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US Airways' New Pilot Leader Calls Himself a 'Peacemaker'

I think it is called "binding arbitration", which is only a part of an agreement, the transition agreement. Which part did you not get?

There are two other parts you and your friends conveniently keep forgetting, an "east" ratification vote and a "west" ratification vote, both of which must be on a "merged" contract and either vote can nix said proposal (Did I just say, proposal?).

Need I say it again, not one pilot, "east" or "west", has yet to even come close to doing a ratification vote, because of that little issue about negotiating a merged contract with management.

While I can suggest that most any negotiated merged contract will likely die with your "binding arbitration", assuming my salary will be less than $1000 per hour regardless of position, it does not mean I or anyone else on the "east" side has not complied with terms.

In fact, the "west", by walking out of Wye River, are the not-brave people here.

Do try to keep up.

Give Wye a rest. It wasn't the save-all you think it was.

Pretend it never happened. That's what we do here in the west. And then we laugh at you.
When the majority wields the Union as a weapon against a minority it's called organized crime. ALPA, for all it's faults, never in a million years operated with such hatred and malice as your fake scab outfit.

You should try acronyms to help reduce workload, ya know, stay in the green and all that jazz..

When the MWTHUAAW its called OC..

ALPA FAIF NIAMY operated with SHAM as YFSO...
Answer the question.

You are very fortunate that I was taught from an early age to be polite. Did you ask a question? Try googling it. The internet is a fascinating resource.

While you are surfing the internet, try a Bud light, it tastes great!
You are very fortunate that I was taught from an early age to be polite. Did you ask a question? Try googling it. The internet is a fascinating resource.

While you are surfing the internet, try a Bud light, it tastes great!

Yeah, the question was...what part of binding arbitration do you not get?

Forming an entirely new union to renege on an agreement, how did that work? The nic is inevitable, and you wasted so many years because the east was so greedy that they wouldn't honor their agreement.
Can't you just feel the Love in this room?

Pretty soon you'll all be roasting marshmallows around a camp fire after dinner at Pinnacle Pete's in Scottsdale!! :lol: :lol: Then who knows? Don't worry Doug will supply the PBR! It's the least he could do which when it comes to Employees & Customers doing the least for them is what he's good at!

Its Pinnacle Peak. Has been for over 30 years.

Really, if you are gonna try to be hip, at least learn the name of the place... 🙄
You are very fortunate that I was taught from an early age to be polite. Did you ask a question? Try googling it. The internet is a fascinating resource.

While you are surfing the internet, try a Bud light, it tastes great!

So do you think Hummel has a chance of brokering a settlement between the groups?

IMO the key would be forging a deal that would allow both sides to "Save Face". That means everyone has to bend a bit. Do that and maybe Doug will take you to a nice place in Scottsdale. Maybe a round of golf at the Gainey Ranch, PBR might not be served HERE
So do you think Hummel has a chance of brokering a settlement between the groups?

IMO the key would be forging a deal that would allow both sides to "Save Face". That means everyone has to bend a bit. Do that and maybe Doug will take you to a nice place in Scottsdale. Maybe a round of golf at the Gainey Ranch, PBR might not be served HERE
what the heck are you talking about? There are no deals to be brokered, it's either the Nic. or Doh.
So do you think Hummel has a chance of brokering a settlement between the groups?

IMO the key would be forging a deal that would allow both sides to "Save Face". That means everyone has to bend a bit. Do that and maybe Doug will take you to a nice place in Scottsdale. Maybe a round of golf at the Gainey Ranch, PBR might not be served HERE
With whom is Hummel going to broker a deal?
what the heck are you talking about? There are no deals to be brokered, it's either the Nic. or Doh.
DOH has been proven to be illegal and the company is more than aware of that fact. Theyve said as much in Court. Which option does that leave?
what the heck are you talking about? There are no deals to be brokered, it's either the Nic. or Doh.

Dude there is ALWAYS a deal to be made. The open questions is are there any deal makers out there From your response the answer in NO.
Dude there is ALWAYS a deal to be made. The open questions is are there any deal makers out there From your response the answer in NO.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO and a thousand more times no, quit asking. We have explained ad nauseum why there is no deal to be had, why can't you understand that?
Dude there is ALWAYS a deal to be made. The open questions is are there any deal makers out there From your response the answer in NO.
There can't be any deals because all it would take is one pilot, east or west, to file a DFR claim if the NIC isn't used. When was the last time a group of 1,700 or 4,000 people collectively agreed on one issue without a single dissenting vote/opinion? When was the last time that same number of people, who were perfectly within their right to initiate a lawsuit, decided that they would forgo their right to use the courts even though doing so would likely result in a better outcome for them? So long as the pilots are represented by a collective bargaining agent, the NIC will ultimately be the only list for LCC pilots. SLI deals had to be made prior to May 1, 2007 and that's just the way it is.
DOH has been proven to be illegal and the company is more than aware of that fact. Theyve said as much in Court. Which option does that leave?
I know, just trying to make the point that there is no negotiations possible. Judge Silver even went as far as to say it was a waist of time to even consider it.
There can't be any deals because all it would take is one pilot, east or west, to file a DFR claim if the NIC isn't used.
Are you so naive that you cannot understand that no matter what the outcome, there will be a very credible DFR filing by at least one party? It is inevitable.

As I have said, you must first follow the procedure laid out in the transition agreement, where a completed merged contract must first be negotiated with three different parties (two pilots groups and management), then both pilot groups, east and west, must individually ratify in a separate vote, such completed merged agreement. You are trying to change the transition agreement and will trash your winning lottery ticket by doing so. Guaranteed.

It is only after the separate ramifications that someone might even begin to think about a DFR.

Otherwise you are just blowing smoke, as usual.
Are you so naive that you cannot understand that no matter what the outcome, there will be a very credible DFR filing by at least one party? It is inevitable.

As I have said, you must first follow the procedure laid out in the transition agreement, where a completed merged contract must first be negotiated with three different parties (two pilots groups and management), then both pilot groups, east and west, must individually ratify in a separate vote, such completed merged agreement. You are trying to change the transition agreement and will trash your winning lottery ticket by doing so. Guaranteed.

It is only after the separate ramifications that someone might even begin to think about a DFR.

Otherwise you are just blowing smoke, as usual.
Man you are an imbecil, like most eastholes you have absolutelly no clue.

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