Why is it so important to file with the NMB for IBEW before the ruling of the COC?
Every second that goes by gives 141 that much more time to rob you blind.
I just got the messenger in the mail. President Canale is asking for support
and unity so as not to embolden the company to give you less.
After he has given the company every opportunity to get away with
Then he has the
the nerve to tell you to get your information from his AGCs and not look
elsewhere. Here's what one of his AGCs said when asked about section 6
for the west "That wasn't considered". I asked another AGC from United
and he claimed not to even heard about it which is pathetic even if he was
telling the truth.
It's too late for 141. Canale's latest message continues to feign the same
naivety and takes no responsability for has own actions. For you easties
the update on the COC gets 2 paragraphs on the back page with zero
as to how important it could be.
I assume you think, because of the optimism expressed here that we
should wait till the COC is decided. I'm a westie but I think the COC
will be valuable to us also. I think Canale still has a chance to botch it.
But mabey we should ask one of his AGCs.
Now is the time step up to the plate IBEW we're behind you!