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Us Airways Flight Attendants Get New Leadership

I bet Hawk, Real World and Zues are cringing!

Congrats to Ms Xidas.
I agree SpinDoc,

This will be much like the 4 fools in ALPA that lead us to the disaster we arrived at. Like that, the FAs will not be well served as well.

Good luck to us all, we'll need it.

Funny thing is, with this kind of ignorance, the company will end up getting deeper cuts for even lower costs...it just too bad that the FAs (and others) will pay for it.

SpinDoc said:
This is GOOD news? You all need to have your collective
heads examined. This will do nothing but put additional
roadblocks in the path of emergence, and may even lead
to a shutdown of the company given the militant
comments that have been posted on here in the past
by you know who.
700UW said:
I bet Hawk, Real World and Zues are cringing!

Congrats to Ms Xidas.

I'm sure the cast of characters in CCY are all out buying new undergarments on our dime right about now. 😛

Congratulations to Ms. Xidas on a well deserved victory....and thankfully thier is no wait on the Florida ballots on this.

I only wish Teddy had time to represent the IAM too !!! 😀
Hey Teddy,

Make this comment to the bankruptcy JUDGE--->It's hard for me to believe that a CEO of an airline can stand up in front of a bankruptcy judge and plead that it is necessary for his company to terminate all of the employees' pensions but make no mention of his $$$$$$$million pension plan.
Why doesn't the judge cut his as well? Lead by example, I say.

L1011Ret said:
Both the TWA pilots and F/As gave up scope in return for a "fair and equitable" seniority integration by AA. Although the promise was put in writing, AA did not follow through on their promise. All the TWA F/As are on the street and perhaps 60-70% of the pilots too.

AA or Don Carty was not the legal bargaining representatives for the AA employees. AA gave the TWA people company time but the unions totally control the union seniority lists. AA fulfilled it's promise by hiring a facilitator to facilitate discussions between AA unions and TWA's unions. AA could do no more. Carty could have offered his first born to the AA unions but it would not have changed their stance. AA's unions had the legal responsibility to protect AA incumbents and this was affirmed in the TWA pilots suit which dismissed all the TWA pilots' claims against APA, AA, and TWA Airlines,llc.
My apologies for posting this on the U board. But I felt I had to respond.
They were aquired by AA and TWA was kept alive by the concessions of the employees since the majority of them were IAM.

But glad to see you "Chiame" in again with your anti-union venom.
Oh………….Do you hear that?.............Some one needs trained on how to press the “copyâ€￾ button on the photocopy machine. You better go and help them. By the way if your company has a dental plan you should use it. It so nice to see you at Roachfest this year. Why do you shake hands like a chick?


Come on Bob,

Your confusing everyone with the facts


PineyBob said:
But they ain't alive as a free standing company are they? That's not anti union that's pro fact.
Well put Bob.

PineyBob said:
"Some one needs trained on" Spoken like a true Yinzer. BTW they aren't "Copier Machines" anymore. They can scan, print, fax & copy now, plus be fully integrated into a companies records retention system.

Why get personal? When people show you who they are Believe them! Thanks PITGUY for showing us who you are.
UseYourHead said:
Come on Bob,

Your confusing everyone with the facts


Who cares if the company is "free standing" if after years of devotion to it , if doesn't pay the bills anymore?..or honor the reasons a person joined it to begin with?

The majority of the employee's see things for what they really are..

We bear all the burdens of near poverty wages.

We bear all the burdens of pending personal BK.

WE bare all the burdens of having little to nothing to show for it after devoting our entire adult lives to this company.

Little by little the Johnny Come Lately "Robber Barons" are going to get what they want...the exodus of employee's thru retirement or simply quiting is more than evident...and the impact is obvious..or soon will be. The need for petty bribes says a lot about the state of affairs they have created.

We the rank and file are not going to sit around saying OK to crap wages , dog tired benefits..and a promise of nothing after giving this company our all for a good number of years

What are the so-called saviors of this enterprise giving? In Lakefields case...extra days of golf in Florida...but nothing from a financial standpoint

The Upper tier is giving up 5% to 10% of what are already grossly inflated payscales Vs. those of the competition. Yet the rank and file are being asked to give anywhere from 20% to 40% or more when all aspects of "The Give" are calculated.

Lets not for a moment forget how what we do here at U will impact the remainder of the industry for at least the next 15 years or so. We are being asked to ratify contracts that they will uphold to the dying breath to keep Labor poor...yet they will always have the BOD option to vote themselevs more and more.

No thanks...NO means NO....and if it means U dies to save the rest of the industry from more of the same? Let it die...and I'll move on when they lock the doors for good. A plan B makes this a liveable option....maybe they should have had a Plan B that wasn't based on the employee's under-writing their stupidity and personal greed.
WTG Teddy!

(sorry, but can't say the same for Buddy. He was dead wood for Boston, and hardly a single flight attendant in the Boston base hired 1997 or later ever met the guy. Boston flight attendants rightly gave him the boot a number of weeks ago. Rumor has it that he actually attended a Chaos event in 99, but sightings were unconfirmed.)
Phantom Fixer said:
and if it means U dies to save the rest of the industry from more of the same? Let it die...and I'll move on when they lock the doors for good.

Oh brother. If you really think you are going to change this industry, you are sadly mistaken. If US dies, the unions will be blamed. If US lives, management will be thanked. Face facts.

To all of those F/A's who continue to provide the highest level of customer service despite what is going on, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. It is recognized and appreciated by your customers.