The UAL board is telling pilots, US and UA to delay pushbacks, sick out, etc, etc, etc, to block the merger.
I realize you guys have been through a lot, honestly I do, but do you think that acting out in a very expensive way is going to help either carrier survive?
Isn't there some other way to conduct yourself that doesn't make my job at the gates a nightmare, stranding people all over the place, people who saved all year long for their disney vacation - - in the crapper..etc...) because you wanna drive a point home?
Isn't it obvious you guys don't wanna merge through your public statements?
Is it REALLY necessary to handle it this way, REALLY? Im not trying to be flame baitey here or whatever, but if you DO make your point that way and the carrier goes under, what will you have accomplished? Where are you going to work?
Honestly....this is getting absolutely rediculous.