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Us Airways Flight Attendants Get New Leadership

Teddy, Pay no attention to the critics. They have only one cause and that is to save their own asses. You on the other hand speak for the majority memership and they knew your beliefs BEFORE they elected you. God Bless, Savy!
None of this matters.....The result will be the same.... anyone who thinks differently, needs their head examined. This is politics, and will not affect the outcome of what will happen. She will have to tread lightly!!
Teddy, Congratulations!!!! I understand that there is a tough road ahead, but I believe that you are the right person for the job. Don't listen to all the naysayers on here, they are scared (pilots & mgt & weak(usfli???) Some of us are actually relieved that you will take the helm.
This management has less than two months to reach a T/A with the AFA negotiating team...otherwise, on January 1, things are really going to change around AFA!

Hopefully, we will see some kind of balance and movement on the company's part with their proposal.
I think Teddy has her work cut out for her..........But she has cajones!!!! (For a girl that is) 🙂
Jennyann said:
I think Teddy has her work cut out for her..........But she has cajones!!!! (For a girl that is) 🙂

I believe it would be "Orkhis" for a Greek girl that is.
Hopefully, we will see some kind of balance and movement on the company's part with their proposal.

BALANCE? LIKE a PAYCHECK that a FLIGHT ATTENDANT can actually survive on?

You're right about Teddy in some ways. The majority of flight attendants do believe she's on our side, from what I hear.

Jerry Glass is the polar opposite of Teddy. Teddy is selfless, Jerry is selfish. Teddy cares about people, Jerry cares about lining his own pocket at any expense. Teddy sees the Big Picture, Jerry sees the short-term how much money can he make.

Teddy is here for the long run. Jerry is here to make as much money as he can as fast as possible and then bail with a golden parachute.

Jerry is in the top twenty of the highest paid HR people (2003), check out Hoover's for the details. I did. Teddy is in the lower rungs of pay for the flight attendant group.

Teddy is passionate, Jerry is calculating.

Teddy looks good in high heels. Jerry has cloven hooves. :lol: He needs all that money for the specially made shoes to cover them.

Of course, this is just my opinion. I still like my go-go boots. They match my gone-gone paycheck and benefits so nicely. It's important to accessorize, you know.

Dea 🙄
PITbull said:
This management has less than two months to reach a T/A with the AFA negotiating team...otherwise, on January 1, things are really going to change around AFA!

Hopefully, we will see some kind of balance and movement on the company's part with their proposal.
Pitbull, nothing will be differently on Jan1... If Mss Exodus tries some terriorist activity, she will be taken out real quick. Its comments like that that amazes me, she will be very in effective... One good thing, is if the contracts in place prior to Jan1, she cant take credit, and what will she have left . I hear a rumbling, she wont have anything to lead, since afa may not be on this property long!
usfliboi said:
Pitbull, nothing will be differently on Jan1... If Mss Exodus tries some terriorist activity, she will be taken out real quick. Its comments like that that amazes me, she will be very in effective... One good thing, is if the contracts in place prior to Jan1, she cant take credit, and what will she have left . I hear a rumbling, she wont have anything to lead, since afa may not be on this property long!

Hey fli,

LOL...why in the heck would you think Teddy would want to take credit for such a piece of _ _ _ _ contract? How in the heck do you know anything will ratify?

THE ONLY WAY THAT PROPOSAL WILL RATIFY IS BECAUSE OF THE "FURLOUH PACKAGE"...in which Teddy is responsible for the concept and genesis.

Then again, if tht piece changes, depending on what's in the rest of the proposal, along with how deep the wage cut is, there STILL may not be ratification.
usfliboi said:
Pitbull, nothing will be differently on Jan1... If Mss Exodus tries some terriorist activity, she will be taken out real quick. Its comments like that that amazes me, she will be very in effective... One good thing, is if the contracts in place prior to Jan1, she cant take credit, and what will she have left . I hear a rumbling, she wont have anything to lead, since afa may not be on this property long!

I bet you live in a dwelling that has no windows, that you basically live a dull life full of fear and hopelessness maybe due to a poor childhood. Your writings bring no sunshine because your world is a dark place and it shows in your every post trying to convince the readers all is wrong and we are must give in and accept the worse possibilities for their lives. I can assure you that when your posts appear, people don’t read them to fill themselves with light and hope but are instead prepared to read a defeated individual ranting of despair that is full doom and gloom convinced there is not way out.

You’re dead wrong, but I’ll never convince you, only you can convince you.

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