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US Airways' New Pilot Leader Calls Himself a 'Peacemaker'

Both sides were mad.

End of story.

Boo Boo,

Don't recall a single westie (let alone hundreds ) traveling to herndon on their day off to share their displeasure sooon after Nic AWARD.
Perhaps on that "scale of mad" we were at opposite ends.

If story over, whats been happening last several years?

Boo Boo,

Don't recall a single westie (let alone hundreds ) traveling to herndon on their day off to share their displeasure sooon after Nic AWARD.
Perhaps on that "scale of mad" we were at opposite ends.

If story over, whats been happening last several years?

Boo boo,

You guys were nuts. You were pissed because you didn't get your DOH cram down and that meant some of your angry FO's weren't going to upgrade - ever.

We were worried about a DOH cram down. It never happened.

What came out was a fair an equitable list.

And what did your silly march on Herndon get you? Nothing. Parker still got the list.
Boo Boo,

Don't recall a single westie (let alone hundreds ) traveling to herndon on their day off to share their displeasure sooon after Nic AWARD.
Perhaps on that "scale of mad" we were at opposite ends.

If story over, whats been happening last several years?


Last several years?

-USAPA has done everything possible to delay a contract, while pointing the finger at everyone else
-USAPA attacked west pilots with lawsuits causing financial hardships
-USAPA has done nothing to enforce the west pilot's rights under the contract/TA, this would include:
* ignoring grievances
* allowing the company to count parked airplanes in the fleet mins
* 50 west pilots still on furlough
* I personally had an issue with the company and had USAPA turn it's back, the CP's office came to my rescue
I'm sure there is lot's more, like pursuing law suits that had less than a snow balls chance in Phoenix of winning.

The east seems like they want us to sit here quietly/separately and let you gain the attrition. Why then do you/USAPA keep attacking us and refusing to defend us? It's like telling someone to quietly go sit in the corner then repeatedly walking over and either kicking that person or pocking them with a stick.

Last several years?


The east seems like they want us to sit here quietly/separately and let you gain the attrition. Why then do you/USAPA keep attacking us and refusing to defend us? It's like telling someone to quietly go sit in the corner then repeatedly walking over and either kicking that person or pocking them with a stick.



Was obviously a rhetorical question as we have literally thousands of pages just here on AF to document " Last several years "

Yup, I want to gain the attrition I believe rightfully due me. I know many disagree hence ongoing strife.
I personally haven't any desire to harm you in any way " brother " from any vote/action I take. Sorry if above true or if it's just feelings.

However, if given the opportunity to vote against ONLY folk like res/Nic/fodase then it will require my best character to not succumb to my human nature.


Was obviously a rhetorical question as we have literally thousands of pages just here on AF to document " Last several years "

Yup, I want to gain the attrition I believe rightfully due me. I know many disagree hence ongoing strife.
I personally haven't any desire to harm you in any way " brother " from any vote/action I take. Sorry if above true or if it's just feelings.

However, if given the opportunity to vote against ONLY folk like res/Nic/fodase then it will require my best character to not succumb to my human nature.


I'm hurt. Not!
I would beg to disagree. But, continue with your fantasy, it is entertaining. By the time it will become an issue, you will beg for DOH.

I think by the time it's all done the "Peacemaker" may need a "Pacemaker" and not the Piedmont kind either.

Here's a bit of trivia to lighten up the day. When David "Call Me Dave" Siegel was CEO, US Airways was going to change their name back to Piedmont! They wanted the more favorable brand recognition and reputation that Piedmont had coming out of BK#1. It was all but a done deal until it got nixed due to the cost of re-branding a major airline.
I would beg to disagree. But, continue with your fantasy, it is entertaining. By the time it will become an issue, you will beg for DOH.

DOH cramdown - check

Contract in 90 days - check

Snapbacks - check

LOA93 - check

MDA - check

Work action - check

Wow, I just cracked myself up!!!!

Save your threats. The above list shows just how worthless they are.

Remember how you were going to show Parker who was boss? How'd that one go? :lol:
I think by the time it's all done the "Peacemaker" may need a "Pacemaker" and not the Piedmont kind either.

Here's a bit of trivia to lighten up the day. When David "Call Me Dave" Siegel was CEO, US Airways was going to change their name back to Piedmont! They wanted the more favorable brand recognition and reputation that Piedmont had coming out of BK#1. It was all but a done deal until it got nixed due to the cost of re-branding a major airline.


Who's idea was it to start a shuttle between NY and DC. Hint- it's not the obvious choice. Name the airline and the CEO at that time.

Who's idea was it to start a shuttle between NY and DC. Hint- it's not the obvious choice. Name the airline and the CEO at that time.

Pretty sure it was Eastern. As to CEO, it may have been Lorenzo or Borman. That's way before my time. I'd never flown until 1989 and I didn't know a 747 from a B1900,
Pretty sure it was Eastern. As to CEO, it may have been Lorenzo or Borman. That's way before my time. I'd never flown until 1989 and I didn't know a 747 from a B1900,

It was a tough one. Actually it was Allegheny under the leadership of Ed Colodny. It was when the CAB was still calling the shots. Colodny went to the CAB and proposed the shuttle and the CAB said they would have to see if any other carrier wanted to do it. As I understand it the CAB said if nobody else wanted it they would give approval to Allegheny at which point Eastern decided it would be a good idea, hence the Eastern Shuttle.

About the time of the Trump merger an article came out in the USair employee paper. Not sure about EAsterns' CEO at the time but I'm sure it was before Borman.
Boo Boo,

Don't recall a single westie (let alone hundreds ) traveling to herndon on their day off to share their displeasure sooon after Nic AWARD.
Perhaps on that "scale of mad" we were at opposite ends.

If story over, whats been happening last several years?


You missed the Rice committe meeting in PHX then....when hundreds of West pilots spent their day off telling ALPA and Rice to go tell that fat lame president of theirs to shove his committe and his "consensual" cram down on the West pilots up his fat a$$.
You missed the Rice committe meeting in PHX then....when hundreds of West pilots spent their day off telling ALPA and Rice to go tell that fat lame president of theirs to shove his committe and his "consensual" cram down on the West pilots up his fat a$$.
And don't forget Prater's visit and our reception.

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