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US Airways' New Pilot Leader Calls Himself a 'Peacemaker'

Yeah, the question was...what part of binding arbitration do you not get?

Forming an entirely new union to renege on an agreement, how did that work? The nic is inevitable, and you wasted so many years because the east was so greedy that they wouldn't honor their agreement.

1690 posts and you repeat the same mantra every week. Can you please stop. We know your position on final and binding. Come up with something new
1690 posts and you repeat the same mantra every week. Can you please stop. We know your position on final and binding. Come up with something new

Also know that you are in denial. East is the one that pulled the stunt of not living up to their agreement. Honest people don't do that.
Then again, you may be somewhat deficient in the literary department.

Hope you enjoy your lottery ticket in the employment line.
The employment line, sounds like good news to me. It sure sounds a lot better than the unemployment line.
Jeeze, what is wrong with you? Your reading comprehension is becoming just as bad as some of these so-called pilots who call themselves of the west.
USAPA supporters, real men of genius.
So do you think Hummel has a chance of brokering a settlement between the groups?

IMO the key would be forging a deal that would allow both sides to "Save Face". That means everyone has to bend a bit. Do that and maybe Doug will take you to a nice place in Scottsdale. Maybe a round of golf at the Gainey Ranch, PBR might not be served HERE

It depends on what you mean by brokering a deal. There is no way that the message board peanut gallery will sing in unison that peace has been achieved... No one here has resorted to rockets and mortars but you may as well tell me that the Palestinians are drinking beer at a Pig roast under the dome of the rock with the Jews.

The only way to tell if the pilot group has come to an agreement is if there is a ratification vote that ratifies the new deal (And by the way, it was the exact same reality under ALPA. Negotiations are not complete until ratification). The 9th properly identified this as in internal union dispute and left USAPA and the Company to bargain. The only way forward is for USAPA and the Company to come to an agreement that can be presented to the pilots for ratification. The longer the courts meddle in the bargaining process the more this drags out.
Didn't say that. I said that there must be a separate vote, one for the east and one for the west, each of whom must ratify separately any merged proposal, per the original "agreement". Vote, not negotiation. One, a four letter word, the other, eleven. Did the transition agreement change?

Jeeze, what is wrong with you? Your reading comprehension is becoming just as bad as some of these so-called pilots who call themselves of the west.
You are still completely wrong scab, try again
Sure thing Piney Bob, go sell some toner. I'm not an expert in labor law, but I do have certifications in labor law and attend several high level seminars every year on labor law given by the top national law firms, (Littler Mendelson, Oogletree Deakins, Jackson Lewis, etc). I have to, its my job....

But, I thought you had me on ignore. If so...then I must really own you.
Can someone kindly explain why we've resorted to using the pejorative "Scab" when referring to others with an opposing point of view?

While I don't pretend to know all of the nuances of the current situation, I find calling someone a scab as offensive if not more so then using the "N-Word" as a descriptor of another.

I was 8 years old the first time I went "Down on the picket line" with my Dad. Funny thing was all the other men (IBT) were busy hiding their Playboy Magazines from a very curious set of eyes. But I learned a lot that day about what it meant to be "union". Much of it I rejected for me personally but I've made it 57 years now and I've never crossed a picket line or called anyone a "Scab"

When you call your brethren "Scabs" you disrespect every single union man who has gone "down on the picket line". An action that in some parts of the country could get you killed in the '20's and 30's.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Didn't say that. I said that there must be a separate vote, one for the east and one for the west, each of whom must ratify separately any merged proposal, per the original "agreement". Vote, not negotiation. One, a four letter word, the other, eleven. Did the transition agreement change?
As I have said, you must first follow the procedure laid out in the transition agreement, where a completed merged contract must first be negotiated with three different parties (two pilots groups and management), then both pilot groups, east and west, must individually ratify in a separate vote, such completed merged agreement.

So where is the west NAC that's negotiating for the west? Three different parties....that's what you said. And then separate ratifications??? You can't be that dense.

So where is this "procedure" that you claim is laid out in the TA? Inquiring minds want to know... :lol:

Try to slither your way out of it, you're wrong....that's at least three times you've claimed the same thing so three strikes...

Try keeping your fingers still and let people wonder if you're that dumb instead of posting things so very wrong and removing all doubt... :lol:

Can someone kindly explain why we've resorted to using the pejorative "Scab" when referring to others with an opposing point of view?

While I don't pretend to know all of the nuances of the current situation, I find calling someone a scab as offensive if not more so then using the "N-Word" as a descriptor of another.

I was 8 years old the first time I went "Down on the picket line" with my Dad. Funny thing was all the other men (IBT) were busy hiding their Playboy Magazines from a very curious set of eyes. But I learned a lot that day about what it meant to be "union". Much of it I rejected for me personally but I've made it 57 years now and I've never crossed a picket line or called anyone a "Scab"

When you call your brethren "Scabs" you disrespect every single union man who has gone "down on the picket line". An action that in some parts of the country could get you killed in the '20's and 30's.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

We are all ashamed, especially the scabs (not that there actually are more than a hand full and they were scabs long before Doug came along).
We are all ashamed, especially the scabs (not that there actually are more than a hand full and they were scabs long before Doug came along).

Not everyone apparently. Fodase is busy spewing scab venom far and wide.

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