Since you apparently spent the whole night dreaming up another merger scenario, I'll repost this entire post I directed at you with hopes you may actually have the nerve to answer it. Or did it hit a little too close to home last time?
Where do I begin with this?
It was okay for ALPA to fight the "CRJ705" because of what was negotiated in the Collective Bargaining Agreements, yet the mechanics fighting for what they agreed upon is not okay, the company must adapt or change.
This makes sense only if you can admit you are trying to have it both ways. I am no fan of either management or unions, look at my posts and you can tell that much. But there is a point where everyone has their line in the sand. Apparently with ALPA it is the RJ agreement. What if the company came and said since WN announced PHL service, we need to be more cost competitive and let Mesa fly EMB170 and EMB190 aircraft and proceeded to do so? I am sure we would see ALPA legal on that post haste with our favorite A320 captain at the head of the line!
Go back and look at your postings regarding labor costs. US labor costs as a percentage of total costs is lower than the other majors and in line with the LCCs. Could it be that there is truly mismanagement on the revenue side, and no on ein CCY has the knowledge or guts to try and fix it? I'll give you an example. A friend of mine paid $980 R/T CLT-FLL leaving on Monday and returning tomorrow. His business ended early, and although he had a Y fare ticket, it was a 3 day advance Y fare and not 24 hour, so they wanted a $50 change fee to move it up on an open flight, and would not put him standby. Maybe this is the real issue and not who is overhauling an aircraft?
As for your theoretical question about allowing the A320 outsourcing in exchange for no-furlough, what about the many people who would like to return to do this work that is contractually obligated to them? How about when the company accelerates Boeing retirements and then tries to outsource the replacements for the Boeings? Do you actually believe this company will pay mechanics to sit while all that work goes out the door? Will they replace any retired workers.
There have been many grave sacrifices given by many in this company, so get off you soapbox about ALPA only giving all cost targets to the company. Every group worked off the ALPA agreements, and I applaud ALPA for being leaders in setting the bar for everyone. Maybe you need to bumped to the right seat of that Airbus to feel some more pain. Maybe you are bitter because the pension was your breaking point and ALPA did not let you have a voice in what to give. If that is the case, take it up with them, and stop warring with your fellow workers. Everyone needs to be in the fight together against the true enemy, the competition.