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Us Airways Looking For Silver Lining


No where did the court state the work was not the IAM's. They merely stated it was a minor dispute.

--What good is it for the company to survive only for the employees to make poor wages?
700UW said:
If the company is succesful in breaking the IAM Mechanic and Related contract, yours will be next!.
This battle will have implications for all unionized airline workers not just U's.
justanadd said:
This battle will have implications for all unionized airline workers not just U's.
You can bet your house cat and cowboy hat on that statement !!! 😱
AOG-N-IT said:
WN is primarily a Point to Point operation..where as U is a Hub and spoke system with Hubs that are too close together to begin with.

WN flies to more places within the US...were U flies to fewer US destinations , mainly in the eastern US and dabbles with Europe and now the Carribean
US Airways Systemwide Fact Sheet

Daily Departures Airports Served
US Airways 1,160 US Airways 90


UAIR = 279 airplanes

Southwest Airlines has become the fourth largest major airline in America. We fly more than 64 million passengers a year to 58 great cities (59 airports) all over the Southwest and beyond. And we do it more than 2,700 times a day.


WN= 355 airplanes.

Thats right swa only flys to 58 destinations, the difference? they "connect the dots" they also go where the people are, high density population areas that ensure a high percentage of o/d traffic.

Lead Follow or get out of the way

😱 😱
These new LCC's are thriving because their ranks are filled with former disgruntled employees that were treated so badly by their previous airline/affiliate and they are willing to do anything they can to put their former boss out of business!

Plain and simple!

Employees can make or break your business.....the difference between make or break ........................................Now or Later!
gogogadget said:
These new LCC's are thriving because their ranks are filled with former disgruntled employees that were treated so badly by their previous airline/affiliate and they are willing to do anything they can to put their former boss out of business!

Plain and simple!

Employees can make or break your business.....the difference between make or break ........................................Now or Later!
WRONG! I worked just as hard as anyone there but it just wasn't in numbers for seniority for me, that's life. I can tell you this though, WN has treated me better than U everdid. Because of that, my motivation is to make WN as successful as possible. I worked with some great people over there why would I wish anybody to lose their job.

Thanks for the sentiment & glad that some of our former employees are doing well. Unfortunately, some see competition as a zero-sum contest - for me to have something, someone else has to give it up.

There is a place in our industry for both the LCC and efficiently managed network carriers. The key for the network carriers is to be efficient, which is different from low pay and benefits. Some are transforming (AMR for instance) while others are not (U).

Those network carriers that do not make the transformation will probably end up being a chapter in a textbook about how not to compete in the modern air transportation system.

Best wishes in your new career.

gogogadget said:
These new LCC's are thriving because their ranks are filled with former disgruntled employees that were treated so badly by their previous airline/affiliate and they are willing to do anything they can to put their former boss out of business!

Plain and simple!

Employees can make or break your business.....the difference between make or break ........................................Now or Later!
To the contrary, I feel the former employees are happy to work for compamies who care. This goes to show that any airline can easily take on employees from other carriers. I am first and foremost a f/a, not a US Airways f/a. Customers are customers...airplanes are airplanes...a sodas a soda. It makes no difference to me the name. 😉
700UW said:
Fliboi, why don't you take Mesa's work rules, pay and benefits, and worry about your job and your contract, and stay out of mine.

If the company is succesful in breaking the IAM Mechanic and Related contract, yours will be next!.
Well (spit) if i dont theres a bunch a people a waitin... So i figures on getting the best deal and workling for a livin! How abouts uuu? U uns keep on fightin and playin! In the mean times Ill keep on thinkin postive ! You ALL have a good day now!
usfliboi said:
700UW said:
Fliboi, why don't you take Mesa's work rules, pay and benefits, and worry about your job and your contract, and stay out of mine.

If the company is succesful in breaking the IAM Mechanic and Related contract, yours will be next!.
Well (spit) if i dont theres a bunch a people a waitin... So i figures on getting the best deal and workling for a livin! How abouts uuu? U uns keep on fightin and playin! In the mean times Ill keep on thinkin postive ! You ALL have a good day now!
Yep...think positively how you are going to feed your family and forget about healthcare costs because there won’t be anything left for that minor detail.

Same to you, have sweet day, err evening.