums said:
Here's my issue: The membership should have voted NO on that contract. The company would have really screwed everyone every whichaway but at least YOU WOULD HAVE DONE THE RIGHT THING!!! PROTECTING YOUR COWORKERS IS THE RIGHT THING AND YOU FAILED TO DO THAT!!! YOU SOLD THEM OUT!!!

I am under the belief that all of our actions are accountable to a Higher Power after our death. There will be alot of explaining to do from IAM members.
in a utopic world your concerns would hold water...but unless you have been on prozac you should realize this world is not what its made up to be....
although your beliefs may hold you to some altruistic vision of what the good lord holds dear to his heart i firmly believe he could really give a rats ass over someone mortally pissed over a contract modification vote...
if you haven't seen the news as of late i believe he has bigger fish to fry and to pander at his feet with what should be one of lifes tempering moments that instills character and desire to change and grow in character as a christian person,you choose to busy him with petty nuances.
i'll make a note to mention you to him this eve.....
have a nice day.......... 😉
i see in your handle you reveal volumes as to your character and your destiny.....
have a nice tantrum............ :lol:
HP farms out all heavy mtc.

Customer Service has no contract.

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