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TWU Leaders Cower in Fear, while Pilots and F/A keep fighting

TWU informer

Nov 4, 2003
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Members of American Airlines's pilot and flight attendant unions gathered this morning for a march on American's Fort Worth headquarters to deliver a "no-confidence" statement from their members.
Staff Writer Terry Maxon is there and phoned in this quick report. He'll update with more photos and a longer account later.
Leaders of the two unions said more than 19,000 pilots and flight attendants signed petitions calling for new management at American.
Both Dave Bates, president of the Allied Pilots Association, and Marcus Gluth, vice president of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, said American would not return to its preeminent position among airlines until US Airways management replaced those currently in the top spots at American.
The TWU once again is absent from unionism while the non-AFL-CIO unions march on with demands.

Be afraid, Be very afraid!
Where is the responsible leadership from our union?

Its like they joined forces with the Co. , while the pilots and FA continue to fight like hell.

Didn't J Little promise to fight like Hell ????? So much for his promises. Once again he proves whose side he's on.

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Where is the responsible leadership from our union?

Its like they joined forces with the Co. , while the pilots and FA continue to fight like hell.

Didn't J Little promise to fight like Hell ????? So much for his promises. Once again he proves whose side he's on.

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He IS "fighting like hell" - or is that "like hell he's fighting"?

He hired high-priced attorneys to represent the interests of the international, not those of the rank and file that pay his $270k salary. Keep the people on board to pay dues - the company can find warm bodies at any tech school teaching rivet-pounding and parts changing to keep the twu in dues.

I do wish he'd simply give up the charades and accept the TA for us - it's save a lot of money and make things crystal-clear to the fence-sitters.
He IS "fighting like hell" - or is that "like hell he's fighting"?

He hired high-priced attorneys to represent the interests of the international, not those of the rank and file that pay his $270k salary. Keep the people on board to pay dues - the company can find warm bodies at any tech school teaching rivet-pounding and parts changing to keep the twu in dues.

I do wish he'd simply give up the charades and accept the TA for us - it's save a lot of money and make things crystal-clear to the fence-sitters.

The dude is acting like a true savior of the company. Let AMT become OSM to do Fleet Service work after laying off everyone in FService but Sam ?? Let roving gangs of underpaid former AMT's do crap jobs in any hangar, without labor loaning, and all to eliminate overtime ???????

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The other unions on the property are telling AA to pound sand and the twu is trying to sell another concessionary 6 year deal to its members. What a union no raises for 14 years which could go to 16 years. Im embarrassed to be part of the twu how do we get rid of them ?