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Flight Attendant Classes in 2006

Some are maxed out on the HP/US pay scale at 37.59 per hour and after 17.5 yrs absolutely LOVE the job, can not imagine doing anything else, but choose to stay and fight.
Doing what you love IS very important.
Are some sickened when they hear how much FAs at WN or CO are making? Of course. But the seniority issue has some locked in.
Those with small children can not start over on the bottom of the seniority list elsewhere and never have holidays of special events off.
Some have to provide health insurance for an entire family. And, even tho the premiums have gone up, the coverage down, and the pay is still the same, insurance at HP is decent.

Congratulations, Pittbull, on your new career, Good luck to you. Thanks for all your hard work on our behalf.
Those with small children can not start over on the bottom of the seniority list elsewhere and never have holidays of special events off.

So I wonder why some HP FAs think that some US FAs should have to do just that.
Some are maxed out on the HP/US pay scale at 37.59 per hour and after 17.5 yrs absolutely LOVE the job, can not imagine doing anything else, but choose to stay and fight.
Doing what you love IS very important.
Are some sickened when they hear how much FAs at WN or CO are making? Of course. But the seniority issue had some locked in.
Those with small chldren can not start over on the bottom of the seniority list elsewhere and never have holidays of special events off.
Some have to provide health insurance for an entire family. And, even tho the premiums have gone up, the coverage down, and the pay is still the same, insurance at HP is decent.

Congratulations, Pittbull, on your new career, Good luck to you. Thanks for all your hard work on our behalf.
Very well said Desertgal, I've been trying to say the same thing but have been in such a foul mood (my own fault)lately that I just couldn't get it out right. Anyway I just wish that we could all meet somewhere in the middle, I mean we are all on the same team and pretty much going for the same goal. I just wish that we could ALL stop with the bickering and get on the same page. After all pretty soon we're going to be negotiating for a combined contract and we are really going to need to get it together for that. Pitbull is right, we are not in BK anymore, at the same time we probably realize that we are not Lufthansa either, that being said I think we can all agree that we deserve to earn a decent living where we can afford a dependable car, own a nice house, and afford decent healthcare. We're going to have our chance really soon, I just hope we don't blow it because we're too busy nitpicking over what we should name First Class.
Who said that?
I'm not sure that anyone said it but way back in Sept and Oct when the unions were fighting the DOH issue I think it was suggested. Not sure if you kept up with that but the West AFA contested the AFA bylaws that say during a merger between 2 AFA carriers seniority goes by DOH. They did not feel that it was fair because the FA group at US is/was really senior. I think it is a little more drawn out than that but pretty much that is the plot. I think we are way passed that now (at least I hope).
So I wonder why some HP FAs think that some US FAs should have to do just that.

FlyOnWall, are you an East FA?
If so, I'm sorry if somehow you were given that impression, but I personally don't know anyone, nor have ever heard of anyone with this point of view.

We're going to have our chance really soon, I just hope we don't blow it because we're too busy nitpicking over what we should name First Class.

Since when has HP been a legacy carrier??? They're not even 25 years old yet.

I am not in ignorance land, but NO ONE seems to be able to grasp the fact that our entire industry has undergone a radical change. If you can't accept that, then find something else to do! Everyone wants to hold on to whatever they can, instead of getting it through your thick heads that it's all different now.

I never knew what A-scale felt like, making $36 per flight hour. I started at $20, furloughed at $23.59, back at MAA at $17.67, and now to HP at about $19.18. This is MY decision, and being called ignorant for something I love doing isn't right. Because I love this job, I don't care about the money. This job will never make me a millionaire, and if I can just stay on and not get furloughed, then I will be able to have a comfortable living. Nothing is worth having without a little struggle, so I don't care if this job isn't handed to me on a silver platter. So if you don't mind, unless you have a solution, don't continue to be apart of the problem.

Will you next suggest I not join the union or pay union dues for the unjust work conditions I am returning to? Give it at rest!


Closed Shop. You don't have a choice to join a union or not. Now whether you participate is another issue.

Your mentality keeps wages low. You are a part of the problem with your minset, and you don't even know it. You can struggle all day every day, but unless someone is in your corner fighting hard for increases and affordable medical, it won't come your way because the top guys feel bad for you.

In case you haven't looked in your back yard...you merged with a legacy carrier with the majority operation and majority employees all in one... and by merging, put you're #8 ### position in #5 position. Our years didn't just get buried there, pal. And your Execs get paid legacy salary, legacy bonus and legacy stock options with life time health care.

You're a legacy. Welcome to the big leagues. And I suggest you start acting like the big leagues and expect big things and great things to happen. Your execs do and have prepared a nice compensation package for themselves in anticipation of those great things.

By expecting nothing, you get nothing and deserve nothing.

Strange how airline folks think...they have been put down so long and think they should be working just for food. Thank god for the long time folks who fought hard to keep wages as fair as possible. Hopefully, there are some strong ones among you that believe enough to think they deserve a decent livlihood for their contributions to the success of an organization.
Incidentally, the Inflight training program at HP has been reduced to 5weeks.
Where are you getting this info from...they have sent us paperwork stating 7 weeks and i asked a friend who is there right now and nothing has changed..it is still 7 weeks.
I was just told my class starts March 20th and training is 5 1/2 weeks this came right from the mouth of recruiter inviting me to training around 2PM PST today. I consider that pretty much to be the truth. But we know how this industry is, it could change no less 1500 times between now and then 🙂