Most excellent! Teddy is a born leader and god knows we all need leadership these days. Congrats Teddy and WTG!!
TWA???? Where the hell are they today?? That scope really means alot to those guys who don't have a company anymore!!! 700, that was a really bad post on your part700UW said:142 has a great track record for fighting for its membership.
TWA never gave up any scope language.
Phantom Fixer said:Lets not for a moment forget how what we do here at U will impact the remainder of the industry for at least the next 15 years or so....
No thanks...NO means NO....and if it means U dies to save the rest of the industry from more of the same? Let it die...and I'll move on when they lock the doors for good. A plan B makes this a liveable option....maybe they should have had a Plan B that wasn't based on the employee's under-writing their stupidity and personal greed.
US1YFARE said:Oh brother. If you really think you are going to change this industry, you are sadly mistaken. If US dies, the unions will be blamed. If US lives, management will be thanked. Face facts.
To all of those F/A's who continue to provide the highest level of customer service despite what is going on, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. It is recognized and appreciated by your customers.
Funny, this is the exact opposite of what the "experts" are saying.NeedForSpeedNFS said:I feel that the position the company is in, the more militant the unions' stance, the closer to doom you will be!!
UseYourHead said:Phantom,
Don't think for a minute that what we do will change the direction of the industry, that trend is much bigger than us.
IOW, falling on our sword will not save the industry, just be clear.
UseYourHead said:Phantom,
Don't think for a minute that what we do will change the direction of the industry, that trend is much bigger than us.
IOW, falling on our sword will not save the industry, just be clear.
diogenes said:I agree. The problem is MUCH larger than aviation - it crosses industries and borders.
Somewhere, working folks have to stop the regression to the 1920's.
"If not now, when?"
If not us, who?"
What is at stake is the working conditions we and our children will face down the line.
Now I understand the corporate fantasy of a payscale of $8-12 for the entire working class - they get to make any stupid decision they please, and make a profit.
Now, there is a whole book that could be written on the ins and outs of that; I'll merely pose one aspect.
Under such a wage scenario, there would be little pressure on the powers that be to compete, which they tout as virtue, for better ideas, as they could profit under the status quo.
700UW said:US Airways Flight Attendants Get New Leadership
Tuesday November 9, 5:40 pm ET
Xidas, Brannon, Miller to Head Master Executive Council
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- In an election held today, officers of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA at US Airways elected a new Master Executive Council.
The balloting resulted in the election of Pittsburgh Local Executive Council President Teddy Xidas as Master Executive Council president, replacing incumbent Perry Hayes; and of Boston Local Executive Council President Walter Brannon as Master Executive Council Vice President, replacing Roger Holmin. Master Executive Council Secretary-Treasurer Leslie Miller was reelected to her post.
New Leadership for the AFA!