UseYourHead said:
Come on Bob,
Your confusing everyone with the facts
Who cares if the company is "free standing" if after years of devotion to it , if doesn't pay the bills anymore?..or honor the reasons a person joined it to begin with?
The majority of the employee's see things for what they really are..
We bear all the burdens of near poverty wages.
We bear all the burdens of pending personal BK.
WE bare all the burdens of having little to nothing to show for it after devoting our entire adult lives to this company.
Little by little the Johnny Come Lately "Robber Barons" are going to get what they want...the exodus of employee's thru retirement or simply quiting is more than evident...and the impact is obvious..or soon will be. The need for petty bribes says a lot about the state of affairs they have created.
We the rank and file are not going to sit around saying OK to crap wages , dog tired benefits..and a promise of nothing after giving this company our all for a good number of years
What are the so-called saviors of this enterprise giving? In Lakefields case...extra days of golf in Florida...but nothing from a financial standpoint
The Upper tier is giving up 5% to 10% of what are already grossly inflated payscales Vs. those of the competition. Yet the rank and file are being asked to give anywhere from 20% to 40% or more when all aspects of "The Give" are calculated.
Lets not for a moment forget how what we do here at U will impact the remainder of the industry for at least the next 15 years or so. We are being asked to ratify contracts that they will uphold to the dying breath to keep Labor poor...yet they will always have the BOD option to vote themselevs more and more.
No thanks...NO means NO....and if it means U dies to save the rest of the industry from more of the same? Let it die...and I'll move on when they lock the doors for good. A plan B makes this a liveable option....maybe they should have had a Plan B that wasn't based on the employee's under-writing their stupidity and personal greed.